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  • Sick

    So I finally found a job a few weeks ago. I'm a professional wreathmaker! I really sucked when I started, being all slow and stuff, but at the end of the first week I had gotten my speed up that I would be able to make some serious cash before the end of the season.

    And then BAM.


    I missed two days of week 2, which seriously set me back, wound up in the ER, which set me back even more financially. I'm on the mend now, but still seriously out of commission, and today I couldn't even get to lunch time before I had to leave.

    Although today I woke up from a nap covered in sweat, so I'm hoping my fever finally broke and I do feel a little better. But I felt "better" last week when I went back to work, only to feel like dying after being there for an hour.

    On the upside, this illness was exactly what I needed to quit smoking. I've wanted to quit for a while now, but haven't been able to deal with the withdrawals. Especially the first week or so, which is the hardest. But being so sick has made it feel better for me not to smoke. Haven't had one since Friday at noon and not even missing them in the slightest.

  • #2
    Congrats on the quitting smoking but sorry to hear about the sick.
    Jack Faire

