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Ignoring kids who throw fits in public

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  • #31
    Well, sometimes it isn't avoidable. I mean, when we were small, Mom couldn't exactly drop us off in the field with Dad, and he usually worked "from can see to can't see." So, off to the grocery store we went.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Lace Neil Singer View Post
      I too find it impossible to understand why people want to willingly put themselves thru such misery when it's avoidable.
      Because it's usually not avoidable.

      It's not fun, having to shop while keeping a small child, even one as well behaved as mine.

      I'm not bragging, I got lucky. My kid is easy to manage. However, it's still incredibly distracting. I'm very distractable to start, and having to wrangle a small child while trying to concentrate on what I'm trying to do can be grueling.

      However, my job is to take care of the home while my husband works a paying job to support us. I run errands, do child care, clean the house, and do the shopping. If I need shopping done, I do it during the week while he's a work, and that often means I have a kid in tow. Sometimes that means I have a grouchy kid in tow. You make do. The reward for this is that when my husband comes home, our family time is not used up running errands and we can all spend time together because all the household chores and errands are done. My kid now knows how to behave in public. Heck, I can take her to a fine dining restaurant and not have to worry about her bothering people.

      Have we had moments? Sure. It happens. And miraculously, nobody died.


      • #33
        Originally posted by RecoveringKinkoid View Post
        Because it's usually not avoidable.
        I'm talking about when it's apparently entirely avoidable. Situations where both parents are present, and more often than not, also kids old enough to take care of their younger siblings. When I say "whole tribe," I mean the whole tribe; not the tribe minus one parent.

        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


        • #34
          Well, you know, people have the right to go out in public with their family. More than once, the husband will come home and say "hey, let's go grab supper at X and then swing by Y store after and pick up a whatever." Or, "were gonna go pick up whatever and then hit the ice cream place, why don't you come with?"

          They have a right to do that, and it's a good thing to do that. Honestly, that you might be annoyed by it for a few minutes is something you just need to get over. Plenty of things annoy me, too. The world is not free of annoyances.

          Going to a thirty dollar a plate restaurant or an R rated movie? You have every right to not be subject to a bunch of crap from badly behaving children. You go to the grocery store where everyone eventually has to go, well, that's a case where you need to just face the fact that annoyances happen in daily life.


          • #35
            oh snap

            Kink has a point though. And I had plenty of times out running errands with 1/2/3 kids in tow. And yeah shopping with them is no picnic.

            One time my oldest was about 6 or 7 I think? the middle one was a baby and I was pregnant with the third. My oldest decided to act like a complete doofus while dancing down the aisles of the grocery store. It's a good thing my bf at the time was with us to go get her cause I was paralyzed with laughter
            Great YouTube channel check it out!


            • #36
              I remember being taken to the store a lot as a kid, but it was fun for me (I was wierd) and I was well behaved (for the most part).

