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SheZow Makes Conservatives Lose Their Minds

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  • catcul
    Originally posted by smileyeagle1021 View Post
    The worse it gets, the happier they are, because the more they have to sacrifice, and the more points they think they are getting.
    You do realize that a comedian once said about that mentality. He said, "That's like saying, 'Hitting your head over and over again feels good once you stop.'"

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  • smileyeagle1021
    Originally posted by Gravekeeper View Post
    I mean geez, guys. Doesn't being that angry at everything get tiring after a while?

    They must spend their entire lives in constant outrage that the whole world doesn't agree with what their parents said when they were six.
    Nope, never gets tiring, because when they were 6 they were taught that the highest honor was self sacrifice and dare I say martyrdom for faith and country. The worse it gets, the happier they are, because the more they have to sacrifice, and the more points they think they are getting.

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  • crashhelmet
    Originally posted by dendawg View Post
    Makes me wonder what these critics think of Bugs Bunny?
    I remember seeing an episode of Rush Limbaugh's old TV show where he "investigated" the "so-called evidence" of Bugs Bunny promoting bestiality, homosexuality, and cross dressing.

    He couldn't find it. Not one single speck of evidence.

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  • dendawg
    Makes me wonder what these critics think of Bugs Bunny?

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  • crashhelmet
    Weren't there several episodes of Fairly Odd Parents where little Timmy gets turned into a girl? I don't remember any objections to those, either

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  • catcul
    I can understand some censorship when it comes to selling a children's cartoon. Some of the violence from "Beast King GoLion" is extremely graphic. They had to do some major editing to make "Voltron." Most US parents would never let their children watch it with the violence left in.

    Here is a link to an example. (Warning: not safe for work or lunch)

    Still, the violence in "SheZow" is no worse than what a child would see in most other cartoons.

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  • lordlundar
    Originally posted by Gravekeeper View Post
    Yes, Neptune and Uranus were turned into cousins and Zoicite was changed into a woman to avoid Teh Gay with him and Malachite. It was also censored up the wazoo and tons of the more violent scenes were cut. ( Sallor Mars bitchslapping Sailor Moon for example ;p ).
    To add SM:Sailor Stars was never officially released on NA channels like the previous ones were and even S and SuperS took ages to get brought over.

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  • D_Yeti_Esquire
    Just a quick point that both Sailor Moon and Ranma were intentionally geared for an older audience (teenagers) where where I'm not sure SheZow isn't geared much younger. The target might also be teenagers but it looks like something Not that there's a problem with it either, I just don't think we have a full blown apples to apples comparison between the shows.

    As for the "debate", since I've watched on multiple sites I'll say it wasn't only conservatives getting twisted on it. The creator has basically said he did it because he thought it would be fun and it lent itself to comedy. But there are a lot of people that do want it to be more than that and they do see some form of representation of themselves in it which is fine. So I've seen progressives that got mad because a kids show wasn't taking a more political stance. Ugh. Must be a weekday.

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  • violiav
    I think the censoring only made the originals a bigger draw.
    The Sailor Stars were a group of guys that turned into women when they used their powers. I don't remember if that was chopped or what. It was intact for the Sailor Moon RPG.

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  • Gravekeeper
    Originally posted by catcul View Post
    I think the US distribution company was afraid of the controversy of having Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus in a romantic relationship. In the US version, they're cousins.
    Yes, Neptune and Uranus were turned into cousins and Zoicite was changed into a woman to avoid Teh Gay with him and Malachite. It was also censored up the wazoo and tons of the more violent scenes were cut. ( Sallor Mars bitchslapping Sailor Moon for example ;p ).

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  • catcul
    Originally posted by violiav View Post
    Where, oh where was the right when we were watching Sailor Moon in the 90's/early 00's? Sailor Stars anyone?
    I think the US distribution company was afraid of the controversy of having Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus in a romantic relationship. In the US version, they're cousins.

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  • Aethian
    What about Ranma 1/2?

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  • Gravekeeper
    I remember reading this a few weeks back and I laughed bitterly. US "Conservatives" are practically cartoon villains at this point. I mean geez, guys. Doesn't being that angry at everything get tiring after a while?

    They must spend their entire lives in constant outrage that the whole world doesn't agree with what their parents said when they were six.

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  • violiav
    Where, oh where was the right when we were watching Sailor Moon in the 90's/early 00's? Sailor Stars anyone?

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  • catcul
    started a topic SheZow Makes Conservatives Lose Their Minds

    SheZow Makes Conservatives Lose Their Minds

    I'm sure some of you have heard that a show called "SheZow" started airing in the US on June 1 on the HUB Network.

    The Daily Dot and BuzzFeed both do a better job of describing the show than I could. The Daily Dot put together the following graphic.

    Predictably, some of these conservatives are angry because a 12-year-old boy turns into a female superhero. They're saying that HUB is "pushing the gay agenda" and "creating another generation of degenerates." According to them, it's also a "soon-to-be dud."

    I have a few issues with how "SheZow" is being portrayed by the right wing.

    *SheZow is not "transgendered" or "transsexual;" SheZow is probably a transvestite (cross-dresser).
    *I have watched three episodes, and I see nothing sexually inappropriately that the main characters engage in. The most inappropriate thing I have seen is Tara (the blond in the green jumpsuit) flirt with Boxter (Guy's father) in his house in front of his wife and two children. Droosha shuts that down very quickly.
    *As for the "soon-to-be dud" comment, I've seen the show, and the art work looks great, the animation is very smooth, and for being a silly cartoon, it is well written. It's silly without being obnoxious. About the only thing I don't like about the artwork is that the characters are often drawn with one eye bigger than the other.

    Oh no! This cartoon is turning us all evil! Serously, I am ashamed that I share a country with these people.

    Relevant Links:

    HUB Network
    Daily Dot
    Last edited by Dips; 07-10-2013, 04:35 PM. Reason: replaced oversized image with link