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Culture Shock....oh wow!

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  • Culture Shock....oh wow!

    When I was in high school I kept hearing, "Someday your going to get out in the real world and your going to experience culture shock."

    Well I reached my 30th birthday and truly nothing had really given me this culture shock. Everything worked pretty much how it did in high school not a lot of surprises of a cultural nature.

    That all changed yesterday. I experienced massive culture shock. I bumped into a world view that was so alien to me so ridiculously ludicrous and yet at the same time was an echo was achingly familiar and oh so wrong.

    "You know it's all going downhill in 3 years it's all going to be chaos and we are going to be running all over the streets everyone for themselves"

    I heard that yesterday. I said that 15 years ago.

    That was the shock. I looked over the group of kids having that conversation a group of them probably no older than 15 saying something that I have long since learned isn't as easy as all of that.

    Suddenly it felt like I was looking into a window watching myself in the past smirking as my younger self bumbled around trying to find his place in the world. For a moment I wanted to stop him to tell him that it isn't like that. Tell him that no matter how nutty the world seems he will find his place and make sense of his little corner of it.

    Then I thought about what I would have said at 15 smirked shook my head and continued walking. It will be his turn someday.

    So Culture Shock anyone what was your moment of "OMG"
    Jack Faire