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Westboro Church Group.

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  • #31
    Originally posted by DexX View Post
    ............someone sneak into their compound and slip a large quantity of LSD into their water supply.
    I'd rather slip a large quantity of C4 into the sub-flooring, but that's just me.


    • #32
      Originally posted by DexX View Post
      Ever get the feeling that if Jesus showed up today, he'd be labelled a fag-enabling hippie peacenik and hated by *cough* "Christians" like Phelps, Robertson, and Limbaugh?
      Oh yes. And around Easter, that's actually a semi-common theme for cartoonists.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Jadedcarguy View Post
        I'd rather slip a large quantity of C4 into the sub-flooring, but that's just me.
        I thought about that, but I think it would be much more fun to just f--k with their heads in a very intense way.

        Come to think of it, ecstacy would be even better than LSD - the Church of Hate would suddenly be full of love. Of course, the comedown would be pretty rough...


        • #34
          Originally posted by Rubystars View Post
          If I recall correctly, Westboro is mainly made up of family members, so it's not really attracting a lot of outside followers.
          Speaking of family...I liked this part from Wikipedia: Phelps does not permit Westboro members to marry persons outside the church[citation needed]. As relatively few individuals have joined Westboro, there have been at least two marriages between the Phelps and Hockenbarger clans, resulting in some members having dual genealogical relationships.

          Sooooo wouldn't that make them a bunch of inbred idiots?


          • #35
            Not yet, they're just double cousins. A pair of sisters marrying a pair of brothers is not incest or inbreeding, but the children are closer genetically to their double cousins than they are to normal cousins.

            Fun fact of the day: if two pairs of identical twins marry, their children are genetic siblings.


            • #36
              From that article I posted last page, they're allowed to marry others who are approved by their father. In one instance it was someone who had been fostered by the clan and was brainwashed like the kids were, in others it was the Hockenbergers, a family in which the father was a lawyer/thug friend of Fred.

              When the eldest dated a non-approved woman who later died, Fred literally danced around and sang in front of his heart-broken son. Seriously, he's an asshole of the highest degree. It's beyond comprehension.


              • #37
                Fred Phelps is one of the most evil people in the world today. If there is a Hell, a very special spot is being prepare just for him. He's getting on a bit, too. That bile-filled heart of his won't be able to keep pumping for too many more years. Time to repent, Fred! Do you really want to stand before your creator as an unrepentant advocate of hatred?


                • #38
                  If everyone would stop paying attention to this imbecile, he wouldn't bother picketing funerals anymore. I understand that everyone is angry, but frankly that's all he wants. He is now looking for big, attention-grabbing funerals, and shoving his ignorant face in front of them. At the cost of turning attention away from the deceased.

                  Why are the media and media consumers letting him get away with this?

                  Attention whores are a problem easily solved. Ignore them and they go away.


                  • #39
                    Attention whores are a problem easily solved. Ignore them and they go away.
                    Suing the fuckers into financial oblivion also works, with the added benefit of punishing them in addition to making them go away.


                    • #40
                      They're worse than attention whores. They're bullies. Bullies don't stop unless they're made to stop. I know this truth from hard personal experience.

                      Sooner or later that bunch is going to fuck with the wrong person/people, and they'll get what's coming to them big time. And I can't say as I'd feel much (if any) sympathy for 'em.
                      ~ The American way is to barge in with a bunch of weapons, kill indiscriminately, and satisfy the pure blood lust for revenge. All in the name of Freedom, Apple Pie, and Jesus. - AdminAssistant ~


                      • #41
                        Not sure about making them stop - they'd just play the martyr card if someone did something about them in that regard. They started it over the lawsuit that cost them dear.

                        Proud to be a W.A.N.K.E.R. - Womanless And No Kids - Exciting Rubbing!
                        Reclaiming words is fun!


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Amethyst Hunter View Post
                          They're worse than attention whores. They're bullies. Bullies don't stop unless they're made to stop. I know this truth from hard personal experience.
                          That's why they've been able to get away with it for so long. Nobody has the balls to put them in their place.

