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The Left overs AKA How not to Math

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  • #16
    And now I automatically assume that the majority of those are in 3rd world countries.

    As the show happens to take place in a small community I do now wonder what post 'rapture' life would be portrayed like in a built up area. Are there that many places in America that could be on the brink of collapse due to it or would anything push them over?

    For example in one of the scary movies IV I think, which ever one has the War of the Words parody "Here's Detroit and here's Detroit after the invasion." same footage with gun shots and sirens but Tripods walking in the back ground.

    I'd like to see more of the bigger picture and not a smaller sample group where the percentage does seem higher when you count the missing, the same as I think the purge would make for a better TV show than a home invasion movie and whatever the sequel was about.

