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Child rapists no longer fear death.

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  • Child rapists no longer fear death.

    So unless a child rapist murders the child, they no longer have to fear of getting the death sentence. I guess they can inflict /cruel and unusual/ punishment, but the constintution protects them from that.
    Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
    I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But wife buys the pants so....yeah.

  • #2
    Why should a child rapist who hasn't killed the child deserve the death penalty?


    • #3
      Damn...another case where the rights of the offender are more important than the victims. Even though rape (of anyone, not just children) is not about sex, it's about control...I think we need to revisit the idea of snipping the offender's balls off. No anesthetic either--the child had to suffer, so why not? Use an ax, or the rustiest pair of scissors you can find. Sorry, but this just pisses me off.


      • #4
        Originally posted by the_std View Post
        Why should a child rapist who hasn't killed the child deserve the death penalty?
        Though it may turn your stomach, do a google search. Alot of the times, its not a single rape of a child. Its rape after rape after rape after rape after rape over months, or even years. One of the more famous ones being the father who kept his daughter locked in the basment for decades, raping her and his/her children. Then there was that disney girl a few years ago, the videoes and photos of her repeated rape spread through the internet, her /adopted/ father downfall thankfully only taking a few years when he made a video at Disney Land. Those are two extreme cases that I've remember reading. Granted, hopefully it the extremes cases like this, but its usually not. Alot of times, this is the common ones that get caught.

        Why do they deserve to die? Because they don't care. They like hurting, controling others, and usually don't get caught. When they do, its a slap on the hand with death threats, and a possible death sentence.

        No longer. Now its a slap, death threats, and (Funny to me) repeated attempts on their lives by the parents of their victims.
        Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
        I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But wife buys the pants so....yeah.


        • #5
          Plaidman, you beat me to posting this story. This makes me sick to my stomach.

          from the article I read, it stated that it didn't matter how many times the victim was raped, or how severe the torture/injuries, the asshole who did it can't be given the death penalty if the victim lives.

          It just makes me sick......

          Not that it matters, my pansy ass state got rid of the death penalty all together...but these are the sick mofos that deserve it.

          If you have a rabid dog, you put it down. Why not do the same with rabid people?
          "Children are our future" -LaceNeilSinger
          "And that future is fucked...with a capital F" -AmethystHunter


          • #6
            They get worse than death, in prison. Good enough for me. One thing another prisoner can't stand is a wife beater, animal mutilator and child molester. Those are slightly below prison guard and cop.

            As long as they are the bottom of the wrung, in prison, you can forgo the death sentence for all I care. Sometimes there really are things worse than death and this is one of them.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Plaidman View Post
              So unless a child rapist murders the child, they no longer have to fear of getting the death sentence. I guess they can inflict /cruel and unusual/ punishment, but the constintution protects them from that.
              I'm going to offer a different perspective that may explain why I do support this decision.

              I don't want the child rapist to think he has to kill the child. By giving him an 'out' (if the child lives, he doesn't get the death penalty), it makes it more likely he will let the 'witness' live. Otherwise, he has nothing to lose by killing the child.


              • #8
                Originally posted by ebonyknight View Post
                Sometimes there really are things worse than death and this is one of them.
                I fully agree with this. Child rape is every bit as heinous as murder, if not worse. Surviving tragedy is hard. That's why society thinks murder is the worst act there is; because it is those left alive who suffer the loss. Rape victims carry their pain for the rest of their lives.

                But I don't support the death penalty in any case, no matter what. There have been a few threads already on the subject, and I've posted in those, so I won't state my case again here.


                • #9
                  I'm with DesignFox, NJ is a pansy state in that it got rid of the death penalty. Some crimes are just unforgivable and a lifetime in jail just doesn't cut it. These people don't feel remorse for what they've done. Sitting in jail for the rest of their lives won't make them feel bad. By all means, give them the death penalty.
                  Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by DesignFox View Post
                    If you have a rabid dog, you put it down. Why not do the same with rabid people?
                    Couldn't have said it better myself.
                    ~ The American way is to barge in with a bunch of weapons, kill indiscriminately, and satisfy the pure blood lust for revenge. All in the name of Freedom, Apple Pie, and Jesus. - AdminAssistant ~


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Zyanya View Post
                      I'm going to offer a different perspective that may explain why I do support this decision.

                      I don't want the child rapist to think he has to kill the child. By giving him an 'out' (if the child lives, he doesn't get the death penalty), it makes it more likely he will let the 'witness' live. Otherwise, he has nothing to lose by killing the child.

                      And per the SCOTUS decision this is exactly why they did it-
                      Registered rider scenic shore 150 charity ride


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Greenday View Post
                        Sitting in jail for the rest of their lives won't make them feel bad. By all means, give them the death penalty.

                        all I will say to this is so you want their punishment to be over quickly?

                        Rather than spend the rest of their days in a 10 by 10 room-never again to be able to rent a movie, go to the beach, go to the mall, have an ice cream cone, drink a beer or lemonade-you know the little things that make life worth living?

                        Even if they don't value the life they took-life in prison takes away something of equal value-their freedom-and if their in their 20's-30's they've got 60-70 years to think about what they're missing.
                        Registered rider scenic shore 150 charity ride


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by BlaqueKatt View Post
                          all I will say to this is so you want their punishment to be over quickly?

                          Rather than spend the rest of their days in a 10 by 10 room-never again to be able to rent a movie, go to the beach, go to the mall, have an ice cream cone, drink a beer or lemonade-you know the little things that make life worth living?

                          Even if they don't value the life they took-life in prison takes away something of equal value-their freedom-and if their in their 20's-30's they've got 60-70 years to think about what they're missing.
                          Nah. Still gives them a chance to get parole later on in life and let them continue what they were doing before they were in jail. Plus, why do they deserve to continue living a somewhat at least decent life? They have a roof over their head. They have food. They get free health care. They get free education. Etc. etc. Well, those things might not be the best, but still. They don't deserve it.
                          Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


                          • #14
                            Justice should never be about revenge, no matter how heinous we may find the crime. The SCOTUS made the right decision by holding up precedent and the Constitution.


                            • #15
                              As a person with a family member who is a convicted child rapist, I can only wish for him to be put to death.

                              He's been disowned by the family and he's trying to appeal for a new trial....again claiming his mental disability kept him from knowing right from wrong and that he was TRICKED into admitting what he'd done.

                              I hope he rots in hell or someone gives him the Jeffry Dahmer treatment, but knowing how "pro criminal rights" things are these days, he'll be back on the streets molesting little kids again.

                              I feel for every child and family he hurt.

                              Again, for anyone who is against this type of thing, WAIT until it happens to you or someone you know. Wait until someone you care about is brutally murdered. Wait until someone you thought you knew rapes a child. You will change your mind.

