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You are in charge

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  • You are in charge

    Of the United States.

    OKay we've all got ideas here about how to make the world or at least the states a better country. we've all been arguing and discussing things in the various threads so lets just see what you would do with this scenario. You have just been handed a big bottle of whiteout and a pen and the keys to the nation. You can change as little or as much as you like. Throw everythign out and start over or change nothign and let the status quo continue. I'll start with a few of my ideas. Just a few of them.

    Remove any law that hs the sole purpose of promoting, defending or legislating consideration or the judeo christian morality. Rape is a physical assault and not a moral issue. What I am talkign about is a lot of the "blue laws" Specific examples are:
    1:Marriage would be defined as a social contract between two or more consenting adults. No mention of gender or anything. this would make homsexual marrige legal as well as polygamy.
    2:Prostitution is legal and regulated by federal law.
    3:Public nudity is no onger criminal. Especially at beeches and other recreational areas like that. Sadly being a prude is not goign to be able to be illegal but at least with proper education maybe we can stamp out the prudes.
    4:Suicide and euthenasia would be legal with express written and witnessed consent of the subject.
    5: no more censorship of media. Dont like swear words dont listen to certain kinds of music. Youre an adult some bad words is not going to destroy your psyche and if your psyche is that fragile then maybe you should rawl back under your rock.
    6:No more war on drugs. Marijuana and the drugs are legal. this will reduce crime and improve the quality of life in america.
    7: mandatory firearms training in high school and barring any physical or severe mental disability mandatory carry and firearms ownership.
    8:nationalized healthcare as the rest of the enlightened countries have.
    9:CPS would be depowered. No more anonymous calls to them. they have to declare why they are at your doorstep, who called on you and what your rights are. No more withchunts they would have to have definate and limited proof of abuse or neglect before they could lift a finger. Any investigatiosn would be limited to specific charges and allegations and anythign ANYTHING else is not allowed to be touched looked at or otherwise investigated. The rights of the parent are sacrosanct and the government has to have definate proof before interefereing in that for any reason.

    1: No more deficit spending. A balanced budget is required and if the government doesnt have the money to cut the check then it doesnt get paid. I cant deficit spend at my bank why shoudl the government get to do so.
    2:flat tax. The entire tax law is as follows: How much did you make last year from all sources of income? What is 20% of that? You owe the answer to the previous question ot the US government. No ifs ands or buts and no more loopholes for the rich to wiggle through to get out of paying their fair share.
    3: price controls on all items.
    4: a systematic removeal of capitalism as a means of motivation and commerce. Communism is a much superior form of commerce.
    5:Minimum and maximum wages. If a company ceo wants to get a pay raise they ahve to give the bottom rung employees twice the raise they get percentage wise. ie ceo wants a 3% riase the bttom paid employees get a 6% riase.
    6: any company that brings in over a billion dollars in profits is siezed and run for the common good as if they are making that much in profit they are doing somethign illegal.
    7: any company that attempts to close plants in america and remove those jobs from america is fined a minimum of 500,000$ per job that is removed from america. If the company attempts to remove more than 100 jobs the company is siezed and run for the cmoon good of all citizens.

    1: maintain a volunteer active military
    2: use them wisely and appropriately. No more invading countries just for political BS.
    3: maintain an adult citizen militia as required by the Constitution of the United States of America. Militia members are issued military hardware to be kept at ready for national emergencies.

    Illegal Immigration
    1: It ends. Border patrol is authorized to use lethal force to repel invaders. Which is what people crossing the border illegally are. You either come in through the front door or you dont get in. End of story.

    1:rebuild the railroad infrastructure in this country.
    2: mandate that hydrogen fuel cell and other advanced technologies including biofuels begin to be implemented so that 50% of all petroleum powered cars will be off the road in 5 years. 100% in 10 years. Since there are price controls in place these new cars will be priced to be available to the common people.
    3: any car that gets less than 20mpg combined is illegal to be liscenced or driven on public roads.
    4: Develop public transportation easily and readily available to all individuals.

