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Does You Child Suffer From AFFLUENZA?

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  • Does You Child Suffer From AFFLUENZA?

    I honestly didn't know whether to laugh or shake my head at this article. Happy reading and Fratching!
    There are no stupid questions, just stupid people...

  • #2
    I laughed. It was that or cry. This article didn't say anything I hadn't heard before, but the sum was a little mind-boggling. I've seen "My Super Sweet Sixteen", by the way, since my roomie watches it. Until now I didn't realize that anyone might take it seriously. One episode had a girl "pimping out" a $30k car with $100k of "bling".

    When I was young enough to need parental supervision, my mom banned some movies and shows based simply on "bad attitudes". If it showed kids being disrespectful to adults or cruel to each other, I wasn't allowed to watch it. I thought this was unfair at the time, but now I'm grateful. Why can't more parents police the attitudes in their kids' subliminal programming?


    • #3
      Really depends on how the child is raised. Kids want every little thing they see and will be suckered into ads mainly because they don't know better. I read the book a while back and I just chuckled. It's been going on for a long time, it's just there's more ways to be exposed to it now. Also, look up Collyer brothers.
      "You're miserable, edgy and tired. You're in the perfect mood for journalism."


      • #4
        I would hate to think that when I have kids that they would become entitlement whores, especially when they are older. I know parents now who are like that and the one thing that many of them have said is that they are scared that their kids will not love them if they don't get what they want. I then ask them about their own childhood and nine times out of ten mum and dad would not give into the kids every whim and yet they loved their parents very much. I then asked them to tell me the difference between then and now. And you know what, not one of them could tell me anything was different.

        Luckily most of them took this on board and now have kids who don't demand every little thing out of them. Others I sometimes try to avoid seeing them when they have their kids because they are just plain nasty little brats.

        Its also funny, like I said I have no kids and they all ask me how I know so much about raising them, I said quite simply, I asked my mum. Amazingly she brought up four very well behaved kids and yeah she denied us stuff when we were young but I love my mother to death and would be lost without her love and friendship I now have as an adult.

