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Mandatory Gun Ownership

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  • #46
    As I know sources will be asked for:

    Police: Man shoots neighbor through apartment wall
    Lamont Boswell, 27, was charged with assault, gun and drug offenses after police said he fired two shots with a handgun through the door of his Weymouth apartment. One of the bullets grazed the finger of his neighbor who was asleep in his apartment across the hall
    South Carolina Gun Owner Shoots Neighbor Through the Wall
    It appears Frost accidentally fired the shotgun, but the bullet went through the wall of the apartment and pellets from the ammunition struck a neighbor who was lying on a couch on the other side of the wall, Raines said.
    Edit: One more, this time a house
    East Bridgewater woman charged after shooting rounds in home that struck neighbor’s house
    Police found three 9 mm shell casings inside the home: two on a bedroom floor and another on the stairs, Perrault said. Police found three bullet holes on the side of the house. The bullets had exited the house and struck a neighbor’s house next door, he said.
    Last edited by crashhelmet; 12-26-2012, 08:43 PM.
    Some People Are Alive Only Because It's Illegal To Kill Them.


    • #47
      Originally posted by s_stabeler View Post
      I'm not sure they often do over here, actually. Typically, your average home invasion is when the homeowner is out of the house. ( I will confess that i can't be sure on this- I'm going by the fact you generally don't read news articles about people being killed by burglars over here)
      I'm going to disagree with this. The definition of a home invasion is that the home owner is actually home. Otherwise, it's just a burglary.

      Originally posted by AmbrosiaWriter View Post
      That's assuming the home invader can find you. If she doesn't care about her stuff, then she'll probably just get out of the house - since she knows her house better than said invader, she'll probably be able to get out before the invader can find her.
      Odds are a home invader will check the house to make sure anyone inside is tied up and under control. Otherwise, a home owner with a gun might just sneak up on them and cap them, and they also want to interrogate the home owner for the location of their drugs, their money, and their guns or other valuables that can be sold quickly for cash.

      Originally posted by AmbrosiaWriter View Post
      I don't know about you, but where I am sitting at my computer right now I have several different exit points that I can be at and out of before the home invader can get to where I am. Assuming he knows exactly where I am in the house when he or she breaks in.
      Prudent, very prudent.

      Originally posted by AmbrosiaWriter View Post
      Guns are fine for people who want them. They should not be forced onto people who do not want them. Not everyone has it in them to pull that trigger.
      I absolutely agree. Guns in the hands of those reluctant to use them are likely to have them taken away and used against them. If you don't want a gun, you should not have one.

      Originally posted by siead_lietrathua View Post
      basically this. also i have no problem handing over my few valuables and my credit cards/ whatever if it will make them leave. i live in the podunk, if the cops RACED it would still take upwards of 20 minutes. we are taught here to comply, and report when safe to.
      also, unless the person breaking into your home has an intent to harm someone from the get-go, they won't attack you unless you attack first. locking yourself in a bathroom and letting them take what they want is usually a safe way to go out here.
      If cornered I would hand over my stuff, too. Part of self defense is knowing how to pick your battles. Sometimes it's safer to comply than to fight.

      But home invasions are very, very dangerous. A lot of people get killed or raped even when they cooperate. I just don't think I'd risk going down without a fight if someone broke into my home.

      Originally posted by Mytical View Post
      As for the police..they have their uses. Some of them however, really should not be cops. If a badge goes to your head and makes you feel 'important' then you should not have a badge. *shrugs*
      I've known a lot of cops not worthy of the air they breathe. But most are good guys who really do want to protect and serve the public.

      Originally posted by crashhelmet View Post
      I'm a gun owner, but I'm a responsible one. Even though I live alone, my handguns are stored in a locked safe when I'm not using them. I don't keep them in a nightstand, under my pillow, or anywhere easily accessible. If someone broke into my home, I wouldn't have the time to get my keys, open the safe, load a clip, and then shoot them.

      That's why I have melee weaponry all over my house. .
      Me, too: a 1 1/2 handed sword that is real, not a cheap knock off. But my go to weapon would probably be a baseball bat: less blood. I keep one at my bedside. My rifles and my shotgun are locked in a closet, unloaded. I only pull them out if I'm fully awake and feel threatened (happened once; some local kids screwing around the house trying to scare me but I didn't know that--shotgun came out and they took off).