                          Some of you have heard me talk about the couple that lives next door to my parents. For those who haven't, let me tell you about these freaks of nature.

                          1. They use the police and borough government as their personal goon squad. I can't count the number of times we've had the cops called on us, or received certified letters (basically a complaint letter from the borough) for things like playing in *our* yard, working on cars in the driveway, or other harmless things.

                          2. They've left threatening notes on cars parked in front of their house. Never mind that the cops have said that they do *not* own the street, and we can park there.

                          3. If you walk your dog down the street, they'll either watch you or take photos. Why? They have this stupid white rock in their yard, and don't want dogs pissing on it. Even more fun, is when you're on the *other* side of the street at night, and they'll attempt to blind you with a high-powered flashlight.

                          4. These fools actually sent a certified letter to the people on the other side of them, about the "unsightly" and "dangerous" items in their yard. The item? A plastic kiddie pool leaning against a storage shed.

                          5. They actually called the cops on one of my brother's friends...after he dared to use their driveway to turn around. *Supposedly* one of his tires got onto the grass. They saw that, threatened to call the cops if he didn't reseed the entire yard. Cop came (some stupid rookie), and attempted to write him up. Didn't get very far, since we know the chief

                          I could go on, but you get the point. They get away with this stuff, mainly because too many people make excuses for them. Too many people tolerate it because "they're crazy." It's also tolerated because those fools have security cameras all over the house, along with spotlights and motion detectors.

                          Fuck that. They won't stop unless someone stops them. For example, they leave me alone. Why? I don't know if it's because they saw me working on one of the cars in the driveway (said car was in bits), or because I got in the husband's face one morning.

                          Come again? Yep, he threatened to call the cops on me. At the time, I still had my Tercel, which was burning a bit of oil. So every morning when I'd leave for work, plenty of blue smoke wafted over that way. Imagine my surprise when that nutjob came running over and bitching about how it was "killing his plants" and he was going to call the cops.

                          Keep in mind that I don't take shit from anyone--especially *this* assclown. I simply told him to go right ahead. But, if he did, I'd be pressing charges for harassment, trespassing (the dumbass was in my driveway), and anything else that would stick.

                          Can you say "pwned" boys and girls? He looked like he'd just been kicked in the nuts, and there wasn't a goddamn thing he could do about it! They might mess with everyone else, but they leave me alone. And no, I don't go out of my way to mess with them. I have better things to do.


                          • #43

                            I wouldn't much like a bunch of smoke wafting over my way either, but killing his plants? That's a bit much!


                            • #44
                              The blue smoke wasn't even that much--just a puff or two when the car was first started. It quickly went away after that. If anything was killing his plants, I'd place my bets on his lawnmower--which spewed out *far* more smoke than my car ever did. That, or the millions of chemicals he'd apply to the lawn.

                              But, it was good to pwn his ass

                              At least I didn't do what some of the kids in town have done. That house has been TP'd, egged (many times, including twice in one night!), and rocks hurled at the windows. Both of their cars have gotten messed with too--shaving cream and keys seem to be favorite weapons. As for the white rock in the yard...that's just stupid. It's just *begging* for someone to spray paint on it...which has happened a few times.


                              • #45
                                I have to say Fred Phelps and his followers are just crazy and just want attention. I never gotten why they bother to protest funerals for people they never met and just knew how they died. I think is very disrespectful towards the family and friends who loved the deceased. I always wonder what god are they talking about because I know my God loves everyone no matter what but I think he makes exeptions. I also don't think Jesus would protest a funeral and said he hates people, it just doesn't seem in his nature to do that.

                                Okay, I had to Google this church and I got 549,000 entries. The first two are their home page (godhatesfags) and the Wikipedia article. The third one is the godhatesamerica website. Anyway I also found which has a nice long read about Phelps and his family. Anyway to sum it up he was very abusive to his children and wife. I think there is a special hell for people like that.
                                Yours truly, Robyn.

