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Overly Rude Introverts

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  • Overly Rude Introverts

    Look, I get it that some people are more introverted and that some go even as far to say that they hate people in general. Fine by me.

    But I would appreciate it if you overly introverted types would quit stereotyping me as an air headed ditz and a "sheep" because I happen to like to talk to people and laugh. And I really don't appreciate being called "loud and obnoxious" because I happen to try to enjoy life and laugh when things are funny.

    I don't have a sexy voice like Jennifer Tilly, but I'm not Fran Drescher, ok? My voice isn't annoying, and neither is my laugh. So you can take those "obnoxious" comments and shove them.

    I'm sorry that it bothered you so, by interrupting you reading a book by saying hi and asking if you were excited for the weekend. Forgive me for trying to be a friendly person and trying to not make enemies at work. I'm not a sheep....I don't really care if people DON'T like me, but I'd prefer to not have another work enviornment where it's me vs everyone again. I'd like to at least be on decent terms with as many people as possible, it really helps work go by a lot easier.

    Believe you me, I KNOW a ditz when I see one (including guys!). I am not a fucking ditz. EVERYONE has their moments. Everyone is entitled to a brain fart. Just because I am easy going and actually laugh at myself when I screw up and accept the fact that I'm human and even think it's funny to make fun of myself (because I can have some real nice ones sometimes!), instead of beating myself up or just crawling into my hole deeper and deeper, is no reason to call me a ditz or be rude to me.

    Maybe stereotype was the wrong word....but it just irks me. I work with a couple of people who are really, really introverted. That really didn't bother me until they started lashing out and being rude to me when all I did was greet them or ask them how they were doing or if I even DARED to ask them stuff about what they like to do in their free time (I was joking because we don't get much free time).

  • #2
    I'm with you, blas. I live by myself, so I get a good bit of quiet downtime at home. When I'm around people, I like to talk to them. If they're friends and/or colleagues, of course I'm going to say hello and ask them how they're doing. That's just general politeness, how could that be considered rude? What that's quote about other people being miserable so they want to make others miserable as well?


    • #3
      I am usally very introverted, though I don't think people who enjoy beging social are "ditzes" I think they are just social people.

      Laugh when things are funny....maybe I'll tune in for a bit and see what the humor is. Its usually a good clue the person is friendly and won't mind some random input to the conversation. Screw anyone who tells you not to laugh. Just tell them its healthy.

      I will say I get irked when people talk to me when I'm reading. Outside a friendly greeting....if I don't put the book down, the converstation has ended for me. I've taken to eating/reading at my desk for lunch, or going out when the weather is nice. I won't lash out at people, that is uncalled for. If I;m just messin' around on the 'net....fine, I'll talk up a storm about *random topic,* just not when I'm engrossed in a book.

      (though on the flip side...I used to bring books to bars to meet guys....if they asked intelligent questions about said book...I'd scope them out. If they siad stupid things, I went back to the book Not related to the OT at all, just a funny thing I remembered)


      • #4
        Originally posted by Cat View Post
        (though on the flip side...I used to bring books to bars to meet guys....if they asked intelligent questions about said book...I'd scope them out. If they siad stupid things, I went back to the book Not related to the OT at all, just a funny thing I remembered)

        I have been going to the wrong bars *shakes head sadly*
        Jack Faire


        • #5
          Originally posted by blas87 View Post
          I'm sorry that it bothered you so, by interrupting you reading a book by saying hi and asking if you were excited for the weekend. Forgive me for trying to be a friendly person and trying to not make enemies at work. I'm not a sheep....I don't really care if people DON'T like me, but I'd prefer to not have another work enviornment where it's me vs everyone again. I'd like to at least be on decent terms with as many people as possible, it really helps work go by a lot easier.
          I find it rude to try to initiate someone in a conversation if they're obviously doing something else. Reading a book definitely counts as that. A greeting is fine, but come on, I thought that would be common sense. And if you've noticed that people make a habit of avoiding conversation, or are just generally not friendly people, maybe it's best for all involved if you don't try to have a talk with them. If they're "lashing out" at you, they obviously don't appreciate it, and while you might have good intentions, you could be misreading how they want to handle their social interaction.

