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Attention Drivers! Remember Pedestrians? We Exist.

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  • Attention Drivers! Remember Pedestrians? We Exist.

    I have nothing against people who drive. I do have a thing against drivers who seem to have the lowest opinion of people who still walk to work, namely pedestrians.

    My current residence lies at the top of a busy road and there are no sidewalks. Also, when the snow really comes down, this can be a very slippery road to walk on up or down. Top that off with the fact that there are deep ditches on either side of the road and if you can't see anything beneath the snow that has piled up it's very hard to know if you're about to step in roadkill or if you're just about to drip on an open storm drain or what have you.

    What makes this difficult is the drivers who blare their horns as they pass me. Like the cheapest place to rent in this town was purposely placed at the top of the road for their inconvenience. I hug the side as much as possible but I'm sorry guys, there just isn't enough room.

    This is a small rural town. It's not like I live in the city where there's twenty-four hour road and sidewalk maintenance. The public transportation here sucks and it just isn't worth it to call a cab or ask people I know for a ride.

    So can we just agree to disagree and quit trying to run me down on my way to and from home?
    The Internet Is One Big Glass House

  • #2
    I respect pedestrians when they abide by the rules of the road and of common sense and don't do the following:

    1. Walk away from traffic, along an unlit road wearing dark clothing.

    2. Walk in the middle of the lane. You are not a vehical!

    3. Walk three or four abreast.

    4. Insist on walking in the road even when there's a damn pavement.

    5. Refuse to use the Green Cross Code.
    1. THINK! Find the safest place to cross, then stop.
    2. STOP! Stand on the pavement near the kerb.
    3. USE YOUR EYES AND EARS! Look all around for traffic, and listen.
    4. WAIT UNTIL IT'S SAFE TO CROSS! If traffic is coming, let it pass.
    5. LOOK AND LISTEN! When it's safe, walk straight across the road.
    6. ARRIVE ALIVE! Keep looking and listening
    I respect all other pedestrians. Well, everyone is a pedestrian at some point.
    "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


    • #3
      Originally posted by Lace Neil Singer View Post

      3. Walk three or four abreast.
      This annoys me the a driver and as a fellow pedestrian. Didn't we learn how to walk single file as kids? OT rant: when I'm walking, and I see a group heading towards me in a cluster, I make 'em move. I have a right to be on the sidewalk as well.

      Worst pedestrians I see as a driver are in the parking garage at work...there is no need to walk in the center of the garage, or dart in front of cars. Grrr
      Last edited by Boozy; 01-16-2010, 01:01 PM. Reason: quote tags


      • #4
        I don’t know if its confirmable through all the other members, but I found that when I lived in Oregon (West side of US) people were much much nicer as opposed to living now in Maryland (East side of US). Maybe its due to having lived close to Baltimore but people in the west were much nicer when it came to pedestrians crossing the road. The pedestrians always followed crossing signs as well and general rules of the road to stay alive. Such as not walking out in the middle of the road when a semi is barreling down on you.

        Currently my biggest problems when driving at night are the pedestrians who don’t wear any type reflective clothing or even light colored cloths. I cant see you when its dark, the clothing your wearing is dark, and to put it bluntly your skin color is dark. You have succeeded in blending into the view, and your ninja skills are to be admired, but if you want to live please stop walking out in the middle of traffic.

        As for walking, I too walk almost everywhere when its warm wither. Please stop honking your horn at me when I follow the crosswalk sign signals and you want to make a right turn but cant due to me being in the crosswalk. Guess what, I’m following the rules, you are not, and will have to wait 30 seconds or less for me to get across.


        • #5
          I get honked at just for walking on the sidewalk.

          I also do have a pet peeve with pedestrians. When I am walking downtown where traffic can and does come out of nowhere people will walk across not even dart across just walk across when the light says not to because, "There are no cars"
          Jack Faire


          • #6
            Originally posted by Lace Neil Singer View Post
            5. Refuse to use the Green Cross Code.
            The Green Cross Code! Isn't that the Code that David Prowse (Darth Vader's Body) used to do adverts for?

