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Problems with Newapagiccans from a heathen.

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Hyena Dandy View Post
    I consider myself pretty new age, because what I believe is a synthesis of various standard and new-age religions. My beliefs have a lot of contradiction, but simultaneously one of the things I believe is that the truth is, if not unknowable, entirely irrational, and can be multiple things at the same time. Since what I believe now didn't exist before, it must be new-age.

    But I know what you mean about the fluffybunny types. For the most part they don't even know what they claim to believe. A lot of the publications for the friends I have who believe those things basically come up with new things to believe every week.

    I believe every human being has the capacity to understand the truth, but they need to discover it on their own.
    And this Dandy is why I respect some new agers and even some newapagiccans, I look for a little consistency, hell contradictions are a part of that, given just the eddas I'm supposed to believe that mankind was either A) the descendants of Heimdallr, B) Made from wood and given various gifts by Villi Valli, and Ve, or C) was formed from a part of Ymir, any could be right, but damn it's at least consistent along most parts in that the aesir made us from something, but it's when they seem to on a whim change it because of ooh new shinee book or even me dropping a little misinformation (such as the whole thing of both Lexus and Janae believing in a type of spiritual entity called a Voidwalker.... and Janae played WoW *headdesk*).

    It's not all the new age's fault Dandy, it's the whole prevalent mindset in the occult community that's gone from serious study to whatever feels good.


    • #17
      Originally posted by bunnyboy View Post
      It's not all the new age's fault Dandy, it's the whole prevalent mindset in the occult community that's gone from serious study to whatever feels good.
      Yeah, that's the thing. There's a difference between what feels right (And in my case I make a point of doing extensive readings to see if it is right) and what feels good. The universe isn't here just for making you happy.
      "Nam castum esse decet pium poetam
      ipsum, versiculos nihil necessest"


      • #18
        That depends on your beliefs.
        I am a sexy shoeless god of war!
        Minus the sexy and I'm wearing shoes.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Nyoibo View Post
          That depends on your beliefs.
          True, but truthfully what I think Dandy means and what I meant was the escapist aspect, take Janae for example, she's basically got bone growth in muscle, and works jobs that had she actually gone onto the other boards would have filled quite a few posts on both the SC part and the morons in management part, but when she was being "magickal" she was an old soul who was training people she was close to for the upcoming 2012 astral apocalypse that would change the other plaes forever.... and much like her Lexus is a constantly unemployed chubby guy with seemingly no goals in life except to bed any guy he wants, but in his "magickal mode" he's coyote incarnate, and the protector of all around him (three guesses as to what's wrong with THAT picture) and his big thing is he's coyote since he had a liking for them as a kid, and for a long while his furry persona was a coyote.

          now I have two furry persona, one's the usual one I use and is usually a rabbit, not because on some mystical level I'm a rabbit or it's my spirit animal, but because I just like them and when I came up with the character/persona rabbit furries were rare as hens teeth. The other is sort of an alternate character that I do so I can at some point make a suit, and while he does have some aspects of heathenry t him (wears a Hammer, has the name Garm, and if I can figure out how to do it will have "one eye") he'only called that as a nod, not because deep down I'm an incarnation of Garm.

          BTW Garm is to Hel what Kerburos is to Hades, though Garm howling is supposed to start Ragnarok, since he's one of Fenrir's brood, kinda makes him a not good thing towards the Aesir.

          And now you know...


          • #20
            I know who Garm is, spent a lot of my childhood studying norse mythology.
            I am a sexy shoeless god of war!
            Minus the sexy and I'm wearing shoes.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Nyoibo View Post
              I know who Garm is, spent a lot of my childhood studying norse mythology.
              Oh wasn't directed at you Nyoibo, was just putting it out there for those that didn't.

              ANd on a related note, I'm surprised with all the wolves in the fandom none hae ever taken the name Sköll, or Hati or GArm, but damn if there aren't plenty of Fenrir/Fenris named ones.


              • #22
                Go figure, I guess some just like the idea of biting off the hand of a god and having a sword shoved through their mouth.

                But the river of blood and drool? Eww.
                I am a sexy shoeless god of war!
                Minus the sexy and I'm wearing shoes.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Nyoibo View Post
                  Go figure, I guess some just like the idea of biting off the hand of a god and having a sword shoved through their mouth.

                  But the river of blood and drool? Eww.
                  Heck the reason I chose Garm is for the whole, my howl will bring forth the end of the Gods... thought Hati and his brother are pretty good too.... I wonder how those two would taste.... methinks Skoll likes his meat rare and hati likes it hockey puck done. *snerks*


                  • #24
                    I hope no one gets offended when I say that I think all new age stuff is just as silly as the big three desert religions.
                    I still say that mythology is just someone else's religion.
                    At least as an atheist, I don't have to do any more reading. It's simple. I don't believe. There, that's it for the research.


