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Bus Monitor Bullied

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  • Bus Monitor Bullied

    These kids taped themselves for 10 minutes bringing this woman to the point of tears, swearing, even making fun of her pocketbook and telling her that “You don’t have a family because they all killed themselves because they didn’t want to be near you.” These kids need to be charged with harassment.

    She had a point that, if she had defended herself, she probably would have been fired. Karma’s catching up though, people are raising funds for her to take a dream vacation and get away from *sswipes like the kids on this bus.

    I remember being treated just as bad by my fellow students on the bus. The Driver didn’t, or couldn’t, ever do anything.

  • #2
    Wait...if she's the bus monitor, isn't her job supposed to be keeping the kids in line? So why doesn't she tell them to can it and sit still (nicer though, so she doesn't hurt their widdle feelings)?

    Or have school officials really been this emasculated by legal considerations?


    • #3
      Back when I was taking the bus to school if someone actually did that to someone on the bus; it didn't matter if they were a kid or not, they would have been banned from taking the bus AND either suspended or expelled from school. Shit like that wasn't tolerated.
      But somehow it's tolerated now & the thought of someone defending themselves & then being fired cause of it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
      Used to be schools were allowed to paddle disruptive students. Students back in the day seldom acted up like they do now cause they knew there'd be consequences for their actions. & the parents backed the schools up.
      NOW students are aware that nobody will discipline them & they act accordingly. They think they can get away with anything.


      • #4
        My husband's grandfather was a bus driver in the 1950's and 60' his funeral his daughter read the eulogy and added how when kids acted up on his bus, he made them get off no matter where they were. In a cornfield miles from home? Too bad.


        • #5
          There's a site that was set up to solicit funds for her to go on a vacation, with a goal of $3,000. It's currently up to about $275,000. So, yes, bullying sucks, but she did just manage to be in a situation where she gets eighteen years worth of her salary handed to her.

          As that's mostly due to the way she responded to the bullies, I say good on her.


          • #6
            Originally posted by anakhouri View Post
            Wait...if she's the bus monitor, isn't her job supposed to be keeping the kids in line? So why doesn't she tell them to can it and sit still (nicer though, so she doesn't hurt their widdle feelings)?

            Or have school officials really been this emasculated by legal considerations?
            I suspect that it's the legal side of things. More "if little Johnny beats the shit out of little Suzie and little Johnny sues the school claiming that little Suzie beat him, then they have a non-biased witness."

            Or because they're minors, they feel that they can't do anything about it. >.>

            And finally, telling someone "Nicely" to sit down and shut up doesn't always work. Some kids thrive on not following instructions.

            Originally posted by Cymberleah View Post
            There's a site that was set up to solicit funds for her to go on a vacation, with a goal of $3,000. It's currently up to about $275,000. So, yes, bullying sucks, but she did just manage to be in a situation where she gets eighteen years worth of her salary handed to her.

            As that's mostly due to the way she responded to the bullies, I say good on her.
            That is full of win right there. I would donate myself if I could.


            • #7
              Up to $383,000.



              • #8
                Look, you can get her purse now from amazon; kinda ironic that it's covered in inspiration words.



                • #9
                  $426,000 now. That's 28 years of her salary. I think she gets to retire now, if that's what she wants. Over 20,000 people have donated.

                  That purse is actually rather cute. I'm not a huge purse wearer, but I'd probably compliment someone on that bag, not bully them.


                  • #10
                    My bus driver would have just stopped and told you to get out. No ifs, ends or buts.


                    • #11
                      What makes this even worse is her son did committed suicide 10 years ago. Kind of the cherry on the shit sundae. :/


                      • #12
                        Regardless of whether the kids knew that, you do NOT treat anyone that way. I hope the school steps up and does something to show the little terrors that something like that is Not OK.

                        It appalls me that nowadays, adults who try to stand up to abuse from children are at risk of being fired or worse (when my mom was working for the crazy family, even though she wanted to restrain the boys--they got so bad that the only thing they would listen to is physical force--she knew that if she did she could be fired or worse branded as a 'child abuser').
                        "Any state, any entity, any ideology which fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of Man...that state is obsolete."


                        • #13
                          That's fucked up what those kids did to her but I'm happy that so many people are raising money for her. They really ought to stop with the litigious bullshit and give the teachers, bus drivers and bus monitors the authority to actually be able to discipline kids.
                          There are no stupid questions, just stupid people...


                          • #14
                            Those little bastards.

                            I knew kids were cruel to each other, but seeing them bring an adult to tears was disturbing. It shows how kids are not always as innocent as you'd think.


                            • #15
                              Over 500,000 now.

