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Thus a stereotype is reinforced...

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  • Thus a stereotype is reinforced...

    As a memo to republicans, if you want to be seen as anything other than homophobic hatemongers (which face it, you are) you may want to start working on flushing people like this guy who proudly admits to "taking care" of gay people... and I somehow doubt that he possibly meant anything other than beating the shit out of him.
    The silence from the RNC will no doubt be very deafening regarding this man's conduct.
    "I'm Gar and I'm proud" -slytovhand

  • #2
    I'm sure not *all* Republicans are homophobic hatemongers... though this sounds very much like someone somewhere a few months ago going on about how clumsy the gay sailors he knew were, always falling overboard or down stairs.
    "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


    • #3
      *waits patiently for Smileyeagle's response*

      So far I see violations of Art. 78, Art. 93, Art. 128, Art. 133 and Art. 134.

      Unlike the civilian system, I believe they can still be charged under the UCMJ.


      • #4
        I just hope their voters hear about those comments before the next election.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Hobbs View Post

          Unlike the civilian system, I believe they can still be charged under the UCMJ.
          we aren't talking about military justice, we're talking about how readily accepted his position is within the RNC and how sadly common it seems to be voiced within the RNC (especially at the local level where I live).
          "I'm Gar and I'm proud" -slytovhand


          • #6
            Originally posted by smileyeagle1021 View Post
            if you want to be seen as anything other than homophobic hatemongers (which face it, you are)
            Thank you ever so much for insulting people you don't even know-yup that's going to bring them to your side

            from gay marriage and young republicans:

            Much of the meme on the left (alleging conservative bigotry) is in fact progressive totalitarianism and intolerance toward the traditional culture. That's why so many regular folks get turned off by the debate: They are hesitant to wade into the culture wars for fear of being attacked and browbeaten as homophobic when they are anything but.

            (hmm see what you just did there)

            .....and by the way from 2004- Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona broke forcefully with President Bush and the Senate GOP leadership Tuesday evening over the issue of same-sex marriage, taking to the Senate floor to call a constitutional amendment that would effectively ban the practice unnecessary -- and un-Republican.

            which in case you're wondering is EXACTLY the Democrats stance on the matter
            Keep marriage at state level; no federal gay marriage ban. (Jul 2004)

            Please explain to me how two groups can have the EXACT same stance on something but one is for it and one against?

            is a pretty good article on the subject-the author has some very relevant points-but he's a republican so you automaticly hate him or he's obviously a "homophobic hatemonger"-I guess we should ask his husband about that.....
            Last edited by BlaqueKatt; 05-04-2010, 08:45 PM.
            Registered rider scenic shore 150 charity ride


            • #7
              Originally posted by smileyeagle1021 View Post
              we aren't talking about military justice, we're talking about how readily accepted his position is within the RNC and how sadly common it seems to be voiced within the RNC (especially at the local level where I live).
              He (from how I viewed it) admitted to committing crimes while in the service. Thus, he can be tried under the UCMJ.


              • #8
                Originally posted by BlaqueKatt View Post
                Thank you ever so much for insulting people you don't even know-yup that's going to bring them to your side

                from gay marriage and young republicans:

                Much of the meme on the left (alleging conservative bigotry) is in fact progressive totalitarianism and intolerance toward the traditional culture. That's why so many regular folks get turned off by the debate: They are hesitant to wade into the culture wars for fear of being attacked and browbeaten as homophobic when they are anything but.
                Yes, because the fact that the Republican party has remained silent about a member fondly recalling a time when homosexuals who wanted to defend their country were beaten, murdered, and led into "accidents" is totally not homophobic. A group is, unfortunately, known by its loudest members. It's why many people honestly believe that Islam supports terrorism, Christians are bigoted, and urban youths are gangbangers. Smiley's calling the GOP out on them not denouncing his apparent like of hate crimes committed within the armed forces against fellow members.
                "Never confuse the faith with the so-called faithful." -- Cartoonist R.K. Milholland's father.
                A truer statement has never been spoken about any religion.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BlaqueKatt View Post
                  Thank you ever so much for insulting people you don't even know-yup that's going to bring them to your side
                  And you just discounted my entire life experience...
                  Do you know what republicans in Utah stand for?
                  Republicans in Utah stand for legalized discrimination at all costs. Democrats voted to outlaw employment discrimination , the Republicans opposed it and continue to do so. As it stands now there are two cities in the state that have outlawed discrimination and the only reason Republicans have allowed those laws to stand only on the condition that gays don't ask for any other equal rights.
                  The republicans in this state have gone on record that gays are the worst threat to America that we have ever faced... the only reason that those comments were rebutted was because out of state liberals (mostly democrats) were threatening to pull their tourist dollars out of the state.
                  Posting links to websites talking about people I will never meet in states that I will possibly never live in does no good. What I have seen in Utah is that politicians (I have not met every one of the 2.5 million votes) all republicans oppose gay equality, all democrats support at least some level of gay equality. At the national level things don't look to be that much different (John McCain now opposes gay equality at most levels).

                  To be blunt, in the end, I don't give a fuck if Republicans ever accept homosexuals as long as they stop beating and killing homosexuals... something that may be achieved in Utah by the end of my lifetime (then again, considering that killing a gay person is socially acceptable in these parts, it may not because my life may be artificially short).

