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Hooters is being sued by National Organization of Women

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  • Hooters is being sued by National Organization of Women

    NOW believes the bibs Hooters sells which read "Future Hooters Girl" are bad for children

    From the way the article reads, the organization is going after the Hooters restaurants located in San Francisco, San Bruno, Sacramento, and Orange County. The Hooters restaurants are classified as adult entertainment restaurants, and because they have a kids menu, high chairs, and other items that can make it seem "family friendly", it's actually violating state and local laws dealing with taking kids to sexually oriented places.

    I have taken my daughter to Hooters 2 times so far. The first time, she was a little overwhelmed due to the loud noise and the fact she had never been there before. (Plus, as a matter of fact, she never once asked to go to the potty, which is a new feat for her).

    Turns out, Child Rum loves Hooters! She likes their grilled cheese sandwiches, their chicken tenders, and their medium sauced drumsticks. I have no problem with taking her there. (Mr. Rum on the other hand is a horse of a different color).

    So, what does everyone think? Should NOW be suing the restaurant? Should people be bringing their children to a "sexually oriented" restaurant (though I don't think it's that sexually oriented).
    Last edited by Boozy; 12-23-2010, 09:10 PM.
    Oh Holy Trinity, the Goddess Caffeine'Na, the Great Cowthulhu, & The Doctor, Who Art in Tardis, give me strength. Moo. Moo. Java. Timey Wimey

    Avatar says: DAVID TENNANT More Evidence God is a Woman

  • #2
    Hmm, sue it to what end? Suing for money? Suing to make them stop serving children?

    The main effect of this would be to reduce the offerings available on offer, and thus require fewer staff, reducing emplyment opportunities to the main working demographic at Hooters, women.

    In the meantime, this lawsuit has advertised to far more people that the place has a children's menu.

    The second amendment apparently includes a clause where it's obligatory to shoot oneself in the foot.

    Proud to be a W.A.N.K.E.R. - Womanless And No Kids - Exciting Rubbing!
    Reclaiming words is fun!


    • #3
      Personally, I wouldn't take my child to a restaurant that exists on the exploitation of women (lots of places sell grilled cheese and chicken wings), and I wouldn't joke about my daughter working there in the future. The lawsuit seems a bit extreme...but they don't call the place "Hooters" because of the owl, y'know? Would you take a kid to a place with scantily clad male waiters called "Sausages"?


      • #4
        "Exploitation of women"?

        That's a pretty strong term, don't you think? Granted the restaurant is a bit tacky and tasteless, but that's a pretty dang big jump into "exploiting women." If anything, the chain is at least honest when they advertise what they are compared to other restaurants that do the same thing. How are these women being victimized, exactly?


        • #5
          For the record, I'm a female. I love Hooters. I have no problem with the women wearing what they are wearing. I have never understood why women are offended when other women decide to show off their "assets". I like to show off my assets, and come to think of it, I sometimes get dirty looks from the women around me. I shrug it off.

          My daughter loves the waitresses at the local restaurant. They're really nice and will sit and talk to her (which she loves). Whenever I ask where she wants to have lunch or dinner, she'll say "Hooters". And she's excited.

          And I do like Raps' observations.

          I had to go to the Hooters website to see if they actually had a children's menu. And not too many places around where I live have grilled cheese on the menu, that my daughter likes to go. (For example: 2 months ago, when we went to the local Red Robin restaurant for Spirit Night for her school, was the first time daughter did start to scream uncontrollably for no apparent reason). So for my daughter to enjoy Hooters is just one more restaurant we can go to and she won't make a scene.
          Oh Holy Trinity, the Goddess Caffeine'Na, the Great Cowthulhu, & The Doctor, Who Art in Tardis, give me strength. Moo. Moo. Java. Timey Wimey

          Avatar says: DAVID TENNANT More Evidence God is a Woman


          • #6
            Okay, I'll agree that those bibs are tacky as hell, but suing them over it is extreme. If you feel the place is kid unfriendly, don't take your kids there. It's not like anyone is holding a gun against your head.



