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The sins of the fathers

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  • The sins of the fathers,,1770011,00.html

    Young children dragged kicking and screaming to visit their abusive fathers and mothers threatened with prison if they don't comply ... It's a world away from the image of wronged dads that the campaign group Fathers4Justice implanted in the public mind. Yet, as Decca Aitkenhead discovers, it's the harrowing reality for many families riven by violence or sexual abuse.

    If a divorced father abducts his daughter, takes her abroad and goes to prison for the crime, you might think that no court would dream of granting him access to her again. When a court hears that a child is accusing his father of sexual abuse, most people would expect the man to be, at the very least, banned from further contact with his son. A father who has been repeatedly violent towards his ex-wife and children surely stands little chance, one would assume, of being allowed anywhere near them.

    In fact, the father in each of these three cases has been granted access to his children by a court of law. The mothers are legally obliged to make the children see their fathers - even when the children are weeping and pleading not to go. If the mothers fail to force children, kicking and screaming, to visit a father who has abused them, they risk being sent to prison or losing custody. "And there's nothing - nothing - you can do about it," one explained. "It's not about what your child wants, it's about what the court wants. The courts want fathers to have contact. And if you don't play ball, you will lose your child."

    If you click the link, you can read the individual cases of 3 women who are forced to take their kids to see their father. In all the cases, the children's rights are not considered; it's the rights of the father that supercede theirs and the rights of the mother to protect her child. Political correctness has let these children down.
    "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."

  • #2
    That's just fucked up. I'd say more, but this whole situation has left me speechless and in a state of desbelief.
    --- I want the republicans out of my bedroom, the democrats out of my wallet, and both out of my first and second amendment rights. Whether you are part of the anal-retentive overly politically-correct left, or the bible-thumping bellowing right, get out of the thought control business --- Alan Nathan


    • #3
      I'll say it again. There are just times when it would do society good if you could kick ass when and where needed. I'd say those judges, lawmakers and anyone else who thinks letting abuse parents have unupervised contact with their children a good idea would be a good place to start.

      I mean yeah sometimes thigns get ugly in a divorce or situation with the whole he said she said thing but this is way beyond that kind of pettyness. If the kids are honestly scared of the person or there is definate criminal proof of wrong doing (You know like a prison sentence!) then that person should be kept way away from the kids. By any means necessary.

      I'm with madmike on this. Disgusting is not a strong enough word.
      Last edited by rahmota; 01-13-2007, 12:12 AM.

