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No Hymen No Diamond

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  • No Hymen No Diamond

    Oh lord, I don't even know where to start.

    ( Also a hashtag! #nohymennodiamond )

    Courtesy of the MRA types.

    Women, even ugly ones, are easily able to have sex with almost any man they choose, some men will even pay for the privilege. When something is easily attainable, it is worth less.
    Note also the recommendation to surprise her with the two finger "hymen test".

  • #2 know, I'm pretty sure mine broke before I got my period. There was some heavy spotting after a near crash while bike riding.

    These guys are idiots.
    I has a blog!


    • #3
      I was actually born without one, so... yeah. Minor (and rare) birth defect that affects my life in no way whatsoever.

      I don't know how any woman would want one of these guys in the first place.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Kheldarson View Post know, I'm pretty sure mine broke before I got my period. There was some heavy spotting after a near crash while bike riding.
        Tearing of the hymen during athletics is actually very common. Cyclists, gymnasts, and track/field types (pole vault, hurdles, etc) in particular are pretty likely to have already lost theirs.

        Originally posted by Aragarthiel View Post
        I don't know how any woman would want one of these guys in the first place.
        They don't because it's not hard to spot desperate, angry, dickheads. Then said angry dickheads externalize their problems and blame everyone else for not liking them for (supposedly) superficial reasons, and go on to use that rejection to justify their anger.

        I've known a few of these idiots.
        "The hero is the person who can act mindfully, out of conscience, when others are all conforming, or who can take the moral high road when others are standing by silently, allowing evil deeds to go unchallenged." — Philip Zimbardo
        TUA Games & Fiction // Ponies


        • #5
          What a bunch of assholes! While I have no personal experience in the matter, I've read that there's an ENORMOUS amount of variability in hymens, ranging from none at all (as one user has posted) to imperforate (medical problem - must be corrected before the first period, and at that point why not remove the whole thing?). Also, there's variability in structural integrity, ranging from brittle (probably the case in the bike incident mentioned in this thread) to tough (which can result in A LOT of pain if there's substantial coverage of the vaginal opening) to elastic (that's an interesting one - if combined with minimal coverage, it can stretch out of the way during sex and then spring back afterward, so that a woman can have an intact hymen even after having sex). Throw in history (bike incidents, tampon use, rape, and plastic surgery - reconstructing the hymen) and there is no 1:1 correspondence between the presence of a hymen and virginity (I'm not counting rape in this case, since the woman did NOT voluntarily engage in sex).

          Would these men consider a "town bicycle" with either a "bounce back" hymen or who underwent reconstructive surgery to be a better candidate for marriage than a virgin who was born without a hymen, lost a brittle one to a tampon, or had to have an imperforate one removed? Also, in most jurisdictions, the "surprise 2-finger test" would be considered sexual assault.


          • #6
            Yay more fundy nonsense. Just another flavor of "she can not give herself fully to you if she has been with someone else."

            Because there is a metaphysical aspect to sex where you either give up some part of yourself, or your having sex with everyone she has had sex with. Meaning you just had sex with a dude that had sex with your wife......

            I don't get it either, its more lets really bend some line from the bible and use it to force a worldview of woman ownership.

            If I think to hard about it, I need to numb the pain it causes with booze.

            And I have already have had enough tonight.

            Thank you and goodnight, unless you think women are property then fuck you.


            • #7
              Why do hymens exist, anyway?
              "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


              • #8
                The vagina opens as part of the maturation process, from closed or nearly closed at birth to open after puberty. Much like any of the sexual maturation processes, it varies in progress from person to person. A more extensive hymen is like small breasts or lack of body hair, just one end of the sexual characteristic spectrum.


                • #9
                  Okay, this is seriously disturbing. Who thinks like that?
                  "You are who you are on your worst day, Durkon. Anything less is a comforting lie you tell yourself to numb the pain." - Evil
                  "You're trying to be Lawful Good. People forget how crucial it is to keep trying, even if they screw it up now and then." - Good


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Canarr View Post
                    Okay, this is seriously disturbing. Who thinks like that?
                    People that before the advent of the Internet would have died alone in a rented basement suite. The miracles of modern technology unfortunately allow them to find each other now. ;p


                    • #11
                      Yep, just add it to Cracked's Lit of Unhealthy Mentalities the Internet Turned to Movements.


                      • #12
                        I'll bet good money that those who started were active on Return Of Kings (a site that I pray is just some tasteless attempt at trolling and not at all serious)


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Rageaholic View Post
                          I'll bet good money that those who started were active on Return Of Kings (a site that I pray is just some tasteless attempt at trolling and not at all serious)
                          Well, my world has somehow lessened now that I know that exists.

                          Also it seems to be entirely real as its founded by a renowned psychopath and woman hating pick up artist that was run out of the country when he came to Canada to give a "talk". Even if there are trolls on it, the head of the snake is all too serious and horrifying as a result.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by TheHuckster View Post
                            I think "Men who hate women" is already on there...
                            "You are who you are on your worst day, Durkon. Anything less is a comforting lie you tell yourself to numb the pain." - Evil
                            "You're trying to be Lawful Good. People forget how crucial it is to keep trying, even if they screw it up now and then." - Good

