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When are you going back to school?

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  • bhskittykatt
    I had to drop out of university after I moved out on my own. Living expenses meant I couldn't afford tuition, and because of that stupid "Estimated Family Contribution", I couldn't qualify for financial aid.

    I'm just now starting to go back, now that I'm married and 24. I took my prereqs this year for the Physical Therapy Assistant program at the local com. college. I missed the application deadline for the program, so I'm accruing job shadow hours until I can apply next November and start in spring of 2013.

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  • blas87
    My work does tuition reimbursement, but it's only for programs that relate to the work we do, and it's for people who are planning on a career at that place, unfortunately.

    And, I have no desire to be in management or an engineer or in electro-mechanic.

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  • SkullKing
    I never understood why so many colleges(especially in the U.S.A.) offer scholarships to academic courses for sport players.

    For example: My school has sports scholarships, but it also has sport related courses(i.e.: Physical Education)

    My previous school was exclusively a engineering school, and it only gave scholarships for academic excellence, and for people who didnĀ“t have the money to pay for full tuition.

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  • mikoyan29
    I went to college but I don't think everyone should go to college. I think that if you are able to go to college, you should have the means to do so. You shouldn't have to be $60 to $100,000 in debt as you are starting off life. That is a pretty tough hurdle to overcome so soon in your life. I guess I was pretty fortunate in that I went to school before tuition started to go ballistic.

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  • blas87
    My grades weren't that great, but they weren't bad. I graduated in the top 50% of my class, but that wasn't really hard considering the hillbillies around here.

    But yeah, I had a job starting freshman year and I had to pay for my own gas, insurance, whatever food I wanted that wasn't included in regular grocery shopping, my own clothes and fun money. So that left NO time for any clubs or sports (not like I wanted any of that anyway). So, nope, no scholarship for the working class gal.

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  • Giggle Goose
    Originally posted by blas87 View Post
    I I'm white and didn't get knocked up, so therefore, no free money for me. I wasn't good at anything enough to get scholarships.
    So true! I wish they had scholarships for kids with "ok" grades that didn't participate in every extracurricular activity under the sun because they had to make their own spending money. But since that's for your own personal gain, you don't deserve a scholarship, apparently. My high school was full of such brainiacs that my 3.2 GPA just didn't cut it. I also worked a lot of hours since my mom made us all buy our own clothes and help out with bills. Guess who didn't get any free $$?

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  • tropicsgoddess
    I've been wanting to go back to school for a long time but couldn't supporting a house on one income and living in a county that had high costs of living. Now that I moved, I have to wait till I make a year to not get charged out the ass for out of state tuition fees but also after I get married since SO and I are footing the bill for our wedding (a little bg: my parents paid for their own wedding and expect me and my sisters to do the same when we each get married which is okay because I don't want somebody to toss their weight around on something I and FH should make the final decisions on because they have the purse strings). Besides that I need a car first...I had to sell my old one before moving up north since it was an old car that wouldn't be able to handle the snow or a long ass drive. *sigh*

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  • blas87
    Venting is good and healthy. Most of mine is done here, but I do quite a bit of it while I clean and do laundry. I feel the frustration kind of gives me that extra elbow grease

    And I hear ya on the insomnia. Four straight 12 hour shifts, and I barely slept a wink at my parents' house today, took a little nap this evening, and now I cannot get to bed. I have a bad feeling I'll be wasting most of tomorrow asleep, at least until noon or later.

    I have to move back to my parents' house when my lease is up, unfortunately and I am not looking forward to it. But I was thinking if I live there and don't have to pay rent and only have to worry about my car payment and insurance and credit card bills, I could go part-time at my work on weekends and enroll in the one year hair school, and then go back to the factory full time and do hair on the weekends for extra money, then at least I'd have extra income to go back to school yet again for what I really want to do, which would be get into a paralegal program and after I get a decent job with that degree, go to law school.

    Ah, dreams.

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  • Teysa
    It sounds like you're doing pretty good for yourself. From your other posts, I don't blame you one bit for leaving home as soon as you could.

    By the way, it's amazing how much better I feel after that little vent. I should try that more often. Now to get rid of this insomnia *sigh*

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  • blas87
    I hear you!

    I haven't been to college yet. I myself know it's never too late, but if you ask my parents or any of my relatives...........oooooh noes you haven't been to schooool yet!

    Well, I broke my parents' "rule" and didn't get good enough grades to get their help with school. I'm white and didn't get knocked up, so therefore, no free money for me. I wasn't good at anything enough to get scholarships. So, what would you do? Go straight to school and put yourself in debt until your 30s just because you MUST go to college?

    I decided to get a "real" full time job with benefits. Unfortunately, I fucked myself over because I wanted to live alone (I HAD to get away from my parents, staying there was no longer an option, FFS I was still being grounded and given a curfew at age 19 because of my "attitude" and "need to learn a lesson and respect") and it got to the point where I couldn't do school and work at the same time because it would hurt me too much financially.

    I'm hoping I can go back to school before I get too close to 30. If I can get a place with someone else so I don't have to rely on overtime or working full time and juggling, it'd be a lot easier.

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  • Teysa
    started a topic When are you going back to school?

    When are you going back to school?

    I have been out of school since the early 90s. I thought I was going back last summer. Unfortunately that didn't go through. I was pretty upset about that but maybe it's for the best. However, every time I talk to my dad he asks when I'm going back to school. Don't get me wrong, I love him dearly but this is getting really fricking irritating.

    Hmm. Unless I can get 100% of my tuition paid through grants or loans etc, it's not happening! I would love to go back to school but right now we're barely making ends meet. It doesn't help that the hours at my job suck right now. I like the work but I'm paying more for the gas out there than I'm making every week. Case in point, I got less than three hours last week.

    Of course, dear old dad also has to ask if I'm still looking for a better job. No, I enjoy getting paid peanuts. I've been putting in applications left right and center. It's not like jobs grow on trees. Even a degree isn't going to magically give me a better job.