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Taylor Swift and Kanye West....

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  • Taylor Swift and Kanye West....

    ....and the MTV Video Music Awards debacle:

    Okay, so Taylor Swift won an award for the video for "You Belong to Me." Kanye West stormed the stage, took away her mic, ranted about how Beyonce's "Single Ladies" video should have won, and by the time he got off stage, the producer cut off Swift's mic.

    First and foremost, Kanye West is a douchebag. That was beyond rude. It would be one thing if he had lost, however interceding on Beyonce's behalf...especially when Beyonce did not WANT him to...geez. However, the sad thing is....he's right. I don't know if you've seen the video for "You Belong to Me", but it's every bit as creepy as the song. And Taylor Swift trying to pass herself off as the "awkward geeky girl with no friends"...bitch, please. And isn't she a country music singer anyway? What the hell was she doing on MTV?

    So, that's where I stand on the matter. Kanye had every right to his opinion, and if he had waited until after the ceremony, he could have expressed it and had a good number of people agree with him. (I really really wanted to post this on Facebook, but I know that I'd get flamed to a crisp)

  • #2
    Kanye West is often right. Example: George Bush almost certainly does not care about black people.

    What Mr. West doesn't seem to understand is that there is a time and place to voice your opinions. Being rude and inconsiderate to Taylor Swift, Beyonce (who didn't ask to for this), and MTV viewers, isn't going to get your point across. It's just going to make you look like a dick.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Boozy View Post
      Kanye West is often right. Example: George Bush almost certainly does not care about black people.

      What Mr. West doesn't seem to understand is that there is a time and place to voice your opinions.
      For a less-than-politically-correct take on Kanye West, I present Cracked's article entitled "What if Kanye West is Retarded?"
      Any comment I make should not be taken as an absolute, unless I say it should be. Even this one.


      • #4
        There is a time and a place for ranting and waving, and that time and place is NOT when someone else wins an award. That just makes him a huge douchebag.
        Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


        • #5
          More than likely this was (at least partially) staged. MTV is always looking for something to spike ratings, or making them "edgy". This was their publicity stunt for the VMAs this year. Kanye knew it, VMA people planned it, Swift and Knowles didn't know it.


          • #6
            It's very highly unlikely that it was planned by the VMA people. Why would they risk pissing off two very popular musical acts.


            • #7
              Originally posted by pssorens View Post
              It's very highly unlikely that it was planned by the VMA people. Why would they risk pissing off two very popular musical acts.
              Because it's publicity. Publicity means money which goes to the recording execs, who have no qualms putting anyone they can "under the bus" so to speak for a few more bucks.


              • #8
                There's no indication this was planned. Why assume a conspiracy when there's no reason to do so? Kanye West is notorious for running his mouth. That's the simplest explanation.


                • #9
                  Yeah, it's not so much his opinion but the way he went about expressing it. Douche.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Boozy View Post
                    There's no indication this was planned. Why assume a conspiracy when there's no reason to do so? Kanye West is notorious for running his mouth. That's the simplest explanation.
                    This article:

                    and the quote therein:

                    And that might as well be the VMA mission statement. MTV always seeks a combustible mix for its flagship award show, hoping for just the kind of attention West attracted.


                    • #11
                      There is a difference between putting a lit candle near dynamite and actually lighting it.

                      Kanye was removed from the building for the rest of the ceremony so I don't think it was staged.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by gremcint View Post
                        There is a difference between putting a lit candle near dynamite and actually lighting it.

                        Kanye was removed from the building for the rest of the ceremony so I don't think it was staged.
                        Would you put it past MTV to actually do something like that though?

                        And "removed from the building" could be as simple as telling him "Kanye, don't leave your dressing room for the rest of the show".


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by daleduke17 View Post
                          And "removed from the building" could be as simple as telling him "Kanye, don't leave your dressing room for the rest of the show".
                          Or it could have been, "Kayne, great job! You blew everyone away! Excellent work."
                          Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Greenday View Post
                            Or it could have been, "Kayne, great job! You blew everyone away! Excellent work."
                            "Here's a $100, go get some blow."

                            That'd likely get him out of the building.
                            Any comment I make should not be taken as an absolute, unless I say it should be. Even this one.


                            • #15
                              He should not have did what he did. Their is a place and time for everything. And this was a wrong time. It is going to happen to him and he is going to get pissed about it.

