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Inconsiderate People

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  • Inconsiderate People

    I'll use one of my neighbors as an example, because I'm pretty sure some of my neighbors' pictures are in the dictionary under that word.

    Last Sunday afternoon, I came home from my boyfriend's house and walked up the stairs.

    Now I live in one of the two middle upstairs apartments. The asshole outdoorsman I talk about lives on the end, right by the stairwell.

    He came home from his usual weekend hunting/fishing/whatever excursion and had left his boots, a blanket and two towels and some other random stuff right outside of his door, just laying there in the way for people to walk over.

    If anyone wants to second guess me and say "Well maybe he just got home and wanted to turn on his heat and get settled and then bring his stuff in", I'll let you know that after I hopped over his crap and got inside my apartment, I started running bath water, put some stuff away and made some juice and went to have a cigg or two and call a friend before bed......and he never came out to get his crap.

    Other people live here too, you fucking jerk.

    The night that someone puked on my shoes, I got home and washed them off outside and left them by the railing, so that just in case my other neighbor was going to go to work soon (he works at 3 or 4 am) he wouldn't trip over them on his way downstairs.

    That and my other neighbor, when he decided to put a chair outside to use when he smokes outside, was nice and whenever he is done, he folds the chair up so that no one trips over it, since there's not much room on the porch.