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  • PowerWalking

    This is one that would normally go on, but it will absolutely be me this is safer here. I do also want to know if I was in the wrong here...

    I am one of the most unassuming, polite, and laid back person around here. The highest person on the totem pole (it is a little known fact that most totems have the more important beings on the BOTTOM, not the saying somebody is the low person on the totem pole is actually a compliment). But .. I digress..I am normally not a 'person in power'. I prefer it that way, and go out of my way to make sure that remains the case. Been a supervisor, and it will not happen again if I can help it. I might own my own business one day, but then I wouldn't be getting crud from BOTH sides..sorry more digressing.

    However, in emergency situations..this changes. One, because I am trained to handle these situations, and two..because I keep a calm and cool head in these situations. So .. when people see me power walking, or when I am using 'The Voice', they generally know that the crap factor has risen to 10 (out of 10). It is time to listen when I speak.

    If you are the Pope visiting our company for some unfathomable reason, when it is an emergency be quiet, listen, and do as asked. I'm not power tripping, this is not fun and games. What I tell you will probably save your life. I absolutely hate being in charge, I want it to end as quickly as possible .. so I can go back to being mild mannered Mytical.

    What is more, this is not something Person In Charge (here) told me is my job..this is something that Person that is in Charge of the Person in Charge of the Person in Charge told me. It is one of the reasons I was hired. I can show anybody who wants the email describing it in no uncertain terms. Only my direct boss (who has more experience in handling crap then I do) can over ride me. I am perfectly fine with that, and happily do as told when he is here.

    Enough background .. and ranting.

    Tonight there was several tornado warnings in our area, we ourselves had just gotten the 'Severe Thunderstorm Warning' that had proceeded this EVERY TIME. become an EAP (Emergency Action Protocol) moment. Not quite crap level 10, but according to 'Da Rule', I become 'in charge'. So..I start talking to the supervisors/leads etc..letting them know that it would be a good idea to move everybody to the cafe in case the Tornado Warning was issued and it become 'Crap level 10'. Absolutely nobody has a problem with it, they know for a fact that I would not do this unless it was important...

    When the thunderstorm hit, and it did hit, I started moving everybody along. Facility lead had my back, was helping me, let me know I had their support, etc. They are the normal person in charge during third shift. They too know how to handle themselves when things go wrong.

    I get to shift lead..they are doing a sift...

    As I am walking up to them, they get the Catbuttface. "Mytical, we are doing sift..unless it is a tornado .. we are not going anywhere."

    Now a SIFT is a big's hard to shut down. I sympathize. "I was told that it is shutting down as we speak (which is true..the shut down order was given). Everybody really needs to get to safety."

    Shift answers. "I canceled the shut down, you don't have the authority to order it shut down. You are just a security guard."

    That brings out the stone face. "You know I don't do anything unless it is important. If a tornado hits and you are in the core, there is absolutely no way of alerting you..and this is protocol. Shut it down, and shut it down NOW."

    Shift gets in my face. "NO. The only way Sift gets shut down is if I hear it from facility lead or higher. It will cost the company too much money."

    "It will cost them more if there is a tornado and anybody gets hurt. You want to hear it from Facility though? FINE." I get on the radio right in front of Shift. "Yeah .. FL (Facility Lead), please tell Shift that EAP has been initiated and they need to follow my instructions." I hand Shift the phone.

    I can hear FL from where I am standing, and Shift has a worse catbuttface then before. "But the money it will cost the company!. No, no I understand! I will shut it down now!"

    They get it shut down JUST in time for the power to go off for about 30 seconds (If sift is going and just shuts down like is disastrous..they would have had to scrap EVERYTHING, not just loose a bit of time). However, Shift was not happy. Especially because the tornado never formed.

    Shift - "Mytical, you were wrong in this. I am not taking the hit for this, I will make sure management knows who cost us that time! You are going to fry for this."

    Me - "Go ahead. I followed protocol, saved the sift, and had FL's full backing. I don't LIKE being the one to be in charge. I absolutely hate it, but Shift..if I tell you something needs to be done, trust needs done."

    I expect to get it from all sides, without lube, and may not have a job..because the Tornado never appeared..I know FL is the type they will actually stick up for me and have my back..but it might cost them also. I am not sure I want that on my conscious. Second in Charge doesn't like me much I may have just committed job suicide.

    By the way .. the EAP? Cost them 1 hour of inactivity, and no loss of goods. The 30 seconds the power was out? Would have cost them 1 million (That is what THEY pay, not how much it would sell for) as the entire batch would have had to be tossed.

