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World's heaviest mother now losing weight and aiming for a healthier future

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  • World's heaviest mother now losing weight and aiming for a healthier future

    Remember this women here?

    Seems as tho she's done a turnabout and started to sort out her dangerous and unhealthy lifestyle. She's split with the feeder fiance and has lost a lot of weight already. Good for her.
    "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."

  • #2
    While I'm glad for her, I have to admit I still it unsettling this article includes the word "cocaine" but not the word "doctor". She needs professional guidance and if her complaints are true, some tests to see if there's anything physically causing abnormal weight gain.


    • #3
      from my read, the cocaine was a previous attempt to lose weight, and she is no longer taking it.

      to be honest, from what the article said, she was part of an odd fetish community where people would encourage her to gain weight ( it sounds fairly abusive, actually- one of the people on the community paid her $200 per week, and asked her what foods she bought. And got cross when she told him she was done with the community- even though, had she continued, she would likely die from the issues that high weight brings.)


      • #4
        Originally posted by s_stabeler View Post
        from my read, the cocaine was a previous attempt to lose weight, and she is no longer taking it.

        to be honest, from what the article said, she was part of an odd fetish community where people would encourage her to gain weight ( it sounds fairly abusive, actually)
        Yep. Feeders.

        There's "Big Beautiful Women" which covers just about any plus-size porn star (that's actual plus-size, not "model" plus size) and there's this. Some of it amounts to control as well.


        • #5
          Sadly, I know about this particular fetish because I am just large enough to be seen as somebody's fetish. I was a member of a particular website and had guys contacting me just due to my size...yeah, um, how about no? I am trying to lose weight so I really do not want somebody trying to talk me into gaining it. Ugh.

          I get that some people are turned on by women of size, but it is not my thing. Nor do I want to be somebody that people fetishize over. The whole idea squicks me out.

