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Huge cheating scandal at UCF Business School

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  • Huge cheating scandal at UCF Business School

    Prof determined that 200 of his 600 seminar students cheated on the midterm. He gives them a withering lecture and a choice: Fess up, retake the exam and agree to go through an ethics class or risk being expelled. Some students think it's going to far, "everyone has cheated at one time or another!" I *never* cheated on any exam! If you can't get by without cheating, then how do you expect to survive in the real working world? Sure there are plenty of those who cheat (Enron? Worldcom? etc etc) but after a certain point aren't cheaters playing with fire?

  • #2
    I'm amazed that they're being given the option to retake the exam. Plagiarism/academic misconduct usually equals automatic failure of the assignment, expulsion from the class (with or without a note on the transcript), or expulsion from the university, depending on the level. This certainly warrants being kicked out of the class with a note on the transcript, at minimum.


    • #3
      All of those who were determined to have cheated need to take a turn through the ethics class.

      I also never cheated, even though there were times I very much would like to have done so.

      Little entitled brats don't have any idea how good they have it getting the chance to come clean and move on.

      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


      • #4
        What sucks is that everyone has to retake the test because of this.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Caveat Emptor View Post
          If you can't get by without cheating, then how do you expect to survive in the real working world?
          How often are you given assignments where you have about an hour to do it and can't use any resources at all?

          That'd be equivalent to test taking in college.

          Never cheated in college. I got the grades I earned.
          Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


          • #6
            I can't believe that one kid said that "everyone cheats" and therefore all this is just a witch hunt over nothing. First off, to say "everyone cheats" is a blanket statement. Now, saying that "a lot of people cheat" or that "many people cheat" might be accurate.

            Still, the fact that many people, or even everybody, does something does not make it right. Besides, it completely misses the point. That professor didn't invest all the time into lectures and class time and helping students just to have them cheat on the exam.

            I'm glad the university is going after them. People with mindsets like these are a big reason why our economy got totaled in 2008 and 2009.


            I just thought of something. The professor claims to know exactly who cheated, so why not just go after THOSE students instead of lashing out at the entire class and making them all retake the exam? Either he's bluffing or he's not being fair. It's not right to punish the ones who played by the rules and took the exam based on their own merits. They don't deserve to get chewed out and punished with another exam.

            Also, that kid who said "everyone cheats" better hope none of the employers he applies to upon graduation see this report.
            Last edited by guywithashovel; 11-10-2010, 07:58 PM.


            • #7
              This kind of reminds me of the two girls who got caught shoplifting, and thought it wasn't fair that they were being arrested. The girls thought the store should just let them pay for the merchandise and go.

              Their defense was . . . You guessed it, "Everybody steals."

              One time in college, I was taking a final exam in a history class that was momentarily interrupted when the professor caught a student using crib notes. The professor was furious, grabbed the student's test booklet, and told her, "You get caught with crib notes, you fail the course!"

              The student actually managed to snatch the booklet back from him, and tried to go back to her seat to continue taking the exam. That didn't fly, of course. As she was leaving the classroom, she seemed really pissed that she wasn't simply allowed to continue taking the exam, just without the crib notes.

              Originally posted by guywithashovel View Post
              I can't believe that one kid said that "everyone cheats" and therefore all this is just a witch hunt over nothing.

              Everything that he said was nonsense, but even setting that aside, maybe he should have thought of this :

              When it comes time for him to find a job . . .

              Who is going to hire a person who stated that cheating in college is no big deal?

              Who is going to hire a person who, based on that statement, may very well have cheated his way to his own degree?

              Who is going to hire a person who was stupid enough to actually go on national television and say that?

              . . . My God, he even told them his name.
              "Well, the good news is that no matter who wins, you all lose."


              • #8
                I didn't watch the story but the Prof better be able to prove that some did cheat, because you know some will refuse and appeal it to the Good Lord and back.
                Cry Havoc and let slip the marsupials of war!!!


                • #9
                  "They're making a witch hunt out of absolutely nothing, as if to teach us some kind of moral lesson."

                  Yes. That's exactly what he's doing. Not the witch hunt part, but he's trying to teach you a moral lesson. In morals. Because what you did was wrong, and you need to learn to behave yourself.

                  Because, surprise surprise, not everybody is as morally bankrupt as you, you ding dong. I bet he'd be surprised to find out how many people on that campus never cheated on a test, if there was a reliable way to get that data.

                  I honestly don't understand what is so hard about this. The test was to test you on your knowledge of the subject. By cheating, you rendered the results of the test meaningless. Congratulations, you're a business major who doesn't know his own subject. I'm sure everyone is going to want to hire you in this job market.

                  Gah! I just want to smack that one.
                  "So, my little Zillians... Have your fun, as long as I let you have fun... but don't forget who is the boss!"
                  We are contented, because he says we are
                  He really meant it when he says we've come so far


                  • #10
                    I graduated from UCF before this professor joined, but have friends that took his classes. He is one of the most highly regarded professors among the students.

                    Here is the link from the Central Florida Future, the school's "newspaper."

                    No Sense in Cheating at UCF

                    Here's a video of his entire lecture after discovering the cheating.

                    Professing Forcing 600 Students to Retake Exam Due to Discovery of Cheating

                    According to the Golden Rule, they should all be expelled. If the deal isn't accepted, they will be. Sucks to be them.

                    Last edited by crashhelmet; 11-10-2010, 10:53 PM.
                    Some People Are Alive Only Because It's Illegal To Kill Them.


                    • #11
                      I am quite surprised that the professor didn't just get all of the students expelled. Expelling 1/3 of the class would cause a stir in the class and rumors would spread, but the remaining student wouldn't cheat.

                      As I think of about it seems like the professor was doing this as a warning to other students. Also punishing all of the students might also make student that know of cheating to step forward before the test so not all of the students have to retake the test. It will also make the students do there own headhunt of the cheaters and oust them from local social circles.
                      "Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe" -H. G. Wells

                      "Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed" -Sir Francis Bacon


                      • #12
                        My son is graduating UCF in the spring. I need to ask him about this professor and see if I can get some scuttlebutt from the inside.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Peppergirl View Post
                          My son is graduating UCF in the spring. I need to ask him about this professor and see if I can get some scuttlebutt from the inside.
                          Next time you speak with him, thank him for not walking on Pegasus.
                          Some People Are Alive Only Because It's Illegal To Kill Them.


                          • #14
                            I am quite surprised that the professor didn't just get all of the students expelled. Expelling 1/3 of the class would cause a stir in the class and rumors would spread, but the remaining student wouldn't cheat.
                            Unless, for some reason, he wasn't 100% sure that every one of the 200, and nobody else, cheated.
                            "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by guywithashovel View Post
                              I just thought of something. The professor claims to know exactly who cheated, so why not just go after THOSE students instead of lashing out at the entire class and making them all retake the exam? Either he's bluffing or he's not being fair. It's not right to punish the ones who played by the rules and took the exam based on their own merits. They don't deserve to get chewed out and punished with another exam.
                              Those who are not believed to have cheated, Quinn said, will be allowed to use the higher of the two grades toward their overall final grade.

                              so they aren't being "Punished with the rest"-they're going over the data forensically-academic affairs.....
                              Registered rider scenic shore 150 charity ride