                  ETA- traditional culture is inferior to progressive culture... unless that is of course you want to go back to women being the property of men, black people being slaves, and homosexuality is a crime punishable by mandatory psyche treatments. As it is that I don't like any of those things, I'll keep working for progressive culture over traditional.
                  Last edited by smileyeagle1021; 05-05-2010, 04:46 AM.
                  "I'm Gar and I'm proud" -slytovhand


                  • #10
                    Smiley, it's not just Utah. I dearly wish we could separate northeast Kansas (well, maybe just Topeka, Lawrence, KCK, and JoCo) from the rest of the Republican hillbilly motherfuckers trying to keep this state in the Stone Age. The ones who refuse to consider raising taxes to fix our state's financial crisis. After all, can't we just take more money from the schools? What about the colleges? They don't need the money! The Kansas Arts Commission, which is a tiny fraction of the state's budget, is going to have its budget cut by 50%. So, a tiny gain for the state budget, but a massive loss for the arts organizations trying to provide services to Kansans. Oh, and hey, let's ban the strip clubs, too. Can't have any of those.

                    The funding situation has gotten so bad that they're even combining Religious Studies with Science! ()

                    While Kansas does not condone violence and discrimination against homosexuals in the same way as Utah does, the Republicans in this state are causing harm. I may not always agree with the Democrats, but I fucking hate Republicans and all that they stand for.


                    • #11
                      . . . Americans do not hold discriminatory views of homosexuals. Polls repeatedly find widespread support for the extension of equal protections to gay Americans.

                      The problem is not the extension of rights to same-sex couples per se, but the redefinition of marriage itself. And huge majorities are opposed to changing the historical conception of society's normative tradition of marriage as between one man and one woman.

                      Much of the meme on the left (alleging conservative bigotry) is in fact progressive totalitarianism and intolerance toward the traditional culture. That's why so many regular folks get turned off by the debate: They are hesitant to wade into the culture wars for fear of being attacked and browbeaten as homophobic when they are anything but.

                      . . . What?

                      I just love the semantic dances that conservatives do to get around the accusations of bigotry and homophobia.

                      Oh, we're not against equal protections for gays. We're just trying to preserve the traditional institution of marriage. The fact that our actions would deny gay couples the legal rights of marriage is just a side benefit - Ooops, I mean, no . . .

                      Last year, I saw a letter to the editor printed in a local newspaper arguing against same-sex marriages because marriage is a sacred religious institution and should be preserved as such.

                      Apparently, in her mind, she had somehow managed to completely block out the fact that marriage isn't just a religious institution. It's also a legal one, that confers benefits that unmarried couples don't get.

                      Conservatives are, of course, quick to respond to that by pointing out that "civil unions" offer the same legal rights that marriage does, so gay couples can obtain those benefits without getting married.

                      But, as a columnist for the New York Daily News once pointed out, "civil unions" as an alternative to marriage fail, on three levels :

                      They fail on principle, because as we should have learned a long time ago in America, separate is never equal.

                      They fail in practice, because gay couples with civil unions are still frequently denied the legal benefits that married couples get.

                      They fail verbally. Imagine a person getting down on one knee and asking, "Will you civilly unite with me?" Yeah, that's romantic.

                      But, of course, conservatives insist that they aren't bigoted, they aren't homophobic, they are "anything but" . . . They aren't trying to deny equal protections for gays. They just want to preserve the institution of marriage.

                      Semantics - A politician's best friend.
                      Last edited by Anthony K. S.; 05-05-2010, 04:27 PM. Reason: Corrected punctuation.
                      "Well, the good news is that no matter who wins, you all lose."


                      • #12
                        Smiley, is there any large group that you *don't* hate? I find it interesting that people have said that they hate Republicans, Catholics, and conservatives...and even though I'm a nonpracticing Catholic, I happen to land into all of those groups. Does that mean you hate me as well?

                        I don't know why, considering I have no hatred for gays...or even liberals for that matter. Why would I, considering that they haven't done anything to me personally. Well, other than the liberals wanting to constantly raid my wallet for another one of their pet projects

                        I also find it interesting when people claim that Republicans only vote down party lines--anyone want to guess how many Democrats do the same? Not all of us do that--the vast *majority* of us tend to vote for different candidates depending on the issue.

                        For example, I actually voted *against* one Rick Santorum...because of some of the things he said *against* gays. He was actually blaming *you* for the Catholic Church sex scandals of recent years. I voted against his ass, because he was an embarrassment to the state....and simply had to go. I voted against John Kerry, simply because, I didn't know where he stood on anything--he kept changing his mind!

                        With that said, I find it amazing that someone would hate an entire group...when the only thing they know about that what is spread around by idiots like Michael Moore, Rush Limbaugh, or the news media itself. We are *not* the monsters that you think we are, just like gays are not the flamers that the media usually depicts your group as. Aren't stereotypes a bitch?

                        Seriously, you really need to get the hell out of Utah. Quite a few cities (including Pittsburgh) don't care if you're gay. You simply don't hear of gay bashing in the news--many gay people say they feel pretty safe here.


                        • #13
                          The funding situation has gotten so bad that they're even combining Religious Studies with Science!
                          That's not because of funding; it's just that the funding being so bad lets them get away with it.
                          "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Anthony K. S. View Post
                            Last year, I saw a letter to the editor printed in a local newspaper arguing against same-sex marriages because marriage is a sacred religious institution and should be preserved as such.
                            To which my response lately to those sorts of things has been what a bunch of people are using as facebook statuses

                            "Larry King is getting his 8th divorce, Elizabeth Taylor is possibly getting married for a 9th time, Britney Spears had a 55 hour marriage. Jesse James and Tiger Woods are screwing EVERYTHING, yet the idea of same-sex marriage is going to destroy the institution of marriage?"

                            I still like the guy in California who was trying to get people to make divorce illegal.
                            I am a sexy shoeless god of war!
                            Minus the sexy and I'm wearing shoes.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by HYHYBT View Post
                              That's not because of funding; it's just that the funding being so bad lets them get away with it.
                              No, it's the religious whack-a-doos that don't want science teachers teaching science that they don't agree with.

