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old =/= creepy

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Nyoibo View Post
    My dad once explained this to me, the way he put it is his brain refuses to believe that he's too old, his brain still thinks of himself as a young buck of 20-something,
    Oooo, excellent point. Age difference tends to mean less to people when they age, simply because they have more years, so they have a longer perspective, too. It might just be that they don't think to themselves "Hey, I'm 40, and 20 years older than this girl."
    Any comment I make should not be taken as an absolute, unless I say it should be. Even this one.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Flyndaran View Post
      Off course, but that has not a darn thing to do with age.
      Cept that I'm saying that age doesn't matter to me. Do you have to jump on every single thing I say?

      My best friend's boyf is an older guy as in, in his mid forties; but he looks around thirty. Would anyone mind if an "older but looks younger" guy was hitting on them, and would they then feel creeped out after finding out how old he was?

      For the record, I once had a forty year old guy hit on me when I was eighteen. What put me off him was the fact that he was wearing a wedding ring. -.-
      "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


      • #63
        Originally posted by Lace Neil Singer View Post
        Cept that I'm saying that age doesn't matter to me. Do you have to jump on every single thing I say?
        The topic was about old people being creepy. When you write something that could be taken as pertaining to the thread titel, I will assume that is the case.


        • #64
          I was disagreeing that age automatically meant creepy. In any case, you're not a mod last time I checked; it's not your job to jump on someone cuz you think they're being off topic.
          "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


          • #65
            Originally posted by Rapscallion View Post
            <snip> on a sheer practical level I can see why a young woman wouldn't want to get involved with an older bloke who's body is going to deteriorate to the extent where he'll need near round-the-clock care when she's in her prime years, then leaving her alone after death when she's not going to have as good a chance of finding another mate.

            Hence, the ewww response. My examples were extreme, but THAT'S what squicks me out. If I'm in my 20's, I don't want to be dating the guy that's falling apart at the seams.

            As a woman especially, I'm dealing with an age bias in finding a potential life-mate. (but I think that's a separate societal rant)

            Now, life is a big bowl of suck, and something could very well happen to my similarly aged partner, but the general assumption is that he's not going to be lying in a hospital bed, wearing depends, or dealing with various ailments any time soon.

            And by the time I get to that point (well, honestly I want to be that little old lady full of piss and vinegar out riding her horses- that's MY dream- I don't want to be that old person that slowly falls apart), I'd really like to be with someone who cares for me and loves me- no matter that I've reached that stage.

            If it's only a ten or maybe fifteen year age difference, it's maybe not that big a deal once you get into the retirement zone. I just don't want to be with a guy that's going to hit that stage two decades before me. I'd really have to fall for a guy hard to consider someone that much older than me for a potential partner, and I just don't see it happening for the multitude of reasons I gave.

            I'm a very active girl. The guy I'm with has to be able to keep up, because, short of death intervening, I'm not stopping.

            Originally posted by Slytovhand View Post
            So, DF, wanna go for a coffee sometime??


            *laugh* Just kidding Slyt!
            Last edited by DesignFox; 08-11-2009, 04:10 PM.
            "Children are our future" -LaceNeilSinger
            "And that future is fucked...with a capital F" -AmethystHunter


            • #66
              Foxy, I had this window open so that the last line I saw was your 'Ewwwww' after my quote... I laughed even before I saw the 'just kidding'!

              And, you're a little old for me anyway...

              Someday I might get over to that part of the world... but I don't know when. I keep saying "Should be this year"... but I've said that for a couple of years now..

              (I've got a standing coffee date with someone in OH... that's been there for, oh, what...7 years or more now...)
              ZOE: Preacher, don't the Bible got some pretty specific things to say about killing?

              SHEPHERD BOOK: Quite specific. It is, however, Somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps.


              • #67
                Originally posted by Slytovhand View Post
                Foxy, I had this window open so that the last line I saw was your 'Ewwwww' after my quote... I laughed even before I saw the 'just kidding'!

                And, you're a little old for me anyway...
                Old?! Who you callin' old?!

                Oh my god, my neighbor's kid is such a little stinker. Today she was complaining that she doesn't have a cell phone. (she's 12) I told her not to worry that I didn't get one until I was 17. Her reply, "well, yea...that's 'cause that was when they came out!"

                Stinker. *laugh*


                I'm 27, if you're older than 40 are you robbin' cradles there, Slyt?
                "Children are our future" -LaceNeilSinger
                "And that future is fucked...with a capital F" -AmethystHunter