            • #7
              They can sue all they want but I doubt any good will come out of it (including the fact that they'd lose).

              I used to go to the Hooters by my college all the time. Food was great. Service was great (better than most other restaurants). They gave me a discount for working for the military. My ex-girlfriend used to love going with me because they had a really good sauce that she was able to eat (she's lactose intolerant). Most places she can't eat wings because of the sauce.

              If you don't like it, don't work there and don't go there. Simple. Nothing wrong is being done there.
              Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


              • #8
                NOW takes things a little bit too far.

                However, I am still awaiting the day there is a restaurant where scandalously clad buff and gorgeous guys serve cosmos and delicious food for ladies. Fair is fair, right?


                • #9
                  There's Chippendale's. Actually, I'm not 100% certain if they're a restaurant or not...but hey, if there's a market for it, someone will try.


                  • #10
                    I've been to Hooters, wasn't impressed by the food. But that might have been an off day. I seem to remember the waitresses being nice.

                    Also have been to a Chipendales show...sadly, the guys were not all to pleasing to the eye. They did not serve food, but the myself and the gals I was with brought in foot-long hot dogs to eat (the show was in a casino and this was before I was vege, ha)


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Bronzebow View Post
                      "Exploitation of women"?

                      That's a pretty strong term, don't you think?
                      Yeah, probably the wrong about degradation? I really don't see it as all that different from stripping. If a woman can make a comfortable living doing it and be okay with herself, okay. But I don't want to watch and I don't want my daughters (if I have any) to aspire to using their physical 'assets' to get money or anything else.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by AdminAssistant View Post
                        But I don't want to watch and I don't want my daughters (if I have any) to aspire to using their physical 'assets' to get money or anything else.
                        Everybody uses their physical assets to get ahead. It's just that some physical assets are ok to use (winning smile, firm handshake) and others we get all weird over.

                        The funny thing over people making a fuss about Hooters is that they want people to get all up in arms about them. It's great press.

                        I find the comments about the waitresses being upbeat and good at their jobs to be quite telling about what kind of company environment they have, however.

                        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                        • #13
                          Often when Hooter's is being discussed, some woman will say, "Well, I wouldn't have a problem with it if there was a restaurant where scantily clad men brought customers food."

                          This statement seems very strange to me. First of all, we live in a capitalist society. If you think there should be such a restaurant, by all means, open one up yourself. Okay, maybe you don't qualify for the necessary loans to do that, or perhaps you just don't know how to run a business (you can always learn, though). Still, it's not like there is some rule that says there cannot be a restaurant called "Sausages" or "Packages" that is the role reversal of Hooters.

                          Secondly, THERE ARE BUSINESSES THAT FEATURE SCANTILY CLAD MEN FOR WOMEN'S PLEASURE. By putting that in all caps, I'm not trying to yell, but make a point. Someone cited Chippendale's. Even though that may not be a restaurant, it's still a valid comparison. Also, there are plenty of strip clubs, topless bars, etc. that feature men as women's eye candy. Seriously, stop acting like women don't have the same adult entertainment as men do.

                          Lastly, I'm a little intrigued by the use of the term "scantily clad." I've never been to Hooter's, but from pictures I've seen, the girls wear the Hooter's T-shirts with shorts. I'm not sure I would consider that "scantily clad," but I guess my understanding of the word isn't everyone's understanding of it. To me, "scantily clad" conjures up images of people wearing only underwear or maybe underwear and a little bit more.


                          • #14
                            I think there's a significant difference between having a nice smile and being willing to wear tight tank tops and short shorts (the Hooters uniform, yes?) to earn extra tip money.

                            Another thought about having kids there....I wonder how the men who go there primarily to oogle the waitresses feel about the kiddies in the next table over.


                            • #15
                              The number of guys who go there to stare at the women is probably a lot smaller than you think. Hooters doesn't charge cover charges like every other bar does for major sporting events. Hooters charges a lot less for their food. Hooters charges a lot less for their beer. I can bring people under 21 to Hooters to watching sporting events like UFC whereas if you are under 21, you don't have a shot at hell at getting into any other bar.
                              Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers

