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Your a goth I'm a uhm well I dunno

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  • Your a goth I'm a uhm well I dunno

    Hello my name is Abby Ima Normal.

    Get it ha ha.

    Anyway point is I don't dress in any particular way I don't really have a style. I wear jeans, tshirts, and Hawaiian shirts.

    That's about as specific as my style gets. As such you can't look at me and know that I like Britney Spears music or that Falling Away from me is one of my favorite songs.

    You don't know my dark side, my side or even my fluffy pink bunny side.

    But why should I have to dress that way? Why can't I get dates with girls into the kinds of things I am into unless I go cover myself in tats put on a bunch of dark clothing and advertise that I thought Requiem for a Dream was one of the most mind blowing flicks ever.

    Why wear a costume to advertise that I like what they like why do they just assume I am johnny normal?

    Seems short sighted.
    Jack Faire

  • #2
    Are you in high school or college? I'm asking because in those environments people are still into the clique mentality. People look for visual clues as to what "clique" someone is in. For instance, cheerleaders usually fit a certain profile - they're physically attractive and wear "fashion"-type make-up. The geeks are the people who wear clothing that isn't considered "cool" or are otherwise strange (i.e. they don't fit people's perceptions of "cool").

    I would hope that once you are out of those environments where people are focused on physical signs rather than personality, you'll be able to find the girl you're looking for.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Seifer View Post
      I would hope that once you are out of those environments where people are focused on physical signs rather than personality, you'll be able to find the girl you're looking for.
      Sadly in my city people don't seem to grow out of looking for the physical signs. Everyone seems very cliquish as adults and if your wearing business casual then of course you must not care about the environment.

      Everything from your sexuality to what kind of music you must like is judged based on what your wearing.

      Hell even your life experience, "Oh your not wearing all black and covered in tattoos you have never known a day of pain in fact your one of those happy little people from the suburbs"

      It seems mostly to be people that dress to match whatever subculture it is they primarily identify with.
      Jack Faire


      • #4
        Heh, they'd love me...I'll go from buisness casual to wearing a kilt to wearing my uniform pretty much at random
        Happiness is too rare in this world to actually lose it because someone wishes it upon you. -Flyndaran


        • #5
          Originally posted by jackfaire View Post
          It seems mostly to be people that dress to match whatever subculture it is they primarily identify with.
          The people in your area must be rather less than mature if they have to wear uniforms to help others identify which cultures they follow.

          I remember that sort of crap going on in high school. I ignored it then, and I've ignored it for the last 20 years. My last relationship lasted nearly a decade, and my current relationship was a friendship for all of that time and has been a full partnership for even longer.

          I'm of the opinion that if you have to change what you do in order to attract someone, then the someone you end up attracting will not be the someone you want or deserve.

          Note, this does not include personal improvements such as, say, better manners or the like.

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #6
            A quote I've often been fond of:

            "'Goth' by my definition is more of a state of mind rather than a fashion statement. When someone says the word 'Goth' you think of stuff like Marilyn Manson, Dead Dolls, Edgar Allen Poe, and anything to do with Vampires or eye-liner. I personally don't like that stereotype. It's like saying the black kid on the basketball court HAS to be good at basketball, because he's black, or the white kid can't rap because he's just some wannabe white boy. I think terms like 'Goth' are subjective based on the individual's personality and go way beyond wearing black clothes and buying the last Anne Rice novel. I don't dress like a goth, or have any weird colored hair, I'm pretty normal and you probably wouldn't even notice me on the street, but my mind tends to be of the darker kind. If you want to categorize that as 'Goth' than I guess I am."
            — Jonathan Ian Mathers, iLL WiLL PreSS
            "I take it your health insurance doesn't cover acts of pussy."


            • #7
              Originally posted by jackfaire View Post
              It seems mostly to be people that dress to match whatever subculture it is they primarily identify with.
              It's pretty much the same here unfortunately, almost everyone dresses to fit in with their subculture. I wear whatever is comfy, even if it means going out to a nice resturant in a pair of jeans, a tanktop and a half-buttoned shirt. I use the label of 'metalhead' to refer to myself, because I'm too damn lazy to conform to the high-maintanence female goth aesthetic. *Shrugs* As for the other assumptions, I tend to make people feel like idiots when they try to tell me that I've had a happy and easy life because I'm not tatted up with black hair and loads of scars.

              Besides, they're just jealous of my awesome manners and the way I can gracefully discuss theology with high-ranking church members while wearing a corset and a tutu!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mishi View Post
                I tend to make people feel like idiots when they try to tell me that I've had a happy and easy life because I'm not tatted up with black hair and loads of scars.
                lol Yeah I get the same thing. Also my older brother is jealous when I visit him in his town and all people from the 'freaks' to the 'normies' are totally cool with me and can hang with me.

                One thing I hate is yes I am a geek I love comic books, video games etc.

                I also love movies of all kinds. Yet if I hear, "Well at least he is man enough to wear (kilt, dress, etc)" I don't wear odd clothing like that because I don't want to because to me cargo pants are comfortable I love baggy (NOT saggy my ass is covered thank you) pants and hoodies it's just how I roll doesn't make me less of a man cuz I choose not to wear clothing I would be physically uncomfortable in.
                Jack Faire


                • #9
                  Originally posted by jackfaire View Post
                  I also love movies of all kinds. Yet if I hear, "Well at least he is man enough to wear (kilt, dress, etc)"
                  I have never understood the female fascination with men in kilts. When I see your typical guy in a kilt, I don't think, "Wow, he's man enough to wear a kilt!" Usually it's more like, "Wow, he has chicken legs!" Unless you are actually in Scotland and holding bagpipes, then no.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by AdminAssistant View Post
                    I have never understood the female fascination with men in kilts. When I see your typical guy in a kilt, I don't think, "Wow, he's man enough to wear a kilt!" Usually it's more like, "Wow, he has chicken legs!" Unless you are actually in Scotland and holding bagpipes, then no.
                    My wife loves it when I wear my kilt (usually to weddings or other formal occasions) - she reckons my legs are my best feature.

                    I suspect she's right, for a long time I was morbidly obese, and carrying my fat arse around all day put muscles on my legs like you wouldn't believe.


                    • #11
                      Half of the time I look homeless and the other half of the time I look like a slut.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by blas87 View Post
                        Half of the time I look homeless and the other half of the time I look like a slut.
                        Depends on who is doing the looking, dressing up nicely =/= slut.


                        • #13
                          It was slut in high school. It's probably just "prissy girl" now.

                          Though in recent months, no one can really see anyway because I've become so cold intolerant I usually have my fleece zipped all the way up and have a huge scarf wrapped around my neck.


                          • #14
                            I always hated the "goth" label; just cuz I sometimes like to wear black, and wear dark eyeshadow and thick black eyeliner, doesn't make me a "goth". However, I've been labeled that many a time, usually by ignorant people who I then proceed to ignore. XD
                            "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Lace Neil Singer View Post
                              However, I've been labeled that many a time, usually by ignorant people who I then proceed to ignore. XD
                              Never used that or any labels myself really but that is one of the ones I get when trying to talk to a person and I get some version of, "Your not dressed like this you don't understand pain or anything bad your life must always have been happy"

                              Usually stunning me into silence before I start laughing.
                              Jack Faire

