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It's not Glee!!!one!!!

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  • It's not Glee!!!one!!!

    So I'm a big fan of Grey's Anatomy, and if you watch the show you know last nights episode was the big "Music Event" that they've been promoting for the past while.

    The issue I'm having is the comments about the episode, pretty much 9/10 of the comments are about how Grey's shouldn't be trying to copy Glee. Uh, they aren't, the shows creator had mentioned wanting to do a musical episode since the show started, so well before Glee. The music was incorporated in an interesting and effective way. I actually liked that not all of the characters who sang had perfect voices, it works. I keep seeing comments about how this ruined the show and so fourth, and how they'll never watch it again because they see it becoming like Glee. This was a one time occurring, do you really think that the show is going to start doing musicals on a regular basis?

    And what is up with all the Glee hate? I get that not everyone is into musicals, but lay off of it, I don't get the point of making every comment about how you hate it, just ignore it if you don't like it. Or if you haven't actually seen an episode (as many people haven't bothered to), give it a shot, then you can be negative! Don't knock something you haven't even seen!

    (I'll admit that I'm one of those fangirls who tends to love damn near every episode of the shows I watch. Seriously, there is not one single episode of shows like Buffy and Angel that I don't like, same goes for Grey's, and while there are a few episodes of Glee that aren't my favorite, I still liked them. I think I get immersed more into the full story of everything, rather than individual episodes. *shrugs* That's just me)

  • #2

    Because Glee came up with the idea of musicals.

    WHAT THE HELL. >_>

    If we're going by who came first, I think Glee needs to stop copying Cop Rock.
    "Nam castum esse decet pium poetam
    ipsum, versiculos nihil necessest"


    • #3
      Originally posted by Hyena Dandy View Post
      If we're going by who came first, I think Glee needs to stop copying Cop Rock.
      Thank you Obscuras Lupa or I would have no idea what you were on about

      Not seen a Glee or Highschool the Musical, don't intend to*, closest to Glee I got was those adverts they were running before shows on sites like that guy with the glasses.
      Almost bought the Rocky Horror Glee Show CD, but decided against it as I don't know what they sound like.

      *Don't have a TV or know which station in the UK airs Glee and I'm not buying a season box set to see what its all about, nor am I even mildly curious to torrent an episode.


      • #4
        You can find videos on youtube with all the Glee music, if you're curious. The Rocky Horror one wasn't my favorite episode, but then I'm not a huge Rocky Horror fan (I've actually never even seen the end of it, I keep trying to watch it on TV and I fall asleep, though that could be because it's usually on at like 1am )


        • #5
          Um... I recall another hospital show that did a musical episode years ago. Scrubs did an episode with singing interspersed randomly throughout it, and the reason behind it was really a neat twist and fit right in to the fact that it is a hospital show. Of course, Glee wasn't around then, so they couldn't bitch about that

          I don't get what the big deal is. Musicals have been around for a long time, and there have been shows in the past that were not musicals that had a musical episode. If you like the show but don't like musicals, just skip a week and get over it


          • #6
            I don't watch either show, but was very skeptical about a non-comedy TV show doing a musical version. That tends to be something done in lighter works.

            That said, I did not watch the episode, and have only seen 1 episode of Glee (the one where Blaine confesses to Kurt and they kiss because Kurt is adorable beyond all rationality).
            I have a drawing of an orange, which proves I am a semi-tangible collection of pixels forming a somewhat coherent image manifested from the intoxicated mind of a madman. Naturally.


            • #7
              And let's not forget the musical episode of Buffy, which came out well before Glee was likely even thought of...


              • #8
                The musical episode of Buffy is my favorite thing ever. :P

                I thought Grey's did the music thing quite well, I liked that they didn't really stop what they were doing to sing and dance, they meshed it into the action of the show quite well. Also, Sara Ramirez has an amazing voice, look up her version of the Story from the show.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by muses_nightmare View Post
                  The Rocky Horror one wasn't my favorite episode, but then I'm not a huge Rocky Horror fan (I've actually never even seen the end of it, I keep trying to watch it on TV and I fall asleep, though that could be because it's usually on at like 1am )
                  You're doing it wrong. The movie, on it's own, is pretty crap. It's the experience at the theater that you watch it for.

                  You want to set the way back machine, then they need to stop copying Gilligan's Island.