                    • #25
                      I know some who say they are Pagans. I know some who say they are Wiccans. They don't try to convert people though. I do know a guy who wanted to be Wiccan(?) but the local Wiccans said he couldn't be one because he was male. (I think it was the Wiccans, but can't remember - I have an old brain ).

                      My mother thought I was an odd duck when I was growing up. Between the ages of 8 to 12, I was very into the the Greek myths. I had memorized all the Greek Gods that were listed in the books, I could tell you their Roman counterparts. I knew the myths practically by heart. I haven't thought about that in years though.

                      So ... ahem ... back to topic ... Ummmm ... Not sure what else I can add.
                      Oh Holy Trinity, the Goddess Caffeine'Na, the Great Cowthulhu, & The Doctor, Who Art in Tardis, give me strength. Moo. Moo. Java. Timey Wimey

                      Avatar says: DAVID TENNANT More Evidence God is a Woman


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Flyndaran View Post
                        I hope no one gets offended when I say that I think all new age stuff is just as silly as the big three desert religions.
                        I still say that mythology is just someone else's religion.
                        At least as an atheist, I don't have to do any more reading. It's simple. I don't believe. There, that's it for the research.
                        Makes me think of the Rowan Atkinson skit as the devil "Atheists, your here, well I guess you're felling a right bunch of twits right now aren't you?"
                        I am a sexy shoeless god of war!
                        Minus the sexy and I'm wearing shoes.


                        • #27
                          Haha, Newapagiccans. Sounds like something that lives in the Himalayas and is routinely shaved for wool. >.>

                          I dabbled in the whole wicca/new age thing when I was younger. I observed two things about it:

                          1) It was very hard to get anyone to answer a specific question as no one had any fucking idea of that which they professed to follow.

                          2) They were very haughty and looked down on mainstream religions. Typically Christianity. Which they had usually just come from and were checking out Wicca since it sounded cool and was on Charmed. It seemed like they had traded in Arrogant So Called Christian for Self Important Newapagiccan.

                          Obviously real Wiccans aren't like that. But I find most loudly self proclaimed Wiccans are Bubblegum Wiccans that think its cool cus they saw it on TV. Sadly I've also encountered a few Buddhists in the same vein. Who claim to be Buddhist just because it sounds cool.

                          Kemetic Recon is a term I haven't heard before. Is that what ancient Egypt had going? I'll have to look into that. I love the old old old religions ( Stuff on the BC side of the scale ) as they often have more fascinating stories/fables/etc and more sort of straight to the point teachings even if some are outdated.

                          Buddhism is my main at the moment, but I sub spec into a few other philosophies. Some of the native American stuff, such as the Grandfather Truths, is just perfect wisdom, really that gels well with Buddhism. As does Shintoism of course which I also find fascinating as it fills in a lot of the blank spots in Buddhism. Part of the Dalai Lama's teachings is to keep seeking ever better answers. Even if they are not from Buddhism. Clinging to beliefs just because, even when their proven wrong or outdated, is just being stodgy and stifling your own growth.

                          Buddhism is merely as close as I've gotten so far. I do not agree with all of it, but the great part about Buddhism is you don't have too.
                          Last edited by Gravekeeper; 09-18-2009, 11:07 AM.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Gravekeeper View Post
                            Haha, Newapagiccans. Sounds like something that lives in the Himalayas and is routinely shaved for wool. >.>
                            Considering most just buy wicca books from Llewellyn. or any of the big new-age guys... I think they're pretty much that... well aside from living in the Himilayas.

                            And yeah, it's a great one if you can find one of the big three Trads (Gardenarian-Alexandrain/Gerogian/Stregheria Wiccan, but those have secrets they wont tell you until you get to the right degree, and are hard to find covens of in America. These in my opinion are pretty much along the lines of being a sort of new Mystery Religion, and pretty much recreate some of the things we know about those faithfully.

                            Then again Buddhism was what I was looking for, but meh, never liked the idea of Nirvana.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by bunnyboy View Post
                              Then again Buddhism was what I was looking for, but meh, never liked the idea of Nirvana.
                              Buddhism is fun because you can take practically any quote or teaching from it, repeat it in Yoda speak, and it makes perfect sense. Hell in some cases it makes MORE sense than the original text. >.>

                              Noble truth of suffering it is, yeeees.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by bunnyboy View Post
                                she can get a cult of FFVII otaku-kin going....
                                I've ran a kin chat room for...oh, 10+ years now, and opped in its direct predecessor for a couple years before that. We had one of the supposed Cetra come by some years ago...either right after the move to Dalnet or at the very end on Talk City, before they banned outside clients.

                                She was trying to pass off Japanese as the Cetra language. Mind, I'm not fluent, but enough to recognize it, even then...we're talking basics like "neko".

                                This foolishness has been around for a while now.
                                Bartle Test Results: E.S.A.K.
                                Explorer: 93%, Socializer: 60%, Achiever: 40%, Killer: 13%