    1: all schools public or private must maintain educational standards including teachign evolution in science class. Creationiam and all its derivatives can be taught in social studies where it belongs as they are not scientific truth and fact.
    2: academics shall take precedence in all regards to physical athletics.
    3: Scrap this no child left behind BS. If the kid is too dumb to move on to the next grade then he gets to repeat that grade until he gets enlightenment or gets old enough to join the military or somethign else. Learn or lose.

    General culture
    1: Promote and defend that the individual is the source of all power in the government. That the individual when willingly working together can produce a stronger, better country than when forced to work together by whiny scumbags attempting to legislate consideration or morals.
    2:teach that hateful terrosit groups such as focus on the family, phelps and his crew, KK or neo nazis are ignorant shameful cowards who teach hatered ignorance and vile evil and should be reviled and ridiculed.
    3:mandate that freedom of religion also means freedom from religion. No religion is above another and any attempts to do so will be fined or prosecuted .

    Those are just a few of the ideas I got. I may not be explaining someo f them the most clearly in this cliff notes version. But basically I would want to see the powers of the individual increased, the raping and pillageing of corporate america removed and the attitude of selfish greedy instant gratification destroyed. The power of the government limited to that of what the original founders intended. To protect preserve and defend the common good. After all the Constitution starts WE THE PEOPLE not we the government or we the companies or we the churches.

  • #2
    Wow, you are truly a Libertarian.

    Can I move to your United States verse?


    • #3
      Agreed with the blue laws and war on drugs. They were good ideas at one point in time, but are no longer useful.

      Legalize/regulate marijuana. Start farming hemp for utilitarian purposes so we can stop cutting down trees. There's no good reason why we should have stopped using it.

      100% independence from fossil fuels in twenty years (ten if research is going faster).

      Force companies to hire locally (as in stateside) first. If an applicant meets most qualifications but lacks only one or two, train them in the ones they don't have.

      If an immigrant truly does their best to get citizenship, hold down a job and become a productive member of society, what does it matter exactly how they got here? In my city there's a rash of deportations and attempted deportations of people who are trying their damndest to become legal (and in some cases have families who are full citizens), just because they showed up illegally way back when.

      Ban drug commercials on TV, and restrict drug marketing to non-physicians. Do something about the rampant overuse of antibiotics, although I'm not sure what yet.

      Remove the requirement that people must be in "Section 8" or group housing to get rent assistance. People still must prove eligibility though (unemployed/underemployed but looking for work, etc).

      Clean up the student loan industry and make it possible for borrowers to "freeze" repayment/interest if they are genuinely struggling for a short period. Or get rid of interest altogether.

      Workers' bonuses come directly out of the CEO's personal fortune, and they (CEOs) are not allowed to contest this.

      Hell, every year or two, force some of the richest people to give up a few million and distribute that money to people who can actually use it.
      Last edited by Dreamstalker; 04-24-2008, 05:29 PM.
      "Any state, any entity, any ideology which fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of Man...that state is obsolete."


      • #4
        I would like to alter the school system in this country. The needs of kids in the middle and upper classes are way different than the needs of the kids in the lower classes; public schools we have now were originally geared to the needs of the former and are not prepared to cater to the needs of the latter, although they try. In most of our schools, we spend many times more on the lowest 25 percent of the students---simply trying to keep them out of prison and out of trouble(which often fails)---than we do on the top 25 percent. The brightest kids are left to fend for themselves, many of them dropping out and getting GED's because public school is so unchallenging to them, and they are more likely to have negative experiences with other students (bullying, etc.)

        First thing I would do is open the market to private schools. Lay down some very simple but very specific gateposts---graduates of these schools need to read at this level, and be able to do math at this level, have knowledge of science to this level, teachers must have this much education, etc---and ENFORCE them. But let people open up schools. Two things will happen: one, people will open up schools geared towards specific disciplines. Some schools will emphasize science or mathematics, some schools will specialize in artistic pursuits, etc. People can choose which schools to send their kids to. Two, the price of private schooling will go down through availability and competition.

        People who can afford private schools will put their kids there.