                  Although Buffy is likely the inspiration for the ones cropping up over the last decade, though Star Trek Voyager did a musical episode a couple of years prior, as did Lexx, with Drew Carey having a couple, and Chicago Hope a couple of years before that.

                  Last edited by Andara Bledin; 04-02-2011, 07:01 PM.
                  Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by muses_nightmare View Post
                    Also, Sara Ramirez has an amazing voice, look up her version of the Story from the show.
                    Sara Ramirez became nationally-known after her Tony Award winning performance in Spamalot as the Lady of the Lake.

                    No, musicals are not a new thing, not by *any* stretch of the imagination. The American musical as we know it began in 1866 with The Black Crook. (Of course, music and drama have been intermingled since way before Aeschylus.) So there's that. (I could get into the theatre history lesson, but I don't think anybody wants to get me started on that. )


                    • #11
                      Sara Ramirez became nationally-known after her Tony Award winning performance in Spamalot as the Lady of the Lake.
                      Yeah I was aware of that Hence her amazing voice. Kevin Mckidd (Owen Hunt on the show) had a pretty great voice as well, I'm not sure if he's done anything music wise aside from this, I couldn't really find much aside from stuff about the show in a quick search.

                      Nope, musicals really aren't new. I think a lot of people seem to have hate on for Glee for whatever reason. Personally I don't understand why some people don't like musicals ,but to each their own. I'll keep up my obsession with music and musicals thank you very much.


                      • #12
                        Well, I actually don't care for many musical comedies, particularly the recent fluff written for the Great White Way. I prefer darker, more serious musicals, such as the work of Stephen Sondheim. But to each their own.


                        • #13
                          Eh, comedies aren't my thing either mostly, I'll give most things a shot before saying I don't like them. Admittedly one of my favorite musicals is Singin' in the Rain, not sure if that counts as a comedy though?


                          • #14
                            I would count it as a comedy. Although I also mentally file stage musicals and film/TV musicals into different categories.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by muses_nightmare View Post
                              And what is up with all the Glee hate? I get that not everyone is into musicals, but lay off of it, I don't get the point of making every comment about how you hate it, just ignore it if you don't like it.
                              Kinda difficult, every new episode I have to avoid FB for days because everyone spams my page with how amazing that episode was, oh and I'm going to post youtube links to every song they did...and Frankie, eddie and Gina should totally have a live orgy, you can just see the chemistry, and it's the mostest amazing showeverOMGI'MGONNADIEIFITEVERGETSCANCELLED!

                              Seriously it's a goddam TV show, and people are acting like it's the cure for AIDS.

                              If people would stop shoving it down everyone's throats and trying to force us that don't like it to swallow, maybe we would let up. And I realize that FB isn't serious, but really you have to tell your friends about a TV show you just watched? Sorry I prefer to discuss things I've ACTUALLY DONE, not sat vegged out on the sofa snarfing cheez-doodles WATCHING. Activities, hobbies, sports, it's springtime, get out and do something ferchrissakes. And for the umpteenth time, no dear cousins I will not come over for your "Glee marathon" when the next season comes out on DVD. Seriously, when the season is over they have all night sessions watching EVERY EPISODE back to back, from beginning to end, it's not exactly a healthy obsession.

                              Originally posted by muses_nightmare View Post
                              give it a shot, then you can be negative! Don't knock something you haven't even seen!

                              Um do I have to watch a video of a 2 year old puppy being dismembered by a chainsaw to know I don't like it? After all it might be "really well done". This is usually the rebuttal given by "gleeks" when I say I don't want to watch a bunch of kids singing songs that I grew up with, and were VERY important parts of my life, and in my opinion (I've heard the songs-was forced to listen to them), are being butchered. And quite frankly the songs they do most of the actors from the show weren't even born yet, so these songs mean nothing to them but a paycheck. I actually know people that claim "oh Glee did that song better", when they have never heard the original. Though fans of the show referring to themselves as "Gleeks", due to what the word actually means, I find terribly appropriate. As I feel the show is spitting on or making fun of songs that were popular before they were even conceived.

                              Gleek-the use of ones saliva glands to shoot the saliva a credible disatnce, with the intention of hitting someone
                              to make a joke, jest

                              *the person that was in charge of the remake of the bionic woman claimed his show was far better than the original, which he had never watched an episode of.
                              Registered rider scenic shore 150 charity ride

