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Flying swastika in NJ

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  • Flying swastika in NJ

    This happened earlier today. Basically, some nuts are trying to "rehabilitate" the ideas that the swastika stands (or stood) for. My feeling is yeah, the group has freedom of speech to display that shit. However, they're not going to change anyone's minds soon...nor do I think that they should attempt to. Why? Simply put, if we ignore everything that happened during the Nazis' rule, people will forget what happened. Once those horrors are forgotten, or even lessened, it can happen again. Do we really want that?

  • #2
    Letting people know that the swastika is not specifically a Nazi symbol is fine since it's a part of history. That symbol has been around for a long time, and shows up in many ancient cultural artifacts. I'm all for teaching about the holocaust and making sure no one forgets what happened, and I also have no problem with people studying the swastika and learning its history.


    • #3
      I don't have a problem with this. If they want to try to get other people to realize that the swastika is more than just the Nazi symbol, I have no problem with that. It didn't seem like they were trying to piss people off.

      And if it did piss off the Benny's, then so be it. That tickles my fancy just fine.
      Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


      • #4
        While the idea is nice, we are probably still "Too Soon" before that sort of movement can really take root. The atrocities done under that symbol will probably need to wait for the death of the WW2 generation, and probably the generation after it (the Baby Boomers) before the symbol can be redeemed.

        In this case, I suspect that tying it with the Star of David didn't help their cause at all either. Because of the Nazi's are so tied in with the Jewish History now, even after that symbol is redeemed, using it with any symbol if Judaism will probably still be associated with the Nazi's instead of the symbol's actual meaning.


        • #5
          I don't have a problem with this, either. The symbol is much, much older than WWII, and while it was used as a symbol for unspeakable horrors, it doesn't mean that it has to be forever tarnished. The deeds should not be forgotten. I don't see how people learning the deeper meaning of the swastika will make them forget about the horrible things the Nazis did. Where I'm living now, I see many swastikas all over the place as symbols of Buddhist temples, and I must admit that it's nice to see it being used to symbolize what it had symbolized for so long before the Nazis decided to twist its meaning to ash.


          • #6
            Originally posted by ExRetailDrone View Post
            I see many swastikas all over the place as symbols of Buddhist temples, and I must admit that it's nice to see it being used to symbolize what it had symbolized for so long before the Nazis decided to twist its meaning to ash.
            I see swastikas in the most unlikely of places, there is a Chinese design gate in and that has both the hindu and Nazi variants 'hidden' one on each side of the door as the design is mirrored.
            Basically if it uses a straight line spiral, eventually you will see it in the middle (4 point ones that is)
            AFAIK no one has gotten all elebenty on that gate or 'vandalized' it by colouring it differently to make it stand out more, it's huge, you can't really miss it, but as it is just part of a design it goes 'unknoticed'

            I don't recall the film, but I'm sure there was a 'bad guy' karate/kung fu clan that had a swastica (Hindu facing) on their uniform, this was filmed during the 'sploitation days, so maybe it was the Nazi mirror or just assumed to be (I have no idea which way is which)


            • #7
              There's not a nazi variant of the swastika, the design has been used fro millenia going in both orientations, the only way it's a nazi symbol is if it's a black swastika in a white circle on a red background.
              I am a sexy shoeless god of war!
              Minus the sexy and I'm wearing shoes.


              • #8
                The swastikas found in Asia are symbols representing Buddhist Temples. In Japan, you'll occasionally find them on Shinto Temples as well. If only one is used, it'll be left facing. If 2 are used, like on either sides of a gate, they'll be mirrored. they are the "normal" icons used for these temples found on maps, as well.
                Some People Are Alive Only Because It's Illegal To Kill Them.


                • #9
                  I think if you want to remind people of the original use of the swastika, it would help to not put it over the Star of David.
                  "So, my little Zillians... Have your fun, as long as I let you have fun... but don't forget who is the boss!"
                  We are contented, because he says we are
                  He really meant it when he says we've come so far


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by MrsEclipse View Post
                    I think if you want to remind people of the original use of the swastika, it would help to not put it over the Star of David.
                    This. I think that's why people have a problem with this group. It's like using shock value to get the message accross, which makes them look like they're just attention seekers.
                    "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


                    • #11
                      The head of this Raelian group lives here in Vegas and is always doing things to make statements. When he was sworn in as a citizen, he made sure to goto the press and tell EVERYONE that he "fought" to have any reference to God removed from the oath. They gladly obliged him without a fight, but his side of the story makes it out like he was arguing it in front of the SCOTUS.
                      Some People Are Alive Only Because It's Illegal To Kill Them.


                      • #12
                        I believe the Nazi version of the swastika shows it tilted, while in other uses it is usually not (so the points are horizontal, not diagonal).

                        At least this is the explanation given in every.single.volume of Blade of the Immortal, whose character is named Manji (the Japanese word for the symbol) and whose robe prominently displays a swastika on its back.


                        • #13
                          From a purely design standpoint I love the symbol and its rotational symmetry. My mum says that I was doodling designs scarily similar in crayon before I even learned of WWII.

                          I do keep mentioning the swastika is not only also known as the Manji - it's also in Western heraldry as a standard charge called a Fyfot or a Fyfot Cross. We have a pub in Eastleigh called the Chamberlayne Arms, and the Chamberlayne Family's escutcheon - and therefore the pub sign - have three red Fyfots on a white field.

                          (I had to change that last bit as I automatically wrote 'three Fyfots Gules on Argent' X.x You have heraldry as a hobby and you learn Old French...)


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by MrsEclipse View Post
                            I think if you want to remind people of the original use of the swastika, it would help to not put it over the Star of David.
                            This I can completely agree with.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Ginger Tea View Post
                              I don't recall the film, but I'm sure there was a 'bad guy' karate/kung fu clan that had a swastica (Hindu facing) on their uniform, this was filmed during the 'sploitation days, so maybe it was the Nazi mirror or just assumed to be (I have no idea which way is which)
                              I haven't watched it in many years, but I do recall having seen one of Sonny Chiba's martial arts films where his dojo sported the manji/swastika on their gi.
                              "I take it your health insurance doesn't cover acts of pussy."

