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Stand up to the gays by badgering your local store manager!

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  • Stand up to the gays by badgering your local store manager!

    A Christian group called One Million Moms is protesting JC Penney for including a picture of a married lesbian couple (and their children) in a recent catalog. They are encouraging their supporters to go to Penney stores and complain to the managers.

    The article includes the following two gems:

    Managers will also have to answer to corporate for the loss in sales from traditional families, so we will give them the proof they need to back this up when we tell them we will no longer be able to shop with them until they take a neutral stand.


    Since the corporate office doesn't consider your call important, please call, or visit, your local store manager. Local managers are more likely to listen to your concerns and pass them along to the corporate office.

    I've worked retail for over 6 years now and I've yet to see any manager, store or district, pass on these kinds of concerns.

    Store managers are NOT the marketing department, they could give a shit less about that.

    While it is true that a loss of business could get their attention, I highly doubt this group is powerful enough to have any kind of significant impact on JC Penney's balance sheet.

    I feel bad for the store managers though. They shouldn't have to put up with this crap, especially over stuff that is completely out of their control.

  • #2
    Fuck traditional families. I'm so tired of that horse-shit ideology being tossed around and used as an excuse to hate anyone "different." There has never been a traditional family. EVER. The family dynamic changes constantly and depends wholly on the family, their customs, traditions, location, etc. 200 years ago it was okay to basically trade your daughters for money or cattle (dowry, anyone?). Nowadays, you can get married and only pay the clerk fees.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Crazedclerkthe2nd View Post
      until they take a neutral stand.
      Does someone want to go explain to them that a neutral stand means not doing anything about the lesbian couple in the catalog and refusing to state whether same sex marriage is bad or good.
      Jack Faire


      • #4

        Originally posted by Seifer View Post
        There has never been a traditional family. EVER.
        I have a feeling that their idea of a "traditional family" is mummy, daddy and 2 children. I wonder how that group feels about the Duggars (20 children), octomum (14 children) and similar. I won't get into the single-parent, step-family mold, although I wonder how they feel about families where mummy or daddy get drunk/use drugs and then proceed to beat the living shit out of the partner or child.

        Originally posted by jackfaire View Post
        Does someone want to go explain to them that a neutral stand means not doing anything about the lesbian couple in the catalog and refusing to state whether same sex marriage is bad or good.
        I think to them, neutral means that they remove the lesbian couple and start putting a huge banner in every catalogue that says "WE SUPPORT BREEDING, START BREEDING TODAY!" and then underneath, "JCP does not support same sex marriage, we encourage all couples out there to breed like rabbits untl they start miscarrying rapidly."


        • #5
          I need a new shirt to match a skirt for some professional family (man, woman, one child with no intention of more) photos we are having done this weekend.

          I am going to seek a JC Penney near me and buy it there.


          • #6
            Originally posted by jackfaire View Post
            Does someone want to go explain to them that a neutral stand means not doing anything about the lesbian couple in the catalog and refusing to state whether same sex marriage is bad or good.
            This would assume those that are making said demands are a rational bunch, which clearly they are not.


            • #7
              Do these same mothers allow their children to watch Finding Nemo? LOL. What nerds!


              • #8
                Originally posted by fireheart17 View Post
                I have a feeling that their idea of a "traditional family" is mummy, daddy and 2 children. I wonder how that group feels about the Duggars (20 children), octomum (14 children) and similar. I won't get into the single-parent, step-family mold, although I wonder how they feel about families where mummy or daddy get drunk/use drugs and then proceed to beat the living shit out of the partner or child.
                The Duggars are noted Christian fundamentalists. Most believers I know believe that group is a perfect model of how a strong American family should be run.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by JuniorMintz View Post
                  Do these same mothers allow their children to watch Finding Nemo? LOL. What nerds!
                  Actually a good number of "traditional" Disney films from around about the 80's and onwards, don't have "traditional" families either.

                  Aladdin and Jasmine: no mother (in the film, Aladdin is an orphan, but in the sequels he has a father)
                  Ariel: No mother.
                  Pocahontas: No mother.
                  Lilo and Stitch: No parents (although Nani takes care of Lilo)
                  Belle: No mother.
                  Hunchback of Notre Dame: mother is killed at the start of the film.

                  You get where I'm going with this. (and don't ask me if there is an example of a character having no father...apart from the "orphans" I can't think of one)


                  • #10
                    I do, but I mostly meant that Finding Nemo features Ellen as Dory. I've never met a kid that hasn't seen and loved that movie... no adults either, come to think of it.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by fireheart17 View Post
                      Actually a good number of "traditional" Disney films from around about the 80's and onwards, don't have "traditional" families either.

                      Aladdin and Jasmine: no mother (in the film, Aladdin is an orphan, but in the sequels he has a father)
                      Ariel: No mother.
                      Pocahontas: No mother.
                      Lilo and Stitch: No parents (although Nani takes care of Lilo)
                      Belle: No mother.
                      Hunchback of Notre Dame: mother is killed at the start of the film.

                      You get where I'm going with this. (and don't ask me if there is an example of a character having no father...apart from the "orphans" I can't think of one)
                      Another Disney movie: Freaky Friday (either version). The husband/father is nowhere to be seen.

                      The only Disney movie that I can think of off the top of my head that has a "proper" family is Emperor's New Groove - Pacha, Chicha (his very pregnant wife - note that pregnancy is also very rare in Disney movies), Chaca, and Tipo. Of course, the Emperor's parents are nowhere to be seen, but given that he's (some sort of) an adult, that's not as much of an issue.


                      • #12
                        Hey, now, don't forget Sleeping Beauty. Aurora's got both parents who love her very much.

                        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                        • #13
                          The Duggars are noted Christian fundamentalists. Most believers I know believe that group is a perfect model of how a strong American family should be run.
                          Certainly, the Duggars are considered heroes of the Quiverfull movement.
                          "Nam castum esse decet pium poetam
                          ipsum, versiculos nihil necessest"


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Andara Bledin View Post
                            Hey, now, don't forget Sleeping Beauty. Aurora's got both parents who love her very much.

                            Yes, but (admittedly for good reason) they're absent parents she doesn't even know about.
                            "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


                            • #15
                              What about Bambi? No dad whatsoever. AND no mother most of the movie.
                              Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers

