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Seriously? :D

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  • Seriously? :D

    So rumour has it that The Donald is going to appoint Sarah Palin is the U.S.'s newest ambassador to Canada ...

    I'm telling people it's retribution for us inflicting Justin Bieber on you guys.
    Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong.
    ~ Jean-Jacques Rousseau

  • #2
    That's probably his least objectionable appointment!
    People behave as if they were actors in their own reality show. -- Panacea
    If you're gonna be one of the people who say it's time to make America great again, stop being one of the reasons America isn't great right now. --Jester


    • #3
      Fair trade.
      Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


      • #4
        What the rumour-mongers fail to understand is that the appointment of an ambassador isn't unilateral. The host country has the right to refuse credentials to someone they find objectionable.

        For example, let's visit Harry Turtledove's alternate history where the "Lost Orders" were found as soon as they were dropped (How Few Remain/Great War series/American Empire series/Return Engagement series). If some country were to appoint a black person as ambassador to the Confederate States of America (especially under President Featherston), the guy would NOT be granted credentials.

        Someone who was outspoken about France not blindly jumping in behind the U.S. after 9/11 would be rejected if the U.S. tried appointing them as ambassador to France.


        • #5
          While they could, I actually doubt that would be enough- there have been insulting ambassadors before, and it is considered an insult to refuse an ambassador. (think about the furor that blows up whenever diplomats get PNGed. It's similar, but more extreme.)

          long story short, they just tend to ignore the rude ambassadors as much as they can.

