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What's your favourite "old skool" game?

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  • What's your favourite "old skool" game?

    By "old skool", incidentally (it wouldn't fit in the title) I mean off these video game systems: Master System, Megadrive (Genesis), NES, SNES, Atari (ST) and Amiga. There's surely people on here who can remember those computer games; also, I believe, there are packs for the Wii that you can get of old skool games, is brilliant cuz it gets more people into the old games. Maybe they didn't always have the good graphics, but they were amazingly addictive and playable.

    When I was a kid, I shared first a Master System, then a Megadrive, with my two little brothers. My older brother had his own Atari St, which he sometimes condescended to let us play on. My fave games from that era were as follows:

    Atari St

    Rick Dangerous
    Rock n Roll
    Bubble Bobble

    Master System

    Alex Kidd
    Sonic The Hedgehog
    Double Dragon


    Streetfighter 2
    Sonic 1 and 2
    Streets of Rage 1 and 2
    Theme Park
    Micro Machines
    "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."

  • #2
    I had the ST demo of mega-lo-mania, even though it only had 3 islands I enjoyed playing it alot, I just never got it for real (even as a pirate).

    +4, we only ever had the games that came with the system, there were about 20, but I only ever recal playing 2.
    Icicle works, it was a christmas themed boulderdash clone, was just talking to my brother about that on yahoo, he got to a point where he got a new life just for entering a room (you could go back and forth between completed levels as some had multiple doors to different levels) and he also got a new life just for dying as he was listed as entering a room, dont recall ever finishing it even with almost infinate lives, think we gave up after a while.

    Treasure Island, played a bit like saber wulf on the speccy, but pirate themed, can't remember too much though.

    Deflektor, never beat this game but it had a brilliant theme, originally on the speccy, but I got the ST version in a compilation (Masters of the Universe, 3D Galax and some other game)
    Akraniod, a break out clone with extra whistles and bells.
    Wizball, I was always the cat and my brother Wiz, never beat the game, I think we did one of the colour collections in the wrong order as we never got the right combination of buckets to fill in a level, sure it might have looked better on the Amiga, but at the time we only had the ST.


    • #3
      Atari - Combat. Used to kick my sister's ass on a regular basis.

      NES - TMNT 2. Never could beat Shredder.

      SNES - Here we go. Super Mario World and Super Mario Kart, of course. Donkey Kong. But the best, the absolute best, and my favorite video game ever - Super Mario RPG. It's awesome. And I'm so aggravated that Nintendo and Squaresoft (now Square Enix) won't work together to make a true sequel. Because the Paper Mario series has nothing to do with Super Mario RPG.


      • #4
        I never completed Mega-Lo-Mania either, cuz I got sick of constantly stalemating on the later islands. You run out of elements so can't make more weapons to attack other sections so all you can do is quit. But I did have fun playing earlier levels; I used to get up to the later levels, then hand the game over to my brothers. XD Win win.

        You can actually play Rick Dangerous online now; but it's still bloody irritating. It's the kind of game where you have to die several times before you can complete it, cuz there's just no way to avoid most of the traps. For example, you could be innocently climbing down a ladder, when suddenly a spear comes out of nowhere and kills you. Thank fuck that computer games turned away from that method... -.-

        The unfair deaths of Rick Dangerous
        "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


        • #5
          Oh dear. This could take a bit of time as I'm really into nostalgia era games.

          Lessie here:

          - Mario titles including spinoffs (one edutainment title, mario is missing for the SNES wasn't too bad either)
          - Zelda: Link to the past
          - Super Metroid
          - Sonic 3 and Knuckles (the S3 and S&K combo game)
          - Monopoly
          - Aladdin (SNES version. Yes, the Genesis had better graphics, but the SNES one had a KILLER end boss)
          - F-Zero
          - Mega Man X 1-3
          - Final Fantasy 1, 2us, 6 (the only ones released in NA during that era)
          - Super Castlevania 4

          And those are off the top of my head. To summarize, full list too long to print.


