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Treat your gun like it is loaded

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  • Treat your gun like it is loaded

    Recently, I attended a class for concealed carry of a handgun they went over safety basics. They kept stressing NO MATER WHAT THE GUN IS ALWAYS LOADED, I mean to the point of overkill. Along with other things such as even if told the gun isn't loaded you have to check it yourself and still treat it as it can magically be loaded. Don't point it at others, keep finger off the trigger until firing. Yes, gun safety is important but I have a point by saying how much it was "over" stressed. Towards the end of the day, one instructor was putting away his guns and the class of around 20 people jumped when he fired off a round down range in the room. He jumped too! Wondered who the fuck loaded the gun... It was very hard me to keep my mouth shut, because I just wanted to point out how they kept making us check the guns when we picked it up, and how he was ignoring everything he kept preaching, especially when the guns bolt was closed when he picked the gun up. He should have checked it. Thank god he was at least aiming in a safe direction into the targets intended for gunfire. Due, to his response and that of the other instructors, it wasn't part of the class meant to prove a point, although it really did. Check to make sure the gun is actually fucking unloaded if you want to dry fire before storing.

    Had he ignored any more of the rules, someone could have gotten seriously hurt.

  • #2
    Originally posted by insertNameHere View Post
    Along with other things such as even if told the gun isn't loaded you have to check it yourself and still treat it as it can magically be loaded.
    Ask Terry Kath how he feels about that statement. Oh, wait, he was accidentally shot (and killed) by his own gun after he took the clip completely out.

    As for the rest of that - I've seen similar on YouTube. I guess that's not uncommon?


    • #3
      I've heard several stories of people who accidentally shot themselves while teaching a gun safety course.
      "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


      • #4
        Oooh that instructor should have gotten "McQueened".

        "If you can read it, why can't you execute it?!"
        Customer: I need an Apache.
        Gravekeeper: The Tribe or the Gunship?


        • #5
          and sadly some people point to things like this as to why guns should not be available to the general public...because the ebil, dastardly gun" was mishandled by a "trained professional"......what hope does a normal average human have?

          Um trained professional was an idiot and didn't follow the safety rules, don't follow safety rules bad things can anyone...

          Heck when I was looking at mine in the store the man that took it out of the case checked it, handed it to me and totally out of habit I rechecked it, even though I had watched him check it 3 seconds prior and it still had a trigger lock on...checking/clearing a firearm should be a natural, unplanned reaction when handed or picking up any firearm at anytime, anywhere...for me it's been so ingrained that I do it without's second nature, and should be for anyone that is regularly around firearms....there is no excuse for not doing it...yes even if it was just checked by the person that handed it to check again...and when you hand it back...they should also recheck....which I'm very happy to say the salesclerk did...oddly enough another customer commented on it...that what we did was silly...clerk that was helping him refused to take anything out of the cases for he obviously knew nothing about proper safety techniques/practices....
          Last edited by BlaqueKatt; 03-29-2010, 02:59 AM.
          Registered rider scenic shore 150 charity ride


          • #6
            I honestly don't get it. My friend showed me his dad's gun. He checked it several times before handing it to me. Yet he and my other pal still dived out of the way while I was looking at it. Even though it had saftely on. Even though it had no ammo in it. Even though my finger wasnt even on the trigger.

            If it isnt loaded. If it has safetly on. If finger isn't on the trigger. Then guess what. You cannot magically fucking die from that. There just no feasible possiblity. They both yelled at me. They both got to handle gun and wouldn't let me because I didn't understand basic gun safely.

            Sorry. I don't normally handle guns. And you handed it to me, and I held it with both hands because it was so goddamn big.

            Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
            I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But wife buys the pants so....yeah.


            • #7
              One of my roommates is an avid Airsoft player. He has multiple weapons around the apartment and has been working on getting me more involved with it.