      Originally posted by crashhelmet View Post
      But a bullet usually leaves an exit hole, not to mention will do far more damage the pipe/conduit within the walls than a melee weapon will. God forbid you should panic and fire off more than one round.
      Which is why I prefer my shotgun over my rifles in a home defense situation, or to my hand gun when I still had one. Less likely to penetrate a wall, and that's especially important when you are living in an apartment.
      Good news! Your insurance company says they'll cover you. Unfortunately, they also say it will be with dirt.


      • #48
        Honestly, I'd have a hard time keeping a firearm of any kind if I still lived in an apartment - the walls are usually (and notoriously) thin, I would be particularly mindful of injuring neighbors. Owning a home is a different story.

        As for replacing/repairing conduit, the odds of actually hitting conduit or pipes that could be damaged by a relatively low-velocity round are pretty low. It'd be far, far down the list of my concerns - and again, relatively cheap and easy to replace, if you know how to do it yourself.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Nekojin View Post
          Honestly, I'd have a hard time keeping a firearm of any kind if I still lived in an apartment - the walls are usually (and notoriously) thin, I would be particularly mindful of injuring neighbors. Owning a home is a different story.

          As for replacing/repairing conduit, the odds of actually hitting conduit or pipes that could be damaged by a relatively low-velocity round are pretty low. It'd be far, far down the list of my concerns - and again, relatively cheap and easy to replace, if you know how to do it yourself.
          While they may be called "Low Velocity" rounds, a 9mm has an average muzzle velocity of at least 1000 feet per second. Some reach 1250. That's upwards of 680-700mph. Hitting pipe, conduit, or a stud would do a hell of a lot of damage. Even more so with hollow point rounds and the way they cause larger exit holes.

          Yes, the odds of hitting them may be slim, but no slimmer than your house actually being robbed.
          Some People Are Alive Only Because It's Illegal To Kill Them.


          • #50
            A bullet hole in the wall wouldn't be anything to worry about for me; some spackle would probably fix it well enough, and if it turned out to be expensive, it could wait until I had the money. But I don't know that I'd be really, fully willing to kill, even in self defense, and hesitation would be more dangerous than not being armed in the first place.
            "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


            • #51
              Originally posted by Panacea View Post
              Me, too: a 1 1/2 handed sword that is real, not a cheap knock off. But my go to weapon would probably be a baseball bat: less blood.
              Hmm, the D&D cleric route. Aporopriate.

              Proud to be a W.A.N.K.E.R. - Womanless And No Kids - Exciting Rubbing!
              Reclaiming words is fun!


              • #52
                Originally posted by HYHYBT View Post
                A bullet hole in the wall wouldn't be anything to worry about for me; some spackle would probably fix it well enough, and if it turned out to be expensive, it could wait until I had the money. But I don't know that I'd be really, fully willing to kill, even in self defense, and hesitation would be more dangerous than not being armed in the first place.
                I have all tile floors. A little bloodshed won't be too much of a hassle to clean
                Some People Are Alive Only Because It's Illegal To Kill Them.


                • #53
                  If I'm in a fight for my life then the walls, floors and such stuff will be the last thing on my mind. I'm not saying that I'm willing to kill just for things but I will to protect myself or someone else that is dear to me. If I can get safely away without firing a shot I will as I'd rather not shoot anyone but I won't let that stop much less slow me down.
                  Melee weapons??? Unless you've been trained on their use I'd leave them alone except as a last resort. There's an old saying "God made all men, Col. Colt made all men equal."
                  Cry Havoc and let slip the marsupials of war!!!


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Tanasi View Post
                    If I'm in a fight for my life then the walls, floors and such stuff will be the last thing on my mind. I'm not saying that I'm willing to kill just for things but I will to protect myself or someone else that is dear to me. If I can get safely away without firing a shot I will as I'd rather not shoot anyone but I won't let that stop much less slow me down.
                    Melee weapons??? Unless you've been trained on their use I'd leave them alone except as a last resort. There's an old saying "God made all men, Col. Colt made all men equal."
                    I hate this quote. It's nothing more than propaganda to promote the gun lobby. Put someone with any training up against someone that's never handled a firearm before and they're not equal. They're only equal if both are using the same exact weapon, with the same exact training.

