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Closing Down a Line

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  • Closing Down a Line

    The manager in this thread should've been more understanding. If a checker is scheduled to leave at a certain time, they should be allowed to close around that time if not a couple minutes early.

    Also, it might've cause problems for checkers who are minors since they can't work past a certain time or the store could get in major trouble. One thing that could happen is that the store could get fined.
    Last edited by purplecat41877; 09-26-2008, 02:54 AM.

  • #2
    Confused.... I don't think it's gone to the right thread. I get a post about car parts and rip-off managers (and that's when I delete the actual post-specific info...)
    ZOE: Preacher, don't the Bible got some pretty specific things to say about killing?

    SHEPHERD BOOK: Quite specific. It is, however, Somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps.


    • #3
      I fixed the link. Sorry about the confusion.


      • #4
        Well, what pisses me off even more about that situation is the fact that the customer actually went and COMPLAINED because she was told to go to a different line. Seriously, what the hell. It almost seems like some sort of disability, not understanding that yes, check-out lanes do close sometimes, the human beings staffing them do not stand there 24/7. I could not imagine how stupid I'd have to be to be so personally offended at having to move over a few feet to a different check-out lane that I feel I need to go and put in a fomal complaint about it. Really, people do need to be told to fuck off more often.


        • #5
          Cat, I read this one on CS only yesterday, and I thought it might have been the one you were referring to.

          I think the manager was completely out of line (almost a pun ). If the OP'er didn't need that job, I'd say tell the manager to get stuffed. There are ways to talk to people and ways not to... just cos you're the manager doesn't give you the right to talk down to someone!

          Something like "Hey - I heard you the first time, now get off my back!"

          We've got a policy in this place that we can log off 3 mins early, rather than get stuck on a call for 20 minutes...

          ZOE: Preacher, don't the Bible got some pretty specific things to say about killing?

          SHEPHERD BOOK: Quite specific. It is, however, Somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps.


          • #6
            I was working as a temp CSR for a health insurance company and the call center closed at 5pm and once we finished our last call we could put ourselves in AUX until it was time to log off and leave. There was suckage on both ends since the customer put in a formal complaint over something incredibly stupid. Moving to another lane won't kill ya! Sheesh. Besides that the manager was way out of line for what he said to the checker. A "please don't do that again" would've sufficed, but there's a few things to consider: those that are minors and can't stay late, those who work another job or take public transportation and/or have somebody who is their ride that could be on a tight schedule. We are Customer Service Reps or whatever your title is NOT Customer Servants.
            There are no stupid questions, just stupid people...


            • #7
              Originally posted by Slytovhand View Post
              We've got a policy in this place that we can log off 3 mins early, rather than get stuck on a call for 20 minutes...
              That is similar to the policy I referred to in my response there.

              I would allow employees to leave their registers a few minutes... a few being no more than 5 minutes... before their end of shift, so they wouldn't get tied up in a transaction and go past their scheduled time. This also prevented minors from going over time and violating labor laws, etc.

              I didn't always require them to check with me before they left, either. I entrusted them to be honest about it.
              However, I had to resort to once again having them always check with me first before leaving their posts. Why?
              Because 5 minutes started to lean towards 7 or 8 minutes... which leaned toward 10 to 122 minutes... and then 15 minutes... etc.
              I found that some employees were even leaving their registers as early as 20 minutes before their scheduled shift end!

              Their response when I asked them about why they left their registers 8, 10, 12...20 minutes early?
              "It was only a few minutes!"

              Clearly, their interpretation of a "few" was vastly different from my own.
              Now, I never threatened any of them with termination, but I did ask that they refrain from leaving post so early and to check with me before walking off.

