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Only in California

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  • Only in California

    The UC-Davis Police officer involved in pepper spraying non-violent student protesters get a workmen's comp claim payout of $38,000 for psychiatric damage he claims he suffered.
    I'm lost without a paddle and I'm headed up sh*t creek.

    I got one foot on a banana peel and the other in the Twilight Zone.
    The Fools - Life Sucks Then You Die

  • #2
    Considering that he was the poster child for everything wrong with the authorities during the Occupy events, it's actually quite easy to believe that he does suffer some sort of mental issues as a result.

    I mean, one minute he's the sort of cop that inspires the epithet "pig" and the next he's getting hate mail and threats by the bucket full.

    Without further details, which we'll never get, I have to give this one a pass. However, in the range of "disability fraud," my suspicion is that this case is pretty low on the scale and wouldn't even have made a blip on the radar if the subject wasn't notorious for other reasons.
    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #3
      Even if it's disability he brought on by himself?


      • #4
        Originally posted by mikoyan29 View Post
        Even if it's disability he brought on by himself?
        think about that for a second.

        Now did he do something wrong?
        Most definitely.

        Did he deserve DEATH THREATS?
        No. No human deserves to be threatened with death. full stop.

        If you still maintain he "caused this himself"*, have a seat over there with the "she was asking for it" crowd, because victim blaming, is victim blaming.

        *He was fired for his actions. The cause of the stress is the deplorable actions(threatening anyone with death, for any reason, is deplorable) of others that he had ZERO control over.
        Registered rider scenic shore 150 charity ride


        • #5
          Technically, he didn't bring that on himself. Just because he's an asshole, that doesn't give others a free pass to also be assholes. What he brought on himself was the loss of his position and revocation of his ability to take up a similar position and possible criminal or civil liabilities as can be pursued.

          Nobody deserves to be threatened or harassed.
          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #6
            Granted no one deserves to be threatened or harassed.

            However, workman's compensation does not cover workplace injuries if your own behavior is the cause of the injury. For example, if I get a needle stick injury from violating policy (say by recapping a dirty needle), then I'm not covered, even if I end up with Hep C or AIDS.

            He created the circumstance that led to the stressors. I don't think he deserved a dime. I do think the WC board settled to keep him from getting a higher amount if he took it to court, which he likely would have done . . . or to keep from spending huge bucks defending the case that, even if they won, would cost more than it would be worth.
            Good news! Your insurance company says they'll cover you. Unfortunately, they also say it will be with dirt.


            • #7
              Now I do not know how true the following statement is BUT

              From what I have seen/heard on the news, California seems to have very liberal Workmen's Comp laws/rules. I have heard of cases where someone mildly insulted a coworker and the coworker filed for and received WC for "Psychological Damage" or "Mental Anguish"
              Last edited by Racket_Man; 10-25-2013, 05:16 AM.
              I'm lost without a paddle and I'm headed up sh*t creek.

              I got one foot on a banana peel and the other in the Twilight Zone.
              The Fools - Life Sucks Then You Die


              • #8
                The implication that he brought it on himself is ludicrous, and it pretty much gives a free pass to people who are sending death threats, by saying that it's inevitable.

                If you get something you DIRECTLY CAUSE by violating policy, yes. However, being a horrible officer did not DIRECTLY cause death threats. To say it did implies that the people sending death threats had no agency in this.
                "Nam castum esse decet pium poetam
                ipsum, versiculos nihil necessest"


                • #9
                  even if he hadn't been punished, death threats are inappropriate. Pepper spray isn't dangerous to most people, just an irritant, ( the deaths in custody the ACLU attribute to pepper spray are actually caused by an intervening factor, like asthma, or use of restraining techniques that restrict the airway) so it is inappropriate the threaten death. The police officer, however, should not have got workers comp, but for a different reason. workers comp is for injuries sustained while you are performing your duties- he had stepped outside his duties.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Andara Bledin View Post

                    Nobody deserves to be threatened or harassed.
                    Tell that to the people he pepper sprayed who were offering no resistance for no other reason than he felt like it.
                    And people comparing this guy receiving death threats and a woman being raped are ridiculous. Wearing revealing clothing is not illegal and it does not harm others, pepper spraying an unarmed group offering no resistance is both illegal and causes harm. I cannot condone people making death threats against him, but at the same time, you reap what you sow.
                    "I'm Gar and I'm proud" -slytovhand


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by smileyeagle1021 View Post
                      Tell that to the people he pepper sprayed who were offering no resistance for no other reason than he felt like it.
                      And that act was already argued AND He was punished for it. Death threats and harassment were NOT part of the punishment and are totally separate from the initial crime that was dealt with.

                      Originally posted by smileyeagle1021 View Post
                      And people comparing this guy receiving death threats and a woman being raped are ridiculous.
                      Victim blaming is victim blaming, saying "he asked for it"(the death threats), is EXACTLY the same thing-VICTIM BLAMING. And "she was asking for it", doesn't always mean rape, the same defense is used for mere harassment.

                      He was a recipient of harassment, asking what he did to "deserve it" is no different than asking a female victim of sexual harassment what she did to "deserve it".

                      Originally posted by US Legal definition
                      Victim blaming is a devaluing act where the victim of a crime, an accident, or any type of abusive maltreatment is held as wholly or partially responsible for the wrongful conduct committed against them.
                      Registered rider scenic shore 150 charity ride


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by smileyeagle1021 View Post
                        Tell that to the people he pepper sprayed who were offering no resistance for no other reason than he felt like it.
                        To Everybody:

                        Nobody deserves to be threatened or harassed.

                        Either you believe in an orderly society where what he did was wrong and the reaction to what he did, or you believe in anarchy where he is just as not-wrong as those who reacted to it.

                        Just because he's an asshole does not change the fact that he's also a human being.
                        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                        • #13
                          Tell that to the people he pepper sprayed who were offering no resistance for no other reason than he felt like it.
                          Okay, if any of those people are here.



                          Not even if they're total dicks.

                          Threatening to kill someone is wrong. EVEN IF HE'S AN ASSHOLE. He deserved to lose his job over that, and HE DID. He was, in fact, properly punished. Threats and harassment are not part of a proper justice system.
                          "Nam castum esse decet pium poetam
                          ipsum, versiculos nihil necessest"