        The kids who are left will be the ones who need the most basic help. I would then alter the way public schoosl get their funding---taking it away from property taxes and making it much more uniform across the board. The public schools would then offer simple, healthy breakfasts, lunches and dinners; training in things like resolution conflict (how to settle a dispute without resorting to violence); how to handle money responsibly---including an understanding of a credit report, how to balance a checkbook, and how to do well in an interview; and basic cooking, cleaning, and parenting skills.

        Many of the kids from lower class at-risk families have parents who work long hours, so these kids end up unsupervised after school. I would extend public school hours from 5am to 10pm. The kids would not have to be there the whole time, only during regular school hours and then while their parents are working.

        I would have several large study rooms for in between classes, and would encourage people to donate time by teaching music, art and computer workshops as electives for the kids. The point would be to have a safe place for these kids to go the entire time their parents are working. I'd have metal detectors if need be, but the schools would be tightly contained. They would be oases---safehouses---especially in more violent neighborhoods. Kids would have access to safe, well lit, quiet places to do homework, teachers to assist them with it, adults to help them with personal problems, other kids to talk to, and either unstructured time to play around or structured time with fun activities for them.

        Whether their parents are poor and work long hours or just don't care about them, these kids would get at least some of the things they need to grow up properly, including safety, regular meals, structure, basic life skills and positive attention from adults.

        Personally I believe that doing this would cut down quite a bit on the amount of violent crime we suffer from, and give many people the skills they need to get out of the poverty cycle.


        • #5
          Wow Blaquekatt, can I go to one of your schools? How great would it be to implement something like that?
          "Children are our future" -LaceNeilSinger
          "And that future is fucked...with a capital F" -AmethystHunter


          • #6
            I like your setup for the most part Rahmota, even though we do seem to disagree on philosophically on some ends, I think in the end we both seem to have the same general goal.

            Number 3 on your military inclusion is unnecessary, it really is. That militia, as you call it, is what is now the National Guard.

            Keep in mind, also, that evolution isn't "scientific truth and fact" either.

            As far as what I would change? Hell, I would re-establish the general election as it was before-it can be found in the second to last line of Article II, Section 12- where whoever gets the most electors is President, and whoever gets second most, is.......TADA! Vice President, no more choosing your running mate bullshit, it alienates entire voting bases and makes half of the country's vote unrepresented in office.
            Last edited by DarthRetard; 04-24-2008, 08:01 PM.


            • #7
              Oh yes, definitely revamp the election system. I read an article awhile ago that compared/contrasted other systems to that of the US and made recommendations as to what to replace the present system with. We only need to look back to 2000 and 2004 to see what's rotten.

              Yeah, the US school system blows. The kids who want to get ahead are forced to slog through a curriculum dumbed-down for the rest, and penalized for thinking. NCLB and the standardized tests that some schools are requiring for graduation have to go (what do those kinds of test prove, anyway?). I would come up with an "affordable" private school tier/plan for parents who don't want their kids in public school yet can't afford full private tuition.
              Last edited by Dreamstalker; 04-25-2008, 02:19 PM.
              "Any state, any entity, any ideology which fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of Man...that state is obsolete."


              • #8
                That militia, as you call it, is what is now the National Guard.
                If you say so the citizen's militia and the National Guard are two different creatures. Especially as they are being used now. What we have are two different militias.

                The organized militia created by the Militia Act of 1903, which split from the 1792 Uniform Militia forces, and consist of State and Federal militia forces, notably the National Guard and the Naval Militia.

                The reserve militia or unorganized militia, also created by the Militia Act of 1903 which presently consist of every able-bodied man of at least 17 and under 45 years of age who are not members of the National Guard or Naval Militia.

                The second one is a lot closer to the original constitutional militia than what we have now. And somewhat closer to what i was thinking of. All adult citizens without some other sort of disability would be a member of said militia unless they where a member of the active military.

                that evolution isn't "scientific truth and fact" either.
                Its a lot closer to it than creationism and its derivatives.

