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Five horrific serial killers who are free right now

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  • #31
    Originally posted by the_std View Post
    Serial rapists, murderers, drunk drivers, I can understand. But why drug users and drug dealers? Their actions are completely voluntary, whereas the victims of murderers, rapists and drunk drivers have no choice.
    The fact that their actions are voluntary is the point, no one makes them use or deal they made that decision and everyone else be damned. While a lot of users hold down a job and are functional druggies a lot more are theives and worse. The dealer prey on these folks and even more guilty because of the methods they use to keep or expand they place in the chain.
    I'm all for helping those that want help and are willing be helped the others not-so-much. Now I'm not saying one chance and off to ride the lighting but when they're caught put the users in mandatory rehab and after 5 or 6 chances they're still using then it's off to ride the lighting. Dealers personally I'd give one chance and then off with their head. It's real simple just don't sell. And before we start on the socio-economic situation I call bull-shit. There's nothing but minimum wage entry level jobs out there, well you gotta start somewhere. I worked for minimum wage for years until I worked my way up.
    IMO there's no excuse to be a dealer, a druggie or a drunkard.
    Cry Havoc and let slip the marsupials of war!!!


    • #32
      Originally posted by Tanasi View Post
      The fact that their actions are voluntary is the point, no one makes them use or deal they made that decision and everyone else be damned.
      I think the_std means that the so-called victims of drug dealers are volunteers. They choose to buy the drugs and use them.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Tanasi View Post
        I'd apply the DP to habitual drug users
        Are you seriously proposing that coffee drinkers be put to death??!!
        or did that not occur to you? It doesn't occur to most people that caffeine is a drug, and that when they take Tylenol for a headache they're "self-medicating".


        • #34
          Originally posted by Tanasi View Post
          IMO there's no excuse to be a dealer, a druggie or a drunkard.
          Okay, what exactly do you mean by "druggie"? Someone who is caught with pot? Smack? Meth? What's your limitation there?

          Being a drunkard is legal, by the way. There is nothing illegal about alcohol, just driving under the influence. You might want to change your terminology to be less wide-spread, there.

          And yes, I did mean that the victims of drug-dealers are volunteers. I think that that definitely lessens the severity of their crime.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Tanasi View Post
            While a lot of users hold down a job and are functional druggies a lot more are theives and worse.
            You yourself acknowledge that not all druggies are horrible leeches on society yet you still want them all put to death?

            And yes, you need to clarify exactly how you are defining a drug user. Is the Native American who uses peyote in a religious ceremony deserving of the death penalthy? The cancer patient who uses marijuana their doctor prescribed them? The cancer patient who lives down south and can't get a medical prescription yet has the same symptoms? Someone who got an overdose of morphine after a hospital visit and is now addicted?

            What about salvia? Should everyone who uses that be put to death as well?


            • #36
              If you want to deal with the problems of drug use, and not blanket punish everyone using them, no matter the reason...Legalizing it seems a more reasonable route, to me. People kept talking about how horrific it would be when Nevada legalized prostitution...and I've yet to see that come about. The only practical reason I've ever found for pot not being legal was how easy it is to grow your own....So the tobacco companies wouldn't make a profit, and have been VERY adamant in stopping it's legalization.
              Happiness is too rare in this world to actually lose it because someone wishes it upon you. -Flyndaran


              • #37
                Originally posted by Scamper View Post
                Are you seriously proposing that coffee drinkers be put to death??!!
                or did that not occur to you? It doesn't occur to most people that caffeine is a drug, and that when they take Tylenol for a headache they're "self-medicating".
                No AFAIK caffeine is legal and while somewhat addicting generally doesn't cause normal folks to wig out and hurt others. Tylenol is a legal OTC medication and I have no problem with people using it in a legal manner. I've read of folks buying cough syrup and drinking it in an illegal manner to get high and that's wrong. If the user was addicted then I say put them in rehab if they keep offending well then....

                Originally posted by the_std View Post
                Okay, what exactly do you mean by "druggie"? Someone who is caught with pot? Smack? Meth? What's your limitation there?

                Being a drunkard is legal, by the way. There is nothing illegal about alcohol, just driving under the influence. You might want to change your terminology to be less wide-spread, there.

                And yes, I did mean that the victims of drug-dealers are volunteers. I think that that definitely lessens the severity of their crime.
                I define a druggie as someone that habitually uses illegal drugs. Again I'm not saying get caught one time and off to the chair but put them in mandatory rehab and make it very known you've only got so many chances before it's too late.
                AFAIK being a drunkard isn't illegal if so then the majority of the precious Kennedy clan wouldn't be with us I just don't like being around drunkards. I just said there's no excuse for being a drunkard I didn't say it should be a punishiable offense beyond the current punishments of drunkard offenses (except for drunk drivers.)
                IMO the user isn't a victim at all they're willingly breaking the law by the actual purchase and the conspiricy of illegal drug trafficing. Did the dealer make they buy from them??? I'd say no. While many would like to claim victimhood you can't claim that and then knowingly and willingly break the law.

