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Hate Nintendo because of the Wii? Too bad...

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  • Hate Nintendo because of the Wii? Too bad...

    Sparked by a thread on CS.

    Many people have complained - some loudly and at length - about how Nintendo is utterly failing and/or abusing its customers with the ongoing Wii shortage. Pundits have declared that Nintendo should, "just start producing more."

    Let's break down the facts.

    Nintendo was caught completely flat-footed by the popularity of the Wii. It has been an unprecedented success - no console in the history of videogaming has sold more units in as short of a timespan. In its first year of production (just shy of its one-year birthday), it was announced that the Wii had passed the Xbox 360 in total units sold, despite the Xbox 360 having a year's lead. There was simply no way for them to anticipate to popularity of the console, especially considering the failure of the N64, and the lackluster performance of the GameCube.

    To put it in a perspective that includes the world outside of video games: There has never been any item, in any category of entertainment, that has been a, "Hot Christmas List item," for two years in a row except the Wii. Let that sink in a bit.

    Saying, "Just produce more," is a useless comment. It's impossible for Nintendo to make the factories that they already have running produce more. All factories run at 100% of capacity - doing anything else is lost money.

    Saying, "Get more factories," is likewise useless. Most existing factories that are capable of producing solid-state electronics are already owned and operated, many by Nintendo's competitors. To get a slot in a factory and start production is estimated to take four to six months. To hear Nintendo naysayers speak, the Wii bubble will burst before then, so why budget to produce if there's an expectation of a reduced demand?

    Nintendo has ramped up production twice, and they're debating a third production increase. At this time, they're producing 1.8 million units per month. In its first 15 months, it sold 20.13 million units. No console has ever performed that strongly.

    Nintendo can be excused for not jumping to increase production further. They're wondering the same thing everyone else is - is this a fad that's going to fall off? Is the bubble going to burst? Nintendo went into this generation with the viewpoint that if they had another failure, Nintendo was going to consider abandoning console gaming completely.

    So... lay off Nintendo. Just because you can't get a Wii, that doesn't represent some failing of Nintendo. Quite the opposite - it represents a resounding success.

    Anyone want a Furby?
    Last edited by Nekojin; 04-14-2008, 08:21 PM. Reason: Fixing a typo

  • #2
    Originally posted by Nekojin View Post
    Nintendo has ramped up production twice, and they're debating a third production increase. At this time, they're producing 1.8 million units per year. In its first 15 months, it sold 20.13 million units. No console has ever performed that strongly.
    Minor math problem here: if they're producing 1.8 million/year, how did they sell 20.13 million in a year and a quarter?

    I suspect you meant /month, or that you've typoed a figure.


    • #3
      Yeah, it was per month, and I had just fixed it when your post hit. Sorry. =^_^=


      • #4
        I don't even think they are really that hard to get. You just have to be in the right place at the right time...and take advantage of it!

        Everyone I know of who wanted one, now has one.

        I think the bigger problem is the people who bought multiple consoles to sell on ebay. I'm holding back my opinions on that subject.
        "Children are our future" -LaceNeilSinger
        "And that future is fucked...with a capital F" -AmethystHunter


        • #5
          What is it about Japanese gaming console manufacturers that elicit this kind of eloquent and reasoned defense?

          And more importantly, how do we harness this kind of Fanboy Power for the forces of good?


          • #6
            I don't believe in fanboying over consoles. I just hate when people hate on something for little reason. In this case, it's often a case of sour grapes.

            There are only two video game companies that have never let me down: Nintendo for their hardware (always technically rock-solid), and Blizzard's software. When they do, I'll just smile, wave, and pass them on by. I mean, even Maxis, a game company that I almost do fanboy over, has disappointed me on several occasions.


            • #7
              I can't blame Nintendo for this. Who could have thought that such a "different" little system would take off like this?

              That being said, once they are readily available and stacked on endcaps at BB at a discount, I still won't buy one. I love love love my PS3. The Wii and its games seem geared toward "all audiences" like a Disney movie. DO NOT WANT.

              Fire away.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Jadedcarguy View Post
                I can't blame Nintendo for this. Who could have thought that such a "different" little system would take off like this?

                That being said, once they are readily available and stacked on endcaps at BB at a discount, I still won't buy one. I love love love my PS3. The Wii and its games seem geared toward "all audiences" like a Disney movie. DO NOT WANT.

                Fire away.
                What's to fire away about? It seems like you're a consumer who has a clear idea of your own tastes. Nothing wrong with that. There's nothing in this world that's supposed to appeal to everyone. =^_^=


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Nekojin View Post
                  What's to fire away about?
                  I figured I'd raise someone's ire.


                  • #10
                    I think Nintendo is also shipping more units to Europe than the US at the moment due to a better return on the Euro than the Dollar. Perhaps we'll get some more shunted our way once that market is glutted.


                    • #11
                      That is one thing that gets under my skin. Everyone has their own opinions about things. Most people will follow the rest of the group on everything. Now with me, I hate/like certain things, but I look up info about it. Or I grew up with it.


                      • #12
                        I wanted a Wii pretty badly last year. I commend my boyfriend for attempting to get me one for Christmas, then again for my birthday 5 days later. No luck.

                        Anyway, I thought about it, and now I'm prepared to wait a couple of years. I figure within a few years either A: the price of the Wii will come down or B: some sort of improvement will be made to the console.

                        Instead of moping over my lack of Wii, I bought a console that plays NES and SNES games. I think I'm having more fun playing classic 16-bit RPGs than I would flailing a Wiimote around.


                        • #13
                          Wii's are getting easier and easier to find. I happened to walk into a walmart and overhear someone asking for one so I just jumped on it too.

                          THe stores are getting flooded with them, back to back release weeks of 50-100 units at some retailers.

                          The whole problem is being caused in large part by the resellers. Folks buying up as many Wii's as possible to sell on CL or on Fleebay. Sitting at home waiting for amazon to release that days quota of systems. Driving around to Gamestops, Best Buys, TRU's, and all the other retailers in order to pickup as many as possible.

                          Now they are facing the possibility of making 10 bucks a system, dealing with fleebays new model, and even losing money on some auctions.

                          Sure they made a bundle before, but some are gonna get fucked big time if they aren't careful.

                          And I do agree with Jaded, this is a system that is great for a "non gamer". Surprisingly my BIL likes mine, and he is a PS3 Fanboy, but he loves the bowling on the Wii. He would stick with his PS3 though. But yeah, if you are a gammer, then its not the best for ya. It rocks for the younger kids, and those of us who don't live for some of the games that the PS3 and 360 are known for.

                          My only complaint on his PS3 is the damn controller is so freaken light it scares me.


                          • #14
                            I really like that it doesn't rely on batteries like my Wiimote and 360 wireless controllers do. We did buy the rechargeable battery packs for those 2 because we'd go through batteries so fast on them both.

                            I've never liked PS remotes though, they're not designed for little girly hands like mine and my hands fall asleep quickly on them compared to the S controller or the Wiimote.


                            • #15
                              Really Phoenix? I always liked the PS remotes because my small girly fingers could actually reach the buttons!

                              I hated the Xbox controller- you could kill someone with that damn thing! N64 controllers sucked, too...

                              The Xbox 360 controller is much nicer- sort of like the PS controller, but a bit smaller.

                              And the Wii-mote works great, too.
                              "Children are our future" -LaceNeilSinger
                              "And that future is fucked...with a capital F" -AmethystHunter

