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Evil Barbie Doll O'Doom

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  • #16
    Feh. A lot of cameras can be used to make kiddy porn. And other cameras can do things like stream to the 'net, so I don't see why this is even remotely newsworthy.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #17
      The doll itself is not inherently dangerous, but it sounds like the FBI is saying that it could be used to lure children and capture video (perhaps unknowingly) at the same time. I wouldn't think that owning the toy presents much of a danger at all.

      I think this article addresses the child pornography concerns pretty well.


      • #18
        Slow news day? Let's leap to wild conclusions!

        Doll! Video! Child! Pornography!

        Wait. Where did that last one come from?


        • #19
          Originally posted by fireheart17 View Post
          Seriously, by that logic we should be banning any and all hidden cameras because "they could be used by pedophiles".

          Your thoughts?
          How is it a hidden camera? The view port is in the back, turn the doll around duh! (to those out there that want to go off on the hidden camera tangent. As a previous poster said, every cell phone has a cam in it.
          On another rant tangent whats to keep people from taking it to the extreme in that anything can be perverted and be taken to the pedophile extreme! One way to find out how such things can be done might be to ask an actual pedo but that would just ruin it for everyone is such were revealed. come on it was meant to be fun, so unless a parent is buying it for their kid why is someone even thinking such? The thought of why does a new toy or every other toy have to be ruined because ooh it could be a creepy deviant thing? Honestly kids aren't thinking about that. They're thinking about how fun it could be and oh I want to take a video of me and my friends having fun!

          reminds me of the whole issue of every toy and object has some aspect of danger or in this case sick-ness its how its used is how that is determined. Good grief. My first thought when I saw the commercial for that is how much will this cost? And the probability of it being used and teaching my child how to be careful with it as there is sensitive technology in the doll. not ooh i can take dirty pics with it.
          Repeat after me, "I'm over it"
          Yeah we're so over, over
          Things I hate, that even after all this time...I still came back to the scene of the crime


          • #20
            Another site I'm on is running this story, too.

            Turns out the FBI puts out one of these memos for every device that can do stuff like this. The article includes the following:
            The FBI agreed, issuing its own statement saying that the alert was merely to draw law enforcement's attention to the doll "like any other video-capable equipment."
            So, the whole kerfuffle about the FBI releasing the alert is really a tempest in a teapot.

            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

