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Adult Children Not Doing Anything

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Lace Neil Singer View Post
    She'll have to lay down the law; as it stands, daughter has everything all her own way; she has a roof over her head, free food and an unpaid servant to do everything for her. My mum had a similar problem with my little brother.
    The Japanese have a seriously epic term for those people. Parasite Singles.


    • #17
      Recently I have moved back home after being gone for a year on military orders. At least I'm trying to find a full-time job as I don't plan on living at home forever however right now it is convenient. I really don't want to get an apartment and then end up finding work 2-3 hours away and either deal with a long commute or pay for two places.

      The Doctor was grilling me about living at home and thought I was useless for being unemployed and living at home but I have only been that way for 2 weeks and it was partially by choice, lots of home maintenance to catch up on, because if they called service techs out here to fix everything that broke while I was gone it would cost thousands to repair and much more than they could make asking for rent. Hell I could have saved them $100 on repairing the furnace, sure it needed a professionals touch for some parts but the main issue I could have resolved with a $25 part that was sold to us at $128


      • #18
        I lived with my father and brother until my father kicked me out. I'll admit the last few month I didn't do shit around the house other than clean the room I slept in, the bathroom I used, and the kitchen because no one else gave a shit. I'd do top to bottom cleaning, go to work, and when I got to the house (it's never been home my asshole father had made it very clear when I was 10 that it was his house and everyone including my mother who was on the mortgage lived there by his will alone) it looked like I hadn't raised a finger.

        I offered to pay bills and was always turned down only for the fact that I didn't pay anything (the food I bought, my car they drove because demon spawn ruined 3 engines, and internet I paid and provided didn't count for some reason ) could be brought up at a later date when I got too 'bitchy' to be rubbed into my face.

        I haven't talked or seen the asshole and his demon spawn since July and I have only been happier when my boyfriend was here. I really wish I had a full time job that allowed me to scrape by before now.


        • #19
          Ive been living with my Mom awhile, with any luck thats all about to change. But its not like I dont help with bills and do things around the house. I also help watch my aunt, and thats a hell of a thing to do. The house I should be getting within the next 2 weeks is also close to mom's, that way if she ever needs me I can be back in about a minute.


          • #20
            I had to move back home recently this past May.

            I don't pay rent, but I make up for it in cleaning. I was just supposed to help clean, but I became everyone's personal maid.

            Before anyone tells me to quit doing it or to just let it don't understand what complete savages my parents are when it comes to their house, and how if I don't clean, this place will be just disgusting. I used to FOR FUNSIES, clean their house every Friday while I waited for my laundry to be done (when I still had my own place), because I figured that way, at least I would be using a clean toilet and not getting my socks filthy.

            Now that we have a 5th person living in this house, on top of two complete slobs, a half slob, a neat freak, and two pets that shed like the damn dickens....I don't really have a choice but to do certain things every single day no matter how little extra time I have.

            I clean the toilet at least twice a day. It HAS to be done. My father is the absolute most disgusting person in the bathroom. My brother's girlfriend sheds worse than I do, and because her hair is all black (not just half black like mine) and much thicker, every time she uses the shower or bathroom, there's hair everywhere. My mom has no clue what a bathroom rug is for, neither does my brother. He shaves and lets half the hair stay on the sink. Dad shakes himself dry when he pees, and all those droplets end up on the floor. It's so gross, not only that itself, but the fact that no one else ever cared enough to clean that up and now there's a permanent area by the toilet where the once brand new expensive floor is now partially yellow.

            I clean off the counters and the stovetop every day, I scrub the tub/shower wall every single day, I mop and I hokey every single day, and I use the regular vacuum about 3 times a week.

            I know I'm a tad over the top, but you guys really have no idea how this place looks after I leave for the evening to go to my bf's house or leave in the morning for work, and come home. The house is simply just fucking disgusting.

            And that's why, I don't ever want to hear anyone say I'm mooching or having it super easy around here.

            I have asked my parents to take out the trash for me (if it wasn't full enough when I was going to leave) or to clean up after themselves if they start canning or doing projects in the kitchen.......and I usually get screamed at.

            The last time my parents were canning pickles, they "promised" me they'd clean up after themselves. I woke up that night (a work night) around 11 because I had to pee. My mom was sitting on her computer. I asked her if the floor was clean. She yelled at me that she was "TAKING A BREAK!!!!!" and she'd do it soon. The next morning, I got up for work, and there were onions all over the floor, and the floor was sticky. And they proceeded to get upset when I went into the garage and got my Swiffer Wet Jet so early and started cleaning.

            My mom uses the excuse that she's "too tired" and "works too much" to clean. My brother says that he's "not home enough" and doesn't make the messes, so he doesn't have to do it. Despite the fact he leaves chip crumbs everywhere. His gf leaves half drank sodas and bottles and cans everywhere. Hell, I've come home on a Sunday evening, there's garbage overflowing onto the floor, and I've tried to lay into them for it, and I've gotten back "We were working out in the yard all day!" as a retort. You mean to tell me you don't have 30 fucking seconds to take out the fucking garbage!?!?!?!

            Yeah. It's a peachy time here.
            Last edited by blas87; 10-11-2012, 08:04 PM.


            • #21
              Blas....I don't know how you deal with that. Come live with me I don't live like a slob and hate it when things are messy/filthy/overflowing.
              Great YouTube channel check it out!


              • #22
                Last edited by static; 06-09-2022, 12:02 PM.

