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Canon or Alternate Reality

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  • Canon or Alternate Reality

    I finally got around to watching Muppets From Space tonight. In a short scene Pacey Witter and Joey Potter, played by Joshua Jackson and Katie Holmes respectively are there with all of the people waiting for the alien ship to launch.

    Now since they were in the character of the characters they played on Dawson's Creek the question remains to consider this canon stating that in their world Muppets exist and we just never had cause to run into them during the 6 year run of the show or is this an alternate reality where the same characters exist but also live with Muppets threaded throughout their lives.

    Jack Faire

  • #2
    I don't mind an alternative reality as long as it's done properly. For example, I've seen plenty of fanfics completely massacre canon characters in a canon setting, and other fanfics which use an alternative reality pull them off perfectly.
    "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


    • #3
      You think that's interesting to talk about, what about the Tommy Westphall universe, basically it's revealed that at the end of st. elsewhere that this autistic kid imagined the whole thing, and therefore imagined all the show that crossed over with it and therefore any show that crossed over with those shows etc, etc,

      This site has a big list of them and how they connect, hasn't been updated in a while but still has like 300 shows on it.


      • #4
        Yeah but I have exhaustively read about the Tommy Westphall thing. Since I had literally never seen Muppets in Space before last night I was kind of feeling mind blasted that they tied in one of my favorite TV shows.
        Jack Faire


        • #5
          Actually, I remember hearing that Muppets From Space was never supposed to be taken as Muppets canon, that in other appearances Gonzo wasn't really an alien. If true, I don't know if that makes this matter more or less confusing. If it's not canon for the Muppets but it IS canon for the humans from the show... that would be just like the Muppets.
          "So, my little Zillians... Have your fun, as long as I let you have fun... but don't forget who is the boss!"
          We are contented, because he says we are
          He really meant it when he says we've come so far


          • #6
            Originally posted by MrsEclipse View Post
            Actually, I remember hearing that Muppets From Space was never supposed to be taken as Muppets canon, that in other appearances Gonzo wasn't really an alien. If true, I don't know if that makes this matter more or less confusing. If it's not canon for the Muppets but it IS canon for the humans from the show... that would be just like the Muppets.
            Actually if it's not canon for the muppets then it could actually be simpler an unknown cosmic event happened causing the two universes to merge and in the timeline that resulted reality records Gonzo as an alien and the characters of Dawson's Creek as coexisting in a world where Muppets are real and somewhere out there Greg the Bunny is getting his Show on.
            Jack Faire


            • #7
              this has to be the one thing i love best about deadpool. there IS no canon. he'll make jokes from other 'verses, fight villans and good guys across the entirity of marvel. i even have a comic where he goes around killing his own fans, hoping that it will let him finally die if noone is around to read him. everything and anything goes, and it is AWESOME!
              All uses of You, You're, and etc are generic unless specified otherwise.


              • #8
                I don't think any of the Muppet movies are meant to be canon.
                "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."

