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  • Rights

    I've seen a lot of arguements, both here and other places involving "It's my right" or "I have the right to", now what I want to know is why, why do you have the right, or think you have the right?

    Ignoring the consitution of your country you only have rights because the government of your country says you do, but what makes people think they deserve "rights" at all?
    I am a sexy shoeless god of war!
    Minus the sexy and I'm wearing shoes.

  • #2
    Because otherwise life would be nasty, brutish, and short.


    • #3
      There are rights that are created to protect us, however sometimes these rights can backfire on us. I can put an example of a right here, which is the right to do as you please without interference from other states (in this case I'm referring to countries...). This concept is sovereignty. Now, the problem with this right is that what a state may do doesn't always work with the rights set out by the UNited Nations (the Universal Declaration of Human Rights). Therefore, some states may fight for certain abuses not to occur within other states, but that state can hit back claiming either sovereignty or that said states are hypocritical.

      This is an example of how rights can backfire on us. Yes, a lack of rights can ensure a brutal short life, but at least with these rights, a person's right to life remains.


      • #4
        "nasty, brutish, and short. "

        Ok, I admit, I had to look up who said it.. I thought it was Rousseau

        Thomas Hobbes - Leviathan. Which, coincidentally (or not, if Fireheart knows her philosophy), talks about sovereignty as well! (I did an assignment on that... I knew nothing about Hobbes' Leviathan.. fortunately, the marker knew virtually nothing about Arthurian Mythology )

        And I agree.. well, no, actually I don't

        No-one has any rights at all. It's a concept we choose to have to make a society work, and therefore, they've got to be agreed to by those in that society. 'Rights' is a fairly meaningless word. Does the murder care about your 'rights'? How about the rapist? Or the thief??

        Sure, any country can choose to enshrine some 'rights' into it's constitution or it's laws.. but that's a cure, not a prevention... it doesn't prevent anyone just ignoring them.

        Apparently, Australia is the only 'western' nation that doesn't have a bill of rights...(don't know if you've noticed this at all, Nyoibo or Fireheart...I certainly haven't seen the lack make a hell of a lot of difference in my life...).

        I don't know where the whole 'deserving' thing comes from, but certainly as soon as you tell someone they've got a right, there's always someone who will push it (and others) down your throat!
        ZOE: Preacher, don't the Bible got some pretty specific things to say about killing?

        SHEPHERD BOOK: Quite specific. It is, however, Somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps.


        • #5
          you have rights----- there ain't no such thing

          I think George Carlin summed it up brilliantly in his last HBO special

          relevant part at the very end of the show

          I'm lost without a paddle and I'm headed up sh*t creek.

          I got one foot on a banana peel and the other in the Twilight Zone.
          The Fools - Life Sucks Then You Die


          • #6
            Originally posted by Racket_Man View Post
            you have rights----- there ain't no such thing

            If you really believe that, then you must not believe in every man enforced ideal... no justice, love, friendship, kindness, etc.
            That seems like a rather depressing world view.