    The one million also includes the hourly rate they pay everybody in the entire facility while a batch is being made (combined).
    Last edited by Mytical; 04-20-2011, 11:12 AM.

  • #2
    Personally, the fact you saved the load *should* save you...since it was your actions that kept 'em from ruining it, no matter if there wasn't an actual tornado. Keep good notes, and make sure to reference the letter you have with the authority you have...and how the idiot ignored that, and *would* have cost the company a ton of money
    Happiness is too rare in this world to actually lose it because someone wishes it upon you. -Flyndaran


    • #3
      I second that statement, whilst Shift Lead was effing and jeffing and on the phone to Facilities, the power COULD have gone off sooner, or taken longer to recommence protocol. You had done your bit, were shutting down pc's remotely (I'm assuming thats what was being done) and s/he dismissed the alert to continue working. Should the power have gone out long after the shut down would have taken place but the system was still up due to an override, THEY would have been the ones loosing that ammount of product (whatever it may be) not you.

      Next time have a hand basket with a stuffed dog in it ready for all those that wish to stay and tell them to follow the yellow brick road.


      • #4
        I'm wondering what does 1 hr of inactivity cost? I'm guessing significantly less than 1million? I love the "but the tornado never came!!!" people because they are also clueless to the fact that if a storm is capable of producing tornados it is already a big storm that the regular winds and rain will be strong, was wathcing the news earlier in the past few days most of the country has been hit with a major storm cell that spawned many tornados and lots of damage.

        Right now they are having a debate if straight lines winds or a tornado is responsible for some of the damage just up the road. "Regular" winds don't tend to get government help or some insurance payments.

        Last year I nearly got kill in a tornado because I had no idea what was going on thanks to not being allowed to have TV or a radio (not even a weather only radio is authorized). Technically when we heard the tornado sirens we were supposed to kill the pumps and hide in the bathroom, which would have also cost me my job, and had I not stopped to read a gun ad that caught my eye, I would have been in the middle of a tornado when it landed on my route home taking out a police station, high school and killing several people.

        It is extremely fucking disturbing that most companies value production over protecting the lives of their employees.


        • #5
          It is a whole lot less then one million..and that is cost to the company to make. They have a nice markup..being they are a pharmaceutical company. So the value is a lot more then what it cost them.

          At least on third shift (which I normally am) we really don't have to worry about shutting down much. A lot less is happening during those times. Sift is odd however. For some reason even a slight power interruption means the whole thing has to be tossed. It also has to be constantly observed. There is a shut down proceedure, that will allow the product to remain takes time to do, however, and then even more to fire it back up (and the whole batch needs resifted regardless at what point it was at before shut down). If it shuts down without the proceedure, it just simply can not be resifted..think it is an FDA thing..not sure.

          As of today though, it might be a moot point. I am not going to get in trouble, that much has been made clear. They are reconsidering the EAP, however, and will most likely change it so that somebody else will be 'in charge' (more power too them). Which is fine by me. I am >.< close to walking anyhow.

          I was reminded today that my supervisor took an instant dislike when he met me, and pretty much thinks me worthless. I am filling in some time for somebody on second shift..and was told "You'll come in two hours later then they would." because my supervisor will be gone by then..and I won't 'embarrass' the company. Nice. I have no desire to stay where I am not wanted.

          Also .. 'the only reason I have a job is that I am willing to do so much overtime..and that third shift/weekends are hard to fill..even in this economy." (Ie they are cheap and don't want to pay anything)


          • #6
            Originally posted by Mytical View Post
            Also .. 'the only reason I have a job is that I am willing to do so much overtime..and that third shift/weekends are hard to fill..even in this economy." (Ie they are cheap and don't want to pay anything)
            That is why our 3shift is now absolutely fucking clueless and still have jobs, they have no idea how to clean anything or get their shit done overnight because the store is ran by a single person, but because I refuse to work 3rds without a MEANINGFUL premium I changed availability. company policy is maxed at $.50 an hour, which is about 6.5% compared to minimum wage and that is only if we have competition in the area that ALSO pays one.

            "Evil" walmart does about 25%


            • #7
              I've bent over backwards for the company, know the most (even the others admit this), and besides 'management' have earned the most respect from the other employees..mainly because how quickly and efficiently I handle things. Before this supervisor I had gotten several BIG merit raises. No clue what happened between then and now, because I know besides knowing more..and doing more..I haven't changed.