                    Personally, I have extensive training in both firearms and melee weaponry. Hell, I'll easily subue an intruder with my bare hands and feet. I'll simply grab the weapon out of spite.

                    But as I pointed out earlier, as a responsible gun owner I wouldn't have time to grab my firearms if someone broke in while I was sleeping. I wouldn't have time to grab them if I was the victim of a home invasion either.
                    Some People Are Alive Only Because It's Illegal To Kill Them.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Tanasi View Post
                      If I'm in a fight for my life then the walls, floors and such stuff will be the last thing on my mind. I'm not saying that I'm willing to kill just for things but I will to protect myself or someone else that is dear to me. If I can get safely away without firing a shot I will as I'd rather not shoot anyone but I won't let that stop much less slow me down.
                      This is damn true. Fuck the carpet, blood can be shampooed out. Fuck everything but staying alive and keeping yourself and friends/family in one piece.

                      Melee weapons??? Unless you've been trained on their use I'd leave them alone except as a last resort. There's an old saying "God made all men, Col. Colt made all men equal."
                      Better have some training with that pistol too, else it's gonna get taken away. -_- I hate that saying. Unless you've been trained in the use of WHATEVER weapon you want to defend yourself with, whether its a pistol, a knife, or even a friggan battleaxe, don't try it except as utter last resort. Best to just run.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by lordlundar View Post
                        I'm partial to the Mad Cat Mk. II myself.
                        I assume you're referring to the Timber Wolf - "Mad Cat" is the name used by freeborn Inner Sphere scum. At 75 tons, the Timber Wolf (like the Warhammer at 70 tons) is only a Heavy class. The 3 I mentioned (Atlas, Dire Wolf, and Kodiak) are all 100 ton Assault class 'Mechs.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by wolfie View Post
                          I assume you're referring to the Timber Wolf - "Mad Cat" is the name used by freeborn Inner Sphere scum. At 75 tons, the Timber Wolf (like the Warhammer at 70 tons) is only a Heavy class. The 3 I mentioned (Atlas, Dire Wolf, and Kodiak) are all 100 ton Assault class 'Mechs.
                          Nope. Mad Cat Mk. II, a 90 ton Assault class variant that focuses more on ballistic/beam weaponry than missiles.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Panacea View Post
                            But home invasions are very, very dangerous. A lot of people get killed or raped even when they cooperate. I just don't think I'd risk going down without a fight if someone broke into my home.
                            There have been *several* home invasions in and around the Pittsburgh area lately. Pretty nasty ones too--even if the victims do cooperate, they usually get seriously injured. I don't know about the rest of you...but if someone tries to break into my place, I'll do what I have to while defending myself. If that means some asshole gets a Crescent wrench upside the head, so be it.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by lordlundar View Post
                              Nope. Mad Cat Mk. II, a 90 ton Assault class variant that focuses more on ballistic/beam weaponry than missiles.
                              Tried to look at it (even backed up to the URL for the base website), and got a "403 Forbidden" error.


                              • #60
                                Nobody who doesn’t want to own a gun should be forced to. There are a many reasons why a person who doesn’t want a gun in the house should be allowed to keep it that way. As a gun owner I have family members who own and shoot, and others who do not. I have two family members who I personally think should never own a firearm. They forget basic training on handing a handgun and/or rifle, get easily flustered even around them and can not shoot the broad side of a barn.

                                I’m all for more relaxed regulations between states. I’m for defending ones castle and repelling invaders if the need arises. I’m also for allowing people to choose their best options for help for themselves. If the police take 20 minutes to get to your house you should still have the option to call them without worrying about them bugging you about if you had a gun in the house so that they can collect a $500 fine/fee.

                                As for the going trend for how I’m going to repel. My house is armed. There are guns in cases. There is a weapons room. There are swords, longbows, various arrows by my bed. There are knives in various parts of the house in places that an adult can reach, but a child could not. Children being why the guns are in locked rooms/cases. If all else fails there are more than enough iron skillets in the kitchen. And yet unless absolutely necessary my plan is to grab the kids, grab the phone call for help, grab a weapon and get the hell out of the house. Let the burglar take what they want so long as its not murder, rape, kidnapping or torture they can have it with out a fight from me.