          Them insulting you is never okay, but did you ever stop to think that you might be intruding on their time or territory, even if you didn't mean to? Everyone has different boundaries. Maybe the occasional greeting or head nod is enough for them to think of you on a friendly level and keep work going okay.


          • #6
            LOL, it never worked...met the bf at a party.

            I must say blas....if we worked in the same place, you'd be welcome to chat with me....too many dull idiots in my office


            • #7
              I am with you Blas. People think that I am a ditz. When in reality, I am not.


              • #8
                And I'm one of those introverts. And I'm with some of the others. Sure, come say hi, and I'll greet you back, but if I don't put down my book, DS, writing, or whatever else I might be doing, please don't continue to talk to me unless it's something really important like if we were making plans for something or it's something else I absolutely have to know. And the latest gossip doesn't count. Because I can guarantee that I'll start to appear rude if you just continue talking at me by continuing to concentrate on my previous activity.
                I has a blog!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Cat View Post
                  LOL, it never worked...met the bf at a party.

                  I must say blas....if we worked in the same place, you'd be welcome to chat with me....too many dull idiots in my office
                  One of my exes I asked her out because she could quote entire Shakespearean soliloquies at the drop of a hat.
                  Jack Faire


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by jackfaire View Post
                    One of my exes I asked her out because she could quote entire Shakespearean soliloquies at the drop of a hat.
                    Now I've been going to the wrong bars!


                    • #11
                      I was expecting to read this thread and get pissed off, but I'm not.

                      Yeah, people lashing out and calling you ditzy isn't very nice. I'm about as introverted as they come, and I never lash out at people (with the exception of family at times). I might get annoyed if they get too pushy (I HATE pushy people ), but if they're just being friendly, than I'll at the very least try to be friendly back. It just makes all social interactions go smoothly. Lashing out never gets you anywhere.

                      That's part of the problem I have interacting with strangers. I have the predisposition to think they're going to lash out at me if I try to be friendly. Only a few people were kind of assholes about it, but didn't lash out and I didn't take it too personally.

                      On the flip side, I think some of them might just come across as rude. Like, I may not always say hi to people I know if I run into them (unless they greet me). I just continue walking my merry way. Sometimes I may get nervous and come across as rude (not lashing out, but just not being the most smiley). If that's considered rude, than yeah, I'd have to take issue with this post, but from what I gathered, this isn't what you're talking about.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Kheldarson View Post
                        And I'm one of those introverts. And I'm with some of the others. Sure, come say hi, and I'll greet you back, but if I don't put down my book, DS, writing, or whatever else I might be doing, please don't continue to talk to me unless it's something really important like if we were making plans for something or it's something else I absolutely have to know. And the latest gossip doesn't count. Because I can guarantee that I'll start to appear rude if you just continue talking at me by continuing to concentrate on my previous activity.
                        Agreed. I really hate it when people come up to me and try and engage me in conversation when I'm trying to read my book in peace. Say hi, and I'll say hi back, but please take the hint and leave me in peace after that.
                        "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


                        • #13
                          Ugh. I hate that.

                          My mom's bf (aka Moocher) is so rude to people. He doesn't shake their hand
                          (ask SteverinoNY) and he doesn't even say hi.

                          Then my mom sticks up for him and says "But he's an introvert, so it's okay."

                          No it isn't okay. Even introverts shake people's hand when meeting them and say hi.

                          It's fine to not be sociable, but at least be civil!
                          "It's after Jeopardy, so it is my bed time."- Me when someone made a joke about how "old" I am.


                          • #14
                            Hi, an avid reader and recovering antisocial introvert here.

                            I have to say that when I'm reading a book I prefer to be left alone. Honestly, if you see me, just pretend I'm a piece of furniture and ignore me accordingly because that's what I'm doing to you.

                            That being said, I have learned to respond to people in a civil manner, though I really, really, really prefer to just be left to my book. So, maybe a quick 'Hi' but if the other person goes back to reading after that, just leave them be.


                            • #15
                              One thing I really hate is when people stand over me while I'm trying to read and ask me stupid questions all the time, like "What are you reading?" "What's it about?" "Do you like it?" and so on. That is when I end up snapping at them, and therefore being labeled as rude. Look, I answer enough stupid questions while on the clock. When I am on my break, all I want to do is read my book and chill. Leave me alone.
                              "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."