          • #6
            Atari 2600:
            Yars' Revenge - I used to play that for hours
            Air/Sea Battle - a bit mindless, but I enjoyed it anyway
            Frogger - a classic
            Pitfall - I could run through on a single life

            Tetris - the one produced by the Russian guy, not the crappier licensed version
            Legend of Zelda - the original
            Duck Hunt - the cats would try to 'help'
            Kid Icarus - this is why I know what an eggplant looks like

            Qix - I love these
            Tetris - my family would roll the score over
            Major Havoc - I'm a sucker for well-done vector games
            Ladybug - Pac Man started it, but this was my favorite maze chase game

            Those are just the highlights.

            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


            • #7
              Reeealy gonna date myself here.

              In no particular order:

              Space Station Pheta
              Mac Syndicate
              Futurecop: LAPD
              Dust: A Tale of the Wired West
              Last edited by RecoveringKinkoid; 08-23-2011, 08:03 PM.


              • #8
                You'd never believe the hours I spent playing Frogger. The Colecovision version, which, though it's not on the list, surely fits. (Same era as Atari 2600; better in some ways, but far fewer games and a weird controller design... and if you got the adapter, which I never did because Coleco went out of business, you could play Atari games on it.)

                Actually, the Coleco version of Dragon's Lair made a better game of it than any other adaption (adaption, not direct copies as has been done on pretty much anything newer than SNES) did. But that was on those stupid tape things the Adam used, which reliably chewed themselves up. Essentially cassette tapes, but not quite, which ran at about Fast Forward speed when it was reading and much, much faster when seeking, so the tape would always sooner or later slip off the spool a bit and wind up a crinkled mess in there. But even Coleco *emulators* are too old to run now.


                I never had access to Sega, and my favorites for NES/SNES that I can remember were Mario/Zeldas, nothing unusual. (SMB 2 and 3 were best of that line, and for Zelda, A Link to the Past first, then the original. I still like both of those better than any 3D version, though *those* would be vastly improved if they'd just get rid of the **** spiders. Ever-increasing detail and realism is not an advantage when it's applied to a spider twice as big as you are... especially, as in Twilight Princess, when your only weapon is BITING it.)
                "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


                • #9
                  If we're branching out to computers, my favorite Mac game, when Windows 3.0 was still working out the kinks, was Scarab of Ra.

                  Then there was the time we loaded MacPlaymate onto every single computer in the lab and got them to sync up... but that wasn't really a game, so much...

                  Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                  • #10
                    I didn't read the OP carefully. Sorry.

                    Okay. So let me try again.

                    And then we got an Intellivision and my favorites were:

                    (I think) Space Battle or something like that that was addictive.
                    Dungeons and Dragons


                    • #11
                      My cousin had Duck Hunt; I used to really hate that dog. Most annoying videogame character EVER. -.-
                      "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


                      • #12
                        I loved Pole Position on my Atari. Was the first console game I ever played, and it holds a special place in my heart. Also, I had some sort of Pong game, dunno if it was actual Pong or a clone, but I remember the paddles and going through levels where there were various obstacles in the way.

                        Lessee. NES: motherfucking Shadowgate! And Arkanoid. And Tetris and Dr. Mario, of course.

                        SNES: Hours and hours and hours of Simcity when it first came out. Pinball Quest, the RPG levels where you had to climb your way to the top and battle bosses and such and free the little pinball princess. I'd always steal from the shopkeepers till I got the devil flippers and permanent stoppers, then I'd be set for the rest of the game. Also, Actraiser, Super Mario World, Legend of Zelda: a Link to the Past, that Pebble Beach golf game.

                        If we can consider really old school computer systems, gotta throw in the original Oregon Trail for Apple IIe.


                        • #13
                          I didn't own any gaming consule until I was 13, but when I went over to friends houses, I always liked the Mario games (and I still do). I think my favorites were a tie between SMB3 for the NES and SMW for the Super Nintendo.


                          • #14
                            Secret of Mana, hands down

                            Secret of Monkey Island
                            I am a sexy shoeless god of war!
                            Minus the sexy and I'm wearing shoes.


                            • #15
                              Super Mario 3. It was the first video game where I learned that while yes I suck at video games I could still have fun with them.
                              Jack Faire

