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a twit and her tweet

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  • a twit and her tweet

    Story here
    a young UK driver posted the following to her twitter account:

    "knocked a cyclist off his bike earlier, I have right of way, he doesn't even pay road tax"*

    Seems she didn't realize twitter is PUBLIC, as the police have now charged her, she left the scene of an collision, and was speeding according to witnesses(and her facebook page documented numerous moving violations via photographs she took WHILE DRIVING.

    *road tax was abolished in 1937, the linked story explains where the funding for roads come from(general tax), and what the "car tax" is actually for.
    Registered rider scenic shore 150 charity ride

  • #2
    It's amazing how often people out themselves for having committed crimes.
    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #3
      it's especially stupid as unles I'm mistaken, it's the cyclist who has right of way. ( all other things being equal, that is)


      • #4
        Originally posted by Andara Bledin View Post
        It's amazing how often people out themselves for having committed crimes.
        I enjoy it. Facebook has allowed people to show how dumb they really are.
        Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


        • #5
          Who in their right mind would brag about causing potential injury to someone?


          • #6
            Somebody who's too stupid to be legally allowed to drive.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Rageaholic View Post
              Who in their right mind would brag about causing potential injury to someone?
              Originally posted by Pixilated View Post
              Somebody who's too stupid to be legally allowed to drive.
              More like - someone who's been shielded from the consequences of their actions for so long they don't think about anyone but themselves. A quick browse of CS will provide many examples.


              • #8
                Originally posted by s_stabeler View Post
                it's especially stupid as unles I'm mistaken, it's the cyclist who has right of way. ( all other things being equal, that is)
                I'm not sure how the laws are written in the U.K., but in the U.S. Cyclists are treated as other drivers. They must follow all of the laws of the road just as other motorists do. My driving instructor told me that bicycles aren't even supposed to use sidewalks, since they're considered vehicles and sidewalks are meant specifically for pedestrians.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Seifer View Post
                  I'm not sure how the laws are written in the U.K., but in the U.S. Cyclists are treated as other drivers. They must follow all of the laws of the road just as other motorists do. My driving instructor told me that bicycles aren't even supposed to use sidewalks, since they're considered vehicles and sidewalks are meant specifically for pedestrians.
                  Down here, the rules are virtually identical.

                  Cyclists aren't meant to ride on footpaths unless they're aged 12 or younger, or have a medical? certificate that gives them the OK to do so (not sure where they get this from ). They are to stay on the left-hand side of the road, they do have right of way and if there's a situation where they're at risk, ideally they can stop and move.

                  SO many people tend to argue that cyclists seem to be exempt from either paying for rego, licensing or even in one case, taxes altogether (cue a swift from me since I'd imagine those people still work!). The idea seems to be that somehow, being licensed or registered makes cyclists better on the roads. I usually manage to shut those idiots up by pointing out that by that logic, we wouldn't have a road toll.

                  In terms of the OP, I have encountered the odd person who's found it hilarious to mention their stupidity. Haven't seen anyone report it to the police though. (the worst one was relating to animal cruelty. I pretty much blocked the asshole)


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Seifer View Post
                    I'm not sure how the laws are written in the U.K., but in the U.S. Cyclists are treated as other drivers. They must follow all of the laws of the road just as other motorists do. My driving instructor told me that bicycles aren't even supposed to use sidewalks, since they're considered vehicles and sidewalks are meant specifically for pedestrians.
                    When I got my permit in 2006, the handbook said that pedestrians and people with bicycles had the right of way. And I think there maybe a law about not using sidewalks on a bike, but cops don't pay attention. People are idiots on the roads. I rather not die cause someone keeps getting into the small bike lane.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by bex1218 View Post
                      When I got my permit in 2006, the handbook said that pedestrians and people with bicycles had the right of way.
                      Yes, but in what situation would bicyclists not have to follow the same rules as another vehicle? Pedestrian's have the right of way on crosswalks, bicycles must stop at all stop signs and stop lights, bicycles must remain in designated spaces (like the bike lane or street), etc. I can't really think of a situation where a bicycle would always have the right of way other than perhaps when crossing at a crosswalk. Then again, that's only if they're crossing during the correct signal.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Seifer View Post
                        I'm not sure how the laws are written in the U.K., but in the U.S. Cyclists are treated as other drivers. They must follow all of the laws of the road just as other motorists do. My driving instructor told me that bicycles aren't even supposed to use sidewalks, since they're considered vehicles and sidewalks are meant specifically for pedestrians.
                        That does vary from state to state. I know at least Utah and Nevada do allow for bicycles to use the sidewalk so long as they are not moving at a faster speed than what a pedestrian would be capable of.
                        "I'm Gar and I'm proud" -slytovhand


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by fireheart17 View Post
                          SO many people tend to argue that cyclists seem to be exempt from either paying for rego, licensing
                          That's my arguement, but my arguement for it goes a little further, part of having a licence is proving that you have a basic understanding of road rules, a cyclist does not have to prove such and part pf registration is compulsory 3rd party insurance, which cyclists are not required to have, so the poor shmoe who gets hit by the cyclits at a crossing because the cyclist doesn't know they have to obey road rules and such is on thier own with medical expenses.
                          I am a sexy shoeless god of war!
                          Minus the sexy and I'm wearing shoes.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Seifer View Post
                            Yes, but in what situation would bicyclists not have to follow the same rules as another vehicle? Pedestrian's have the right of way on crosswalks, bicycles must stop at all stop signs and stop lights, bicycles must remain in designated spaces (like the bike lane or street), etc. I can't really think of a situation where a bicycle would always have the right of way other than perhaps when crossing at a crosswalk. Then again, that's only if they're crossing during the correct signal.
                            actually, the tweet this topic is about was exactlty the situation where it becomes an issue- there was no cycle lane (albeit the cyclist was apparently taking part in an organised cycle race- why didn't they close the road? or was he that far behind?) and apparently not enough room for a car to overtake. In that situation, the driver of the car must slow down until it is safe to overtake. ( as opposed to the cyclist having to get out of the road)

                            Oh, and I don't think cycle lanes are compulsory actually( it's pretty stupid not to use the lane where ti is availiblke, though), though I'll need to check.


                            • #15
                              I hope she got arrested.
                              "I like him aunt Sarah, he's got a pretty shield. It's got a star on it!"

                              - my niece Lauren talking about Captain America