                I'll agree about the election reform. Also one I would like to see woudl be the politicians pay for everythign during their campaign totally out of their pocket. no pacs, no donation no nutin but out of pocket. MIght make only the rich be able to run (like that would be much different than now) but at least it might make people more motivated to run just for the ability to do some good than the power and greed. Or might not. Have to see. At least if they pay out of pocket then they might not go so much BS with the tv ad every 5 seconds.

                TPG: I'll agree that schools in america need some reform. Some more so than others. Around here the rural schools seem to be doing okay. Kids are not missing school, we dont have drugs or violence or high failure rates. But urban schools do seem to be in more trouble. So I dont know exactly. your plan though does sound like a very effective one.

                If an immigrant truly does their best to get citizenship, hold down a job and become a productive member of society, what does it matter exactly how they got here?
                It matters because how they got here says a lot about who and what they are. A person willing to go throug the proper channels is goign to be a lot more honorable and honest than someone willign to sneak across the back door. yeah mexico has some problems but that is not our fault and we dont need them streaming across the borders to take what few jobs there are and resources from those who have played by the rules.

                EBony:Sure just remember to come throu the front door.


                • #9
                  I honestly can't find any fault with that original post. I beleive Ron Paul had similar concepts in mind however he did not win which depresses me.


                  • #10
                    Rahmota, thanks for the Militia clarification. I agreed with it, either way, to be honest.

                    If evolution hasn't been 100% proven as scientific fact, it's still a theory to me, so other than the Flying Spaghetti Monster argument, I see no reason to leave out creationism, as long as it is taught in a way to be unassociated with any religion, so as to not tread on other students' backgrounds.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Darrien View Post
                      I honestly can't find any fault with that original post.
                      I can find quite a few faults. rahmota's got some great ideas as usual, but he and I disagree on the following points:

                      1. Mandatory gun ownership. What gives the state the right to tell me I need to be armed? I absolutely disagree with this from a civil liberties perspective.

                      2. CPS is no longer allowed to investigate anonymous complaints. This will leave a lot of scared and abused children with nowhere to turn.

                      3. Serious issues with economic theory, which are too complicated for me to get into right now.

                      4. Bizarre and unworkable combination of libertarianism (power to the individual) and communism (power to the state) will cause the whole thing to collapse faster than it starts.


                      • #12
                        I honestly can't find any fault with that original post.
                        Well then you're probably not looking hard enough. trust me its not a perfect plan or a perfect idea and would no doubt need to have some tweeks and fine tuning if it did come about, like most things. The past 200 years have been us the peopel tweeking and finetuning and sometimes going back and untweeking the tweeks that where previously made. A government and a constitution are not meant to be a set of stone tablets forever locked and unchanging but then again they also arnt meant to be written on an etch a sketch either. Some where in between where what works is hard to change and what doesnt work is better able to thrown out.

                        Rahmota, thanks for the Militia clarification. I agreed with it, either way, to be honest.

                        If evolution hasn't been 100% proven as scientific fact, it's still a theory to me, so other than the Flying Spaghetti Monster argument, I see no reason to leave out creationism, as long as it is taught in a way to be unassociated with any religion, so as to not tread on other students' backgrounds.
                        Okay cool about the militia thing. A lot of people though do get rather bent about how the militia is defined.

                        Well I guess this is where our perceptions differ. I have no problem teachign creationism in social studies as there is no way to seperate it out from religion. And I see Intelligent design as the same kind of pseudoscientific bunk that says you can add a magnet to your car's fuel line and get 300 mpg. As for a science class teach science. Be it fact 100% beyond the shadow of a doubt (which last I heard gravity was still technically a theory as they ahve not 100% proved that it exists or how it works scientifically) or theory 99% prooven.

                        1. Mandatory gun ownership. What gives the state the right to tell me I need to be armed? I absolutely disagree with this from a civil liberties perspective.
                        Okay why shouldnt you be armed? An armed society is a polite society, If each person is capable of defending themselves from intruders then that would reduce the workload on the constabulary. And with the citizen militia most citizens would be armed through the auspices of that program anyhow. So whats the difference?
                        I suppose there could be religious exemptions, disability exemptions and criminal exemptions but not much else. i mean just because you have it doesnt mean it couldnt be thrown in the back of the sock drawer in a locked case and never brought out to the light of day again. I didnt say mandatory firearm usage just firearm ownership.

