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Will someone just let Texas secede already?

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  • Will someone just let Texas secede already?

    The stupid . . . it just hurts.

    The US military is preparing to conduct an exercise in Texas called Jade Helm 15. Local residents think that the Obama administration is using that exercise as a cover for an invasion of Texas by ISIS.

    I shit you not.

    "It's the same thing that happened in Nazi Germany. You get the people used to the troops on the street, the appearance of uniformed troops and the militarization of the police," said Bob Wells, a Bastrop resident, after the meeting. "They're gathering intelligence. That's what they're doing. And they're moving logistics in place for martial law. That's my feeling. Now I could be wrong. I hope I am wrong. I hope I'm a 'conspiracy theorist.'"
    Unbelievable. I can't believe people are that gullible and paranoid.

    I wish they would just secede and take the stupid with them.
    Good news! Your insurance company says they'll cover you. Unfortunately, they also say it will be with dirt.

  • #2
    to say nothing about the fact that if it's Jade Helm 15, then this is not something new, but the 15th round of deployments in this operation ( for example, the way i understand it, each time the forces n iraq came to the end of their deployments, the new lot were deployed to Operation Iraqi Freedom XX)

    not to mention that the military DO, you know, need to practice warfare when they aren't deployed to a warzone. ( it's why, for example, Top gear could get a car onto a landing craft in the middle of a landing. It was probably a training exercise, and those in charge probably figured it wouldn't do any harm.)


    • #3
      Originally posted by Panacea View Post
      I wish they would just secede and take the stupid with them.
      Maybe take Florida with them for the crazy? :P
      I has a blog!


      • #4
        Lets not forget that the governor has ordered the State national guard to monitor the military's operation to ensure they are not there to take over Texas and turn Walmarts into detention camps for the UN. -.-

        I've been telling an American friend of mine for a couple years now that you guys need to just wall Texas off. Maybe evacuate Austin first. But then just wall it off and let it sort itself out.

        Granted that's kind of my default position on most of the south and south east of the US at this point. Just let them go. If they're that determined to create an uneducated, whites only fundamentalist theocracy where women are cattle just let them cede and be done with it. They'll be a poor dystopian wasteland within 20 years without federal money or regulation.

        Most of them are half way there as is.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Gravekeeper View Post
          I've been telling an American friend of mine for a couple years now that you guys need to just wall Texas off. Maybe evacuate Austin first. But then just wall it off and let it sort itself out.
          I don't understand how Texas could pick Austin for their capitol city. Austin is so normal (Except for their obsession with pickle juice shots. I don't get it.).

          I've talked to my wife about job opportunities I have in the South and she refuses to move down there anywhere. She's convinced that the first time she gets a human's rights case in court, some fanatic conservative will try to kill her for it.
          Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


          • #6
            Originally posted by Greenday View Post
            I don't understand how Texas could pick Austin for their capitol city. Austin is so normal (Except for their obsession with pickle juice shots. I don't get it.).

            I've talked to my wife about job opportunities I have in the South and she refuses to move down there anywhere. She's convinced that the first time she gets a human's rights case in court, some fanatic conservative will try to kill her for it.
            It's not quite that bad.

            But the ignorance down here is getting to be more than I can handle.
            Good news! Your insurance company says they'll cover you. Unfortunately, they also say it will be with dirt.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Panacea View Post
              But the ignorance down here is getting to be more than I can handle.
              No kidding. You can't even mention the president around here without hearing it from everyone within a half-mile radius. You know, people, you can't blame him for everything ever.


              • #8
                There's a reason I keep that one meme pic around. It's Obama drinking from a fast food cup through a straw and the caption is "I just came by to see who thinks this is my fault."

                It's funny as hell but also sad.


                • #9
                  But if you wall off Texas, you wall off the smart liberals and moderates who, for some reason or other, have to stay.

                  And it doesn't answer the question of how to get rid of the stupid in all the other states and countries.

                  Why can't we just ship all the racist, sexist bigots to their own uninhabited island nation and wall that off instead?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by cindybubbles View Post
                    But if you wall off Texas, you wall off the smart liberals and moderates who, for some reason or other, have to stay.
                    Hey, I offered to evacuate Austin. =p

                    Originally posted by cindybubbles View Post
                    Why can't we just ship all the racist, sexist bigots to their own uninhabited island nation and wall that off instead?
                    No need, thanks to decades of persistently corrupt gerrymandering we have a picture perfect map of where the walls need to be in the south. -.-


                    • #11
                      I brought this up on a facebook post about how it was a martial law exercise or some shit and mocked how it was obviously a conspiracy theory.

                      Someone posted with things like "well with his track record" and "he thinks he's a dictator" and "I wouldn't put it past him" ...ugh seriously?
                      Last edited by Tama; 05-05-2015, 09:11 PM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Gravekeeper View Post
                        No need, thanks to decades of persistently corrupt gerrymandering we have a picture perfect map of where the walls need to be in the south. -.-
                        I live in North Carolina's 12th Congressional District. Have you SEEN the boundaries of my district? It looks like a snake. It is THE MOST Gerrymandered district in the United States.

                        Walling off the rest of the state effectively walls me in.

                        I'd much rather see these guys just pack up and move to Texas. The gun laws are much more favorable there, anyway.
                        Good news! Your insurance company says they'll cover you. Unfortunately, they also say it will be with dirt.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Panacea View Post
                          Walling off the rest of the state effectively walls me in.
                          Hey, I'm not saying we put up surprise walls. I'm actually counting on the fact once we tell these people we're just going to build a wall between them and everyone else they'll actually embrace it. As they can finally create the poor, gun ridden theocratic hellscape they always dreamed of. ;p

                          If we're really lucky we can just start with Texas and the rest will flock to it like the promised land.


                          • #14

                            I'll just boil it down. Abbot's a politician and a cynical one at that. No, he's not worried about the national guard. He IS worried that in a one party state where the moderates and democrats do not vote in a Republican primary that he can lose to someone appearing father right wing than him.

                            The last time the Democrats came after him, they went with Wendy Davis which was flippin suicide. If they continue to go for voices that are going to be profiled highly in Slate, the New Yorker and Jezebel, expect the Republicans to get more strident since they'll only be worried about the Republican primary and the Democrats will kill themselves.

                            It's an easy political calculus and not one as particularly dire as you guys are making out. It's an easy headline that doesn't lose him any votes he was never going to get anyway.

                            Texas and New York have the same politics, only a different dominant party. Neither worries about what appeals to its minority party voters. Texas has always been good for soundbites though primarily because the single party has held together for far too long now. There's no George Pataki or Schwarzenegger upsetting the dominant party long enough in a general election to check the primary geared speech.


                            • #15
                              I thought you guys were going to put up a big wall so all of us evil Canadians couldn't sneak in and.... do something unspecified that seemed to worry the American government terribly. Shouldn't you all be getting on with that before deciding which parts of your own country need to be separated?


