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This one takes Zero Tolerance to a new low

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  • This one takes Zero Tolerance to a new low

    I found this one very intersting

    a 10 year old 3d grader get a weeks detention for one piece of unopened Jolly Rancher candy. the state it seems is at odds with the school district as the state does not endorse such draconian rules.
    I'm lost without a paddle and I'm headed up sh*t creek.

    I got one foot on a banana peel and the other in the Twilight Zone.
    The Fools - Life Sucks Then You Die

  • #2
    Where's the facepalm smiley?

    Not just at the story, but some of the comments. "Rules are rules" "Kids get away with too much" and my favorite "there's more to the story". I can't believe anyone can actually defend such totalitarian rules. And she has to write a essay on it? You. Have. Got. To. Be. Kidding. Me.

    This may be an extreme example, but the public schools have gone wacko.


    • #3
      Yeah, it makes me sick that people are defending this stupidity. I understand the need to have rules and discipline. But there's also a thing called "picking your battles". How about letting the rules focus on important things like bullying, harrassment of others, matters of safety, and so on? Let the rules focus on important things and let parents decide what to feed their children.

      And even if the kid did break a rule, the punishment is completely over the top. I remember somebody on this forum talking about a frightening lack of perspective that many people suffer from- they blow up over trivial things as a result. A girl getting a week's worth of detentions for a jolly rancher seems a prime example. What do they do to kids who hit other students or name-call? Public caning?


      • #4
        Meh, with stuff like that, the bullies are ignored and the candy girl will forever have this nonsense on her permanent record.


        • #5
          Originally posted by blas87 View Post
          Meh, with stuff like that, the bullies are ignored and the candy girl will forever have this nonsense on her permanent record.
          On that note...does having this kind of thing on your "permanent record" really something all that detrimental? I don't recall anything from school following me for the rest of MY life.

          Great YouTube channel check it out!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Amanita View Post
            What do they do to kids who hit other students or name-call? Public caning?
            You know, it wouldn't be such a bad idea in some cases .


            • #7
              Originally posted by Amanita View Post
              What do they do to kids who hit other students or name-call? Public caning?
              That would be a good idea.


              • #8
                Other zero-tolerance nonsense: Boy Suspended For 'Thinking' About Knife

                (my blog if link goes bad)
                The key to an open mind is understanding everything you know is wrong.

                my blog
                my brother's


                • #9
                  I hardly know what to think of that. My mom always did say "Don't even think about it" but she never really cared until I acted. I guess next time I'm thinking of doing something bad and starting to decide against it I'll just do it anyway so I'll at least get my trouble's worth.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by joe hx View Post
                    WTF? I could understand this if he brought the knife to school, but he didn't. He found it and put it back. Of course, if I was in a school like that, I'd consider suspension a weeks worth of vacation from that hell hole.

                    On the OP story, it appears that for every 5 comments, there is one person who has to play the "rules are rules" card. Some even going as far as to make the girl look like a criminal. Saying if she breaks this rule, she will have no problem breaking laws and going to jail. Yeah because having candy in school is right up there with drug dealing. Just read the comments in favor of the schools and you'll find about every arguement and rational that I despise.


                    • #11
                      I'm baffled with both stories. The candy story is ridiculous. The state says it's up to the parents, not school policy but yet they don't do anything to reverse or undo what's been done.

                      In the second story, they're punishing a kid for doing the right thing? Wow... way to instill those important life lessons in them when they're young. Hey kids... if your gut feeling tells you something is wrong, do it anyway because even if you change your mind, you're still gonna get in trouble.

                      Some People Are Alive Only Because It's Illegal To Kill Them.


                      • #12
                        Wait does that mean I have to go to jail for assault because someone made me mad and I thought about hitting them. Damn. I better think of nothing but flowers and kittens.
                        Jack Faire


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Rageaholic View Post
                          Some even going as far as to make the girl look like a criminal.
                          Well, of course. It starts with Jolly Ranchers and ends with snorting tic-tacs off of washroom floors.

                          /end sarcasm


                          • #14
                            It appears the school didn't understand the law.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Rageaholic View Post
                              On the OP story, it appears that for every 5 comments, there is one person who has to play the "rules are rules" card. Some even going as far as to make the girl look like a criminal. Saying if she breaks this rule, she will have no problem breaking laws and going to jail. Yeah because having candy in school is right up there with drug dealing. Just read the comments in favor of the schools and you'll find about every arguement and rational that I despise.

                              This is, you expected any different? Hell there was a guy who brought up Obama for no reason. Reminded of that one joke law of parody (like the laws of motion), unless there's a smiley, any position form the far left or far right is indistinguishable from a parody, because both are equally ridiculous.

                              I seriously think someone was parodying the rules are rules crowd that always comes up whenever a Zero Tolerance Idiocy story comes up.

