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Certain current TV commercials

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  • #16
    Originally posted by guywithashovel View Post
    They also like to portray cashiers as dense teenage girls who would rather file their nails than do their jobs.
    Oh god or the commercials where the people in a call center all dress like they are making 40,000 a year. Uhm yeah I can afford suits like that uh huh I am freaking lucky business casual is acceptable.
    Jack Faire


    • #17
      Originally posted by blas87 View Post
      I hate any type of commercial advocating that people (and kids) act like brats or SCs.
      Me too, blas. Our jobs are hard enough without people getting any "new" ideas.
      "Children are our future" -LaceNeilSinger
      "And that future is fucked...with a capital F" -AmethystHunter


      • #18
        I absolutely hate this new commercial for BCLC (BC Lotto corp) that is a bunch of guys going on about how no one appreciates the work it takes to make a lotto ticket. It bothers me because they're making light of the fact that it isn't actually as easy as people think to design tickets, I'm in a graphic design course right now, and basically the commercial is crapping all over the profession.

        and I will add my dislike of the axe commercials, and the product itself...*gag*


        • #19
          On the note of commercials I hate... well lets see, the quite obvious one of the 89 cent whatever it was that the Border Run Place had going on where the guy loads up on give a penny take a penny pennies in what I can only guess is Oregon since it comes out to exactly 89 cents...

          I found a new liking for the once *shrug* Charmin bears commercials... think about what it's implying... bears...woods....TP...

          And yeah second any that show CSRs as morons, who are just too stupid... like the recent Verizon commercial with the timid albino guy in the ice cream shop, like we NEED an SC to do just that... GRRRRRR


          • #20
            I don't like surprises. I prefer everything to go as planned. Sorry, I'm just not spontaneous. I hate being caught off guard.
            Crooked banks around the world would gladly give a loan today so if you ever miss a payment they can take your home away.


            • #21
              I like suprises, but being ambushed wouldn't sit well with me. I see these people on TV and whatnot (Cloverfield, anyone?) walking into a room and getting ambushed by everyone they know. I don't think I'd dig that. I come home tired and in need of a shower I don't want to be social with a bunch of people.

              We gave a friend of mine a huge suprise party, but with her, it was easy...her birthday is on New Years Eve. So she knew a party was going on that night....she just didn't realize it was actually her birthday party until she got there.


              • #22
                I hate commercials that make it seem as if men are incompetent boobs who need women to show them how to complete the most mundane of task, and where the fathers are just so stupid that Mom and the kids roll their eyes at everything he says and does.

                Even commercials where the kids know more than either parent annoy me.

                There's a commercial running now in my area for a smoke alarm with a remote.
                The beeping of the damned alarm is irritating enough, but the parents are knocking themselves out trying to reach the alarm to shut it off, throwing things and attempting to attack it with a hammer, and the daughter just comes walking into the room and presses the remote while rolling her eyes at her parents, and then she just goes to the fridge and grabs a drink.
                I want to smack that kid every time I see it. (Not to mention, I would think the parents would know that they had installed a smoke alarm with a remote, so that makes their stupidity doubled.)

                The Swiffer commercials, where mops and brooms sing love songs to the women who jilted them, are just nauseating. It implies that women are the only ones in the household who clean, and there's such a twisted, sexist connection between comparing the tossing out of a broom in favour of a brand new Swiffer, with dumping a lover in favour of a new one. It makes me gag.
                Point to Ponder:

                Is it considered irony when someone on an internet forum makes a post that can be considered to look like it was written by a 3rd grade dropout, and they are poking fun of the fact that another person couldn't spell?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Ree View Post
                  with dumping a lover in favour of a new one. It makes me gag.
                  THANK YOU!!! God seriously anyone with that much attachment to their cleaning supplies has been sniffing too much pinesol.
                  Jack Faire


                  • #24
                    There was a christmas tim hortons commerical here a couple of christmasses ago, this kid is getting picked up for hockey in a carpool and he walks up to the Mom who is driving him.
                    He hands over some gift pack and says "My mom says that I say thanks" and gives her a inspid smile and hops in the car. The driving Mom acts all happy and surprised and gushy... *gag*

                    It's so sickly sweet and overly mushy and fake.... even now it makes my blood boil.
                    I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ - Gandhi


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Ree View Post
                      The Swiffer commercials, where mops and brooms sing love songs to the women who jilted them, are just nauseating. It implies that women are the only ones in the household who clean, and there's such a twisted, sexist connection between comparing the tossing out of a broom in favour of a brand new Swiffer, with dumping a lover in favour of a new one. It makes me gag.
                      There's only one person I know in all of fiction an reality that would ever throw out their cleaning supplies for a newer better one like a jilted lover.... Ammonia Pine, the crazed Cleaning lady who went insane after a freak chemical accident...

                      cookies for the ref.


                      • #26
                        Ugh, I came here trying to think of commercials I hate....and I just drew a blank.....need coffee...

                        Back to surprises, never had a surprise b-day (actually, never had a friend throw me a bday party or take me out, unless I asked..grr) I think too big a party would freak me out...but a small one would be nice


                        • #27
                          I saw this one last night - it's for the Target 2 day sale starting November 27 - the woman drives me insane!

                          There are actually 2 more videoes but I can't seem to find them as of yet. If I find them, I'll add them to this list.
                          Oh Holy Trinity, the Goddess Caffeine'Na, the Great Cowthulhu, & The Doctor, Who Art in Tardis, give me strength. Moo. Moo. Java. Timey Wimey

                          Avatar says: DAVID TENNANT More Evidence God is a Woman


                          • #28
                            for. The. Love. Of. All. That. Is. Holy. Kill it with fire!!!!!!111eleventy1


                            • #29
                              lets see...

                              any commercial thats about diets. why? because its always women who are dieting. they almost never show men who are. and the women are always already thin. so why the hell are they starving themselves or only eating special k? gahh

                              theres prob a few more but those are the ones that bug me the most


                              • #30
                                I can't stand Flo from Progressive Auto Insurance.

                                She's too in love with her job. And it seems so fake and set up.

