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people using the wrong address

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  • people using the wrong address

    *Not the biggest issue, but since it's been a semi-regular occurrence at the church office, I felt like posting a small rant about it*

    As I've probably mentioned before over on, the church which I work for is a few street numbers off from a nearby apartment complex, and it seemed as though residents in the one next door liked to use our street number when signing up for things/filling out forms. Which caused some extra headaches on my end, as I had to keep putting cell phone bills, court documents,...etc., back in our mailbox with a "Not a residence, no such person at this address* sticky note attached. (the mail is nearly always delivered after I leave the office, otherwise I'd gladly ask the carrier what the correct procedure would be)
    Last edited by KellyHabersham; 01-05-2010, 04:01 PM.

  • #2
    Corollary: You provide your correct address to someone several times, but they insist on using an incorrect one.

    I switched dentists AND banks because of this. They continually sent my bills and statements to my neighbour's condo because they couldn't be bothered to add the all important "A" after my unit number. No matter how many times I corrected them, they continued to do it.

    My dentist's office said that my address was too long and their software "couldn't handle the length". My husband, who wasn't there at the time, was distraught because he missed the opportunity for the ultimate "That's what SHE said!"


    • #3
      take it from a programmer that's either a lie or shitty software.


      • #4
        Originally posted by gremcint View Post
        take it from a programmer that's either a lie or shitty software.
        I'm voting more on lie/laziness. Granted, it's not said how long ago this took place and I'm only mid 20's, but every address form I have ever seen, be it printed or programmed, has PLENTY of lines to input an address to allow for apartment numbers and whatnot. I've lived in a house all my life, and everytime I need to write or type out my address for something, there's always one line totally blank since I don't need it.

        Kind of off but on the same topic, every now and then (maybe 4-5 times a year), we get a piece of mail for our house number but like 2 streets over. The problem is that the street names ARE similar and they are on the same route (hey, sorting errors happen), but as far as we know, none of our neighbors have it happen, just us. It's not a big deal or anything, but it's just weird.

        And a funny story that I encountered last week....I orderd something online with a gift card from xmas from a site I hadn't done so before. Apparently, the site double checks your shipping address to make sure it's registered by the US potal service, probably in attempt to stop shipping mistakes due to typos. Not a bad idea, but here's the kicker: My street extension is 'Drive'. It came back as an error, offered a correction of what they think I meant. What was the difference? Instead of 'Drive' it was 'Dr'. O...kay then. It's the same damn thing, but I figred it it would probably be the other way around if there was a preferred way!


        • #5
          I have a post office box so therefore my mailing address is different from my living address, my last college would keep sending things to my living address despite me telling them multiple times I finally just had to get someone to delete my living address from their database.