                Originally posted by anriana View Post
                You yourself acknowledge that not all druggies are horrible leeches on society yet you still want them all put to death?

                And yes, you need to clarify exactly how you are defining a drug user. Is the Native American who uses peyote in a religious ceremony deserving of the death penalthy? The cancer patient who uses marijuana their doctor prescribed them? The cancer patient who lives down south and can't get a medical prescription yet has the same symptoms? Someone who got an overdose of morphine after a hospital visit and is now addicted?

                What about salvia? Should everyone who uses that be put to death as well?
                IMO the vast majority of druggies are leaches upon society and if after several failed attempts to sober and clean up then yes. If you know going into the usage of drug that after being put through rehab 5 or 6 times and you're still using then you are committing suicide and the state will just hurry that along.
                An indian using peyote isn't illegal there is specific exceptions in federal state laws but if I remember correctly that's only for certain tribes.
                IMO for cancer patients in states that allow it then I'd don't have a problem if it's legally obtained. I'd even so far as to legalize it from a federal standpoint and make it free to prescribed patients. But those patients should know if they harm others while high then they'll face consequences short of the death penality.
                Currently the parts of marijuana that "relieve" cancer pain and retards glocomma can be extracted and produced in various amounts and is available for prescription without the mind altering effects. Let's say the drug is available free to prescribed users. I say the vast majority of those that currectly smoke it for medicinal purposes will continue to smoke it because they're in reality smoking it to get high and would continue to illegally obtain it.
                If someone was legitimately addicted to opiates in a medicinal setting through no fault of their own then that's a whole different set of circumstances. I say they should be helped. Again I'm not heartless.
                Saliva please.

                Originally posted by Evandril View Post
                If you want to deal with the problems of drug use, and not blanket punish everyone using them, no matter the reason...Legalizing it seems a more reasonable route, to me. People kept talking about how horrific it would be when Nevada legalized prostitution...and I've yet to see that come about. The only practical reason I've ever found for pot not being legal was how easy it is to grow your own....So the tobacco companies wouldn't make a profit, and have been VERY adamant in stopping it's legalization.

                OK lets legalise drugs, make the current illegal recreational drugs only available for free from federal government sources. The drugs will be purified and made safe. Any doseage will be available as often as the user wants. If you're caught in the poccession and/or distribution of illegal drugs then upon conviction immediate death penality no appeal. If you harm someone under the influence of legal drugs then 20 hard labor no parole. If you kill someone while under the influence then upon conviction immediate death penality no appeal. Also any health problems that occur from the abuse of drugs isn't covered by insurance (you're on your own.)
                Before you're given any legal drugs you are made aware of the penalities and you sign off on that and you're can not reneg your understanding at a later date. How's that for a dose of reality??? Harsh punishment for needless crimes. Sooner or later you gotta step up and be woman or a man and accept you responsibilities, this bullshit of endless victimhood has to stop someplace and I just picked a spot. I'm not sayiny my plan is by any means perfect and could possibibly use some tweaking but I think it's a danged good first step.
                Cry Havoc and let slip the marsupials of war!!!


                • #38
                  I just want to point out that the use of the death penalty as a deterrent doesn't work. So making the penalty for illegal drugs death won't do crap.
                  Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Tanasi View Post
                    An indian using peyote isn't illegal there is specific exceptions in federal state laws but if I remember correctly that's only for certain tribes.
                    So is it worth the death penalty for non-Indians then?

                    I say the vast majority of those that currectly smoke it for medicinal purposes will continue to smoke it because they're in reality smoking it to get high and would continue to illegally obtain it.
                    That's a nice sentiment. All you cancer victims, you're really druggies trying to get high who would have no problems breaking the law to do so?

                    If someone was legitimately addicted to opiates in a medicinal setting through no fault of their own then that's a whole different set of circumstances. I say they should be helped. Again I'm not heartless.
                    How would they be helped? Sent to rehab a few times then killed if it doesn't help them?

                    Saliva please.
                    Please elaborate. And I'm not sure if this is a typo, but I am referring to Salvia, not saliva.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Tanasi View Post

                      IMO for cancer patients in states that allow it then I'd don't have a problem if it's legally obtained. I'd even so far as to legalize it from a federal standpoint and make it free to prescribed patients. But those patients should know if they harm others while high then they'll face consequences short of the death penality.
                      Marinol is pretty darn expensive and is rarely covered by insurance. We hardly ever dispense it. Further, it has a pretty narrow temperature range to keep it potent. Frankly, a potted pot plant would be a heckuva lot easier and cheaper to deal with than the prescription version.
                      As an added bonus, there is not a higher risk of lung cancer due to smoking marijuana as some recent studies have determined.


                      • #41
                        This is getting a bit offtopic; can we discuss drug use and what punishments to give to drug users/dealers in a new thread please?


                        Read. It's a story of shocking government incompetance in that they let out a convicted killer to kill again for no good reason. This guy even married this woman in jail who believes baselessly (ie, cuz she wants to believe it) that her husband is innocent of all crimes.
                        "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."