                        2. CPS is no longer allowed to investigate anonymous complaints. This will leave a lot of scared and abused children with nowhere to turn.
                        Maybe, maybe not. It would also reduce their ability to just randomly come into people's lives and destroy functioning families that otherwise have had someone outside get mad at them and wants to get revenge or harrassment. No I dont have stats on this as the local and state level CPS keep those records hidden and you have to get a court order to see their mistakes. Which they never admit to making any anyhow. CPS needs reformed and a definate decrease in their power levels. Right now though the CPS equals the gestapo or the KGB in secret police attitudes and powers.

                        3. Serious issues with economic theory, which are too complicated for me to get into right now.

                        4. Bizarre and unworkable combination of libertarianism (power to the individual) and communism (power to the state) will cause the whole thing to collapse faster than it starts.
                        Again maybe, maybe not. true communism as an economic force is what I was striving for. Unfortunately the corporations would not surrender their power or greed willingly so one would have to use force to control their evil. Their would of course be limits on the powers of the government when it came to individual people. Corporations are not people and therefore do not have any rights whatsoever under the law and should be treated as public servants there to provide goods and services to the public at a fair and honest rate. Not rape, plunder and pillage like they do not.

                        And dont feel bad my economics professor and I got into some heated debates back in college too. I'll admit on the surface it does look bad and scary moving away from capitalism and greed and the selfish motivation they require. But with enough social education about the evils of capitalism and corporate dominated worlds true communism would be able to flourish. Especially in a coutry where the rights and powers of the individual citizen where respected and you didnt go over into the socialist states callign themselves communists like the former soviets did. At least I think so.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by rahmota View Post
                          Okay why shouldnt you be armed? An armed society is a polite society, If each person is capable of defending themselves from intruders then that would reduce the workload on the constabulary. And with the citizen militia most citizens would be armed through the auspices of that program anyhow. So whats the difference?
                          Rahmota, it is just as unfair to force someone to have guns in their house as it is to outlaw someone from having guns in their house. Some people are morally opposed to guns. Some people have small children in the house and don't want weapons anywhere near them. The vast majority of people in first world countries have no idea how to use a gun and would not be interested in learning, as it has no bearing on any part of their lives.

                          This is one of the main differences between rural American culture and the rest of the western world; rural Americans see guns as a necessity and as part of their cultural heritage. Very few other places do. Most other first world cultures see guns as military weapons and nothing else.


                          • #14
                            I have to agree with TPG, Rahmota.

                            I live in the most densely populated state in the nation.

                            Most people around here have no use for a gun.

                            I think making fire arms training more readily available might be a good idea...but then that scares me because there are too many criminals around certain parts of Jersey.

                            The rural areas people still carry hunting rifles and such. But the cities? Eh. The police are very quick to respond. It's not like where you are where they take 20 mins to show up.

                            I think it's good that people have a choice. That's how it should be.

                            I'd be interested in learning how to use a handgun...but I'm not sure what I'd really do with it if I owned one. I don't feel truly threatened where I am, and I won't be hunting anytime soon....soooo... *shrug*
                            "Children are our future" -LaceNeilSinger
                            "And that future is fucked...with a capital F" -AmethystHunter


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by DarthRetard View Post
                              Rahmota, thanks for the Militia clarification. I agreed with it, either way, to be honest.

                              If evolution hasn't been 100% proven as scientific fact, it's still a theory to me, so other than the Flying Spaghetti Monster argument, I see no reason to leave out creationism, as long as it is taught in a way to be unassociated with any religion, so as to not tread on other students' backgrounds.
                              Agh pet peeve time!
                              A scientific theory is a hypothesis that has stood every test and experiment thrown at it. It is the closest to gospel that science is allowed to come to. There is no such thing as fact in science. Evolution has been the best supported theory probably in every branch of science out there, especially since Newtonian physics got blown out of the water by Einstein. (but then as a student of biology, I'm probably biased).
                              If you want to see why Creationism doesn't belong in science class, head over to the Creationism and ID thread.

