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  • #31
    Originally posted by ExRetailDrone View Post
    I have to ask, as this makes me think of it. Did he have complete control over the Star Wars Holiday Special? Because that was such a load of painful-to-watch crap that I can't even describe it >.< I even watched it with RiffTrax, and it didn't make it any less painful. The late-70s commercials were the best part about watching that steaming pile...
    No, that was written by the same guy that wrote Scary Movie 3 and 4. >.>


    • #32
      One of the five writers, yes, but he also worked on the screenplay for Real Genius.

      Two writers wrote for TV shows for Carol Burnett, Dick van Dyke, and Red Foxx. Two others wrote for the Donnie and Marie Show, with one also writing for The Brady Bunch Variety Hour.

      Honestly, I would blame that travesty mostly on network executives.

      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


      • #33
        Is it sad that I want to watch the movies again? Yeah, they're not that good by today's standards, but they're fun. They're good curl up on the sofa and munch on popcorn type movies.


        • #34
          Originally posted by AdminAssistant View Post
          That nerds everywhere delight in picking apart his every decision, even though he created the very thing they love.
          For every nitpicker there are ten who will rise to his defense. Trust me, the box office numbers alone combined with the "whooos" and the fact that Star Wars Episode 1 is being re-released in 3D this month is more than enough to prove that he's not exactly standing in a stoning pit right now.

          All I ask is, next time you want to take an internet rage-dump on the Bearded One, show at least a little respect for what he's done.
          I'm sure there are a lot of people who respect his past accomplishments. That doesn't mean that everything he does was set in stone for him atop a mountain.

          I seem to remember a very similar amount of bashing during the 80's when Howard the Duck was released. Personally I like the music, love Lea Thompson and actually didn't have a problem with the movie because I watched at a bazillion times as a child.

          That doesn't mean I don't bust a gut at the Rifftrax crew for their pretty direct analysis of the special edition rereleases of the original Star Wars Trilogy.
          The Internet Is One Big Glass House


          • #35
            There's nothing wrong with saying "Hey, I don't like this". Seriously, I think the fact that he assraped the series by making the prequals more kid friendly and adding a sloppy comic relief that only the French could truly love and is STILL saying "Hey, it's mine, I made it, I can remake it" bot fills me with rage and a sense of satisfaction.
            Rage at what he's doing to my beloved childhood memories with his constant noodling and satisfaction that there is an artist who will do what he feels is best, even if it's panned.
            Hell, he's a sucess, and as much as I hate the interdimensinoal aliens at the end of Indy 4 and would dump toxic waste in any inhabited body of water on Naboo...I respect that it's ultimately his to play with, and my choice not to support him.

