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Its okay to rape children in Switzerland if you are famouse

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  • #16
    You''re part of the reason Roman Polanksi is allowed to rape children. Well gee, she might have done drugs before, so surely she is nothing but a drug addict who probably tricked Roman Polanksi into sex by putting a bannana peel on the floor and waiting for him to fall on to her. That seems plausible.

    Would you have the same opinion if a non-famous person raped a non-famous girl, fled after being found guilty, and the police were trying to find him? Its not even a case of Polanski not committing the crime. He's admitted the crime. He just thinks he's too special to have to face punishment.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Red Panda View Post
      You''re part of the reason Roman Polanksi is allowed to rape children. Well gee, she might have done drugs before, so surely she is nothing but a drug addict who probably tricked Roman Polanksi into sex by putting a bannana peel on the floor and waiting for him to fall on to her. That seems plausible.

      Would you have the same opinion if a non-famous person raped a non-famous girl, fled after being found guilty, and the police were trying to find him? Its not even a case of Polanski not committing the crime. He's admitted the crime. He just thinks he's too special to have to face punishment.
      I"m not the reason for any damn thing...this has nothing to do with me. And yes I would feel the same way about a non famous person. I've known people who were falsely accused of sex abuse and how it has the potential to ruin their lives. All because some snot nosed kid felt like it. People forget how precocious a 13 year old can be.

      Don't get me wrong he's not blameless in this thing....what he did was dumb pure and simple..a huge mistake. Both the act and the running away. BUT he is not a criminal and SHE is not a blameless victim here. I still think she's as much to blame for what happened as he is, and it's long past time for persecution already.
      Great YouTube channel check it out!


      • #18
        Originally posted by telecom_goddess View Post
        BUT he is not a criminal and SHE is not a blameless victim here.
        Having sex with a 13 year old is a crime. So therefore he IS a criminal.


        • #19
          What should she have done after he drugged her and she told him she didn't want to have sex? Stupid 13 year olds who aren't able to physically fight off full grown men after they've been drugged. Your right, she deserved to have been raped. Any child who can't fight well enough should be raped.


          • #20
            Whatever I"m done with this argument...I never said that, those words were not uttered by me. I just said she's not blameless....
            Great YouTube channel check it out!


            • #21
              Of course not. 13 year olds should be better at fighting off rapists. Any 13 year old who gets raped obviously is at fault.


              • #22
                Polanski victim says case should end --

                LOS ANGELES – The woman who was the teenage victim in the Roman Polanski sex case says he is not a threat to anyone and charges should be dismissed.

                Samantha Geimer, who long ago identified herself, told the Los Angeles Times in a story posted Tuesday that the case should have been resolved 33 years ago when it happened.

                "Enough is enough," she said of the continuing efforts to prosecute Polanski. She was barred from talking about her civil suit settlement with the director but said it didn't influence her views. "I've felt this way from the beginning."

                Polanski pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual intercourse with her in a plea bargain that has been the subject of controversy. Swiss authorities refused to extradite the Oscar-winning director to the United States on Monday.

                That's what I say enough is enough already.
                Great YouTube channel check it out!


                • #23
                  He is a criminal. He has been tried and convicted. He is a fugitive.

                  That is what I have to say about it. Enough is enough; enough letting him get away with it.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Red Panda View Post
                    Of course not. 13 year olds should be better at fighting off rapists. Any 13 year old who gets raped obviously is at fault.
                    Way to accuse Telecom of saying something that she really didn't say.

                    While rape is a horrendous crime, 33 years is way past the statue of limitations. If he had been a regular guy, would they still be pursuing him? Let's just put it this way: when this crime occurred, my mother was 3 years old.

                    As for all the paperwork, it is a necessary evil. As with every crime that is reported, the t's must be crossed and the i's must be dotted. Everything must be exact. If this doesn't happen, then the defendant's lawyer can point out the flaws and the defendant goes free.

                    I should probably say that in NO WAY WHATSOEVER do I condone rape. As a rape survivor, I can say how horrible the effects are.
                    "It's after Jeopardy, so it is my bed time."- Me when someone made a joke about how "old" I am.


                    • #25
                      Rape victims often don't want cases to be tried becuase it upsets them for various reasons plus she got paid a ton of money. Its not her case to decide to pursue.

                      I read that 95% of extradotion cases frp, Switzerland go through without issue. Its amazing that the famous director by chance is the exception. Pure coincidence.


                      • #26
                        Where did you read that 95% of extraditions from Switzerland are done easily? As I understand it, extradition from ANY country is not that easy.
                        "It's after Jeopardy, so it is my bed time."- Me when someone made a joke about how "old" I am.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Red Panda View Post
                          Rape victims often don't want cases to be tried becuase it upsets them for various reasons plus she got paid a ton of money. Its not her case to decide to pursue.

                          I read that 95% of extradotion cases frp, Switzerland go through without issue. Its amazing that the famous director by chance is the exception. Pure coincidence.
                          Or the fact he has the money to fight any court charge, and has the resources to get that one lawyer who gets the whole case tossed out, because one lawyer forgot to dot the one I, and thus makes the whole statement invalid. Roman laughs his way out of court, free as a bird.

                          Less famous people don't have that kinda of power.

                          You want the famous and rich people to face justice, they need to make it so every single legal case has nothing they can use for defense.
                          Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
                          I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But wife buys the pants so....yeah.


                          • #28
                            What defense? He plead guilty and fled before finishing his punishment


                            • #29
                              Yeah. Now he is in another country where he is a legal citizen. That is his defense. Stick his tongue out and go nah nah! I don't live there! Nothing you can do!

                              Except there is. Which is why extraditions exist, but they require all the legal paper work.

                              I hate it myself. Personally he should have been burned at a stake.

                              But then, I have a harsh view on all crimes, and think that all people who commit them should be punished by a world of pain. Makes them think twice about doing it again.
                              Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
                              I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But wife buys the pants so....yeah.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Plaidman View Post
                                Is it defined as rape now? Likely not. I was /willing/ after all at the time.
                                OMG, Plaid...that is most definitely rape.

                                You were sexually molested.

                                It doesn't matter if you participated "willingly" and were not threatened with keeping it a secret.

                                Someone in a position of authority took advantage of your youth and vulnerability to satisfy their own sexual urges.

                                I do understand what you're trying to say, telecom_goddess.

                                I have seen some pretty wild and sexually precocious young girls who go looking for older guys.

                                On the surface, one would think they are not blameless, but you have to look behind the scenes and see why a girl that young is participating in such adult acts.
                                There is usually some type of history there that has caused them to behave in that way. (Usually abuse, some type of attachment issue, parental neglect or abandonment, etc.)

                                Regardless of whether the victim chose to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and went along with the act, the fact that she was only 13 at the time means that she really did not have the maturity to make that decision, and and adult used her immaturity against her.

                                As for the court case, it's unfortunate that it dragged on as long as it did.

                                I do think his celebrity status worked both for and against him.

                                If he was an average Joe, he would not have had the resources to have fled and escaped punishment for so many years, and probably would have already served his time.

                                On the other hand, if he was an average Joe, I highly doubt so much effort would have gone into the pursuit of justice for so many years.

                                It's unfortunate that they spent all those years attempting to bring him to justice, and then dropped the ball in the end.
                                One would have thought all the loopholes would have been closed after 33 years.
                                Point to Ponder:

                                Is it considered irony when someone on an internet forum makes a post that can be considered to look like it was written by a 3rd grade dropout, and they are poking fun of the fact that another person couldn't spell?

