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Bad dad, super awesome big brother.

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  • Bad dad, super awesome big brother.

    Decided on Social woes because of the dad, otherwise I would have put it in grabbag.

    That little kid may not be able to look up to his dad, but he has a hell of a role model in his big brother. I think it might be a little dusty in here.

  • #2
    What that brother did and said made me tear up a little bit and gave me hope for our younger generation. I'm a 33 year old woman, I love Hello Kitty and cry every time I watch Clannad and am a hard core WoW raider with one of the top mages on my server. Who's too say what's for girls and what's for boys? Maybe we should do what we love and tell anyone who tells us any different to fuck off.


    • #3
      Go big brother.

      And shame on dad (and society as a whole) for the whole "x color is for boys/girls" and the like.

      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


      • #4
        Insert obligatory comment about pink originally being a boy's color due to it being a variation of red, and blue being considered a more feminine color, in Victorian times.


        • #5
          Hell, my favourite colour is blue and I play Final Fantasy games (primarily male protagonists), Neverwinter Nights and Elder Scrolls (choice of character), along with Mario and Pokemon series (Mario=male protagonists, Pokemon-choice of character)

          Nothing wrong with a guy liking purple , there's a lot of different shades of purple as well out there, so the traditional bright lavender purple is not necessarily a girly colour. I own a top that's arguably more of a purple-blue colour. I LOVE it.


          • #6
            You know, I could almost understand dad at first. I'd imagine most parents would be pretty curious if their kids were interested in specifically getting girl games. It's not wrong, but it is a little odd. However, when he berated and threatened to beat him for it... wow what an ass.

            Sounds like another macho tough guy who thinks all boys have to be jerk jocks who are into sports and fight people on a whim. Reminds me of the father I ranted about here. For the kids sake, I hope he doesn't turn out to be gay. I can only imagine the hell his father would give him for that.

            Good for the brother and also good for the store clerk for reaffirming his brothers taste. Fuck traditional values that tell us who we're supposed to be.


            • #7
              I have a male friend that loves playing female characters in video games. His reason for this is if he is going to stare at an ass for hours at a time then it will be one that he is attracted to.
              "Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe" -H. G. Wells

              "Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed" -Sir Francis Bacon


              • #8
                Originally posted by tabbyblack13 View Post
                I have a male friend that loves playing female characters in video games. His reason for this is if he is going to stare at an ass for hours at a time then it will be one that he is attracted to.
                That's my boyfriend's opinion.

                For me, it has to do with the fact that male models just don't get the love that the female ones do.

                Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                • #9
                  Originally posted by tabbyblack13 View Post
                  I have a male friend that loves playing female characters in video games. His reason for this is if he is going to stare at an ass for hours at a time then it will be one that he is attracted to.
                  QFT. Thats my reason.

                  If I'm gonna stare at pixelated asses, I'm gonna stare at pretty ones.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by tabbyblack13 View Post
                    I have a male friend that loves playing female characters in video games. His reason for this is if he is going to stare at an ass for hours at a time then it will be one that he is attracted to.
                    That's what everyone of my male friends who plays a female says. I just play because I'm a girl and the male toons in WoW look funky.


                    • #11
                      Go big bro! There's very little I can say that hasn't been said already.

                      But I'll add this: while liking pink and games that aren't loaded with testosterone by no means has the slightest real indication that the kid might be gay, I think there's a good chance that's exactly what dickish dad was thinking: "Oh, no! My son might be a fag, or people might THINK he's a fag and look at me! I'd better put a concrete-firm stop to this girlish nonsense right the fuck now before my kid turns into RuPaul or something!!"


                      • #12
                        If Laura Croft was a bloke, I don't think tomb raider would have sold as well.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Ginger Tea View Post
                          If Laura Croft was a bloke, I don't think tomb raider would have sold as well.
                          Ah but if it's a shooting game, it's OK.


                          • #14
                            I have to agree on the playing a female avatar thing. I do it all the time. It's not a headfrag for the other players (except accidentally) - it's eye candy for me.

                            Mate of mine tried to make out that my sexuality was in doubt because of it. I pointed out my reasons and noted that he always played the big muscular male types. Much was the amusement on our part.

                            Proud to be a W.A.N.K.E.R. - Womanless And No Kids - Exciting Rubbing!
                            Reclaiming words is fun!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by fireheart17 View Post
                              Ah but if it's a shooting game, it's OK.
                              Depends on first or 3rd person shooter, Laura is 3rd person, so you see her back (mainly arse) all the time.
                              Serious Sam you just see his arms, so you can play as a big muscular bloke and not walk away with homoerotic imagery, unless bulging biceps accidentally turn you on.

                              The yogscast are posting up highlights of their starwars livestream, Xephos who recorded it and a friend are both women, same body type but his has the Darth Maul red skin with black marks, yet Honeydew (the dwaf fetish) is running around as a big hulk in his boxers, many a comment was passed on the first video.