              One day, he handed me his "Real Steel" pistol but he didn't tell me whether it was real or Airsoft. In the back of my mind, I'm thinking "Damn! This looks and feels like the real thing." I switched the safety off and on, gave it a good grip, looked down the sights, pretty much everything you'd do when someone hands you a gun before I handed it back to him.

              That's when he pulled the clip out to show me it was loaded. All I was thinking was that if I had squeezed the trigger when I had taken the safety off, I would've blown a hole in, or through, something. Possibly even him.

              Gun safety "rules" are important for a reason.

              Some People Are Alive Only Because It's Illegal To Kill Them.


              • #8
                Originally posted by crashhelmet View Post
                One of my roommates is an avid Airsoft player. He has multiple weapons around the apartment and has been working on getting me more involved with it.

                One day, he handed me his "Real Steel" pistol but he didn't tell me whether it was real or Airsoft. In the back of my mind, I'm thinking "Damn! This looks and feels like the real thing." I switched the safety off and on, gave it a good grip, looked down the sights, pretty much everything you'd do when someone hands you a gun before I handed it back to him.

                That's when he pulled the clip out to show me it was loaded. All I was thinking was that if I had squeezed the trigger when I had taken the safety off, I would've blown a hole in, or through, something. Possibly even him.

                Gun safety "rules" are important for a reason.

                My older airsoft Hi-Capa actually weighs exactly the same as a para ord 1911 (or well 2011). Airsoft weapons need to be treated with just as much care (even though there's little chance of true lethality, plenty of damage can be done) and it pisses me off to no end when people fail to handle their replicas safely. More so when people remove their eye protection >_<
                All units: IRENE
                HK MP5-N: Solving 800 problems a minute since 1986


                • #9
                  Originally posted by insertNameHere View Post
                  Yes, gun safety is important but I have a point by saying how much it was "over" stressed.
                  No such thing. Despite what others tell you, guns are a weapon and have one purpose which is to kill. If repeating the standard safety procedures until it becomes habit can save an innocent life, I'm all for it. If you think that's a problem, I have nothing more I can say to you.

                  And yes, people are so dense that common sense needs to be almost literally drilled through their skull.


                  • #10
                    It's called a negligent discharge for a reason folks...
                    The test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with it. Robert Peel


                    • #11
                      It's actually one of the problems that leads to accidental shootings "Oh, I already saw the first guy check itand the second guy, it's stupid to keep doing it *BANG* What? the third guy loaded it?" complacency is usually the cause to quote from Mad EYE "CONSTANT VIGILANCE!"
                      I am a sexy shoeless god of war!
                      Minus the sexy and I'm wearing shoes.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by lordlundar View Post
                        No such thing. Despite what others tell you, guns are a weapon and have one purpose which is to kill. If repeating the standard safety procedures until it becomes habit can save an innocent life, I'm all for it. If you think that's a problem, I have nothing more I can say to you.

                        And yes, people are so dense that common sense needs to be almost literally drilled through their skull.
                        I was trying to be sarcastic in pointing out the amount of times they told us to check it and when it came down to picking up a gun with the action closed. They didn't check the damn gun and pulled the trigger too!

                        I definitely believe in gun safety, I actually have people banned from my house because they acted stupid. I occasionally slip up and refer to my guns as toys, but that is usually when I'm around people who hate the word gun. I really hate when people want to go "play" with their gun. shoot, try out, use, fire, etc are all perfectly acceptable things to do with a gun. play is not on that list.


                        • #13
                          Gun safety = MUST.

                          Don't fuck around with guns. Just like a car. I hate seeing people do tricks in their car out on the open road. "Hey look at me I'm so cool I slammed on my e-brake while I going 100 mph and did a cool spin in the road!"


                          And I'm by no means a gun expert, but I did hunt a little bit when I was a kid and some of my friends are into guns, and there are some guns that no matter what you can't ever know its loaded or not because even with no clip there's still a chance there's a bullet in the chamber, and unless you take the gun apart you won't know one way or another. Even if you pull the trigger and nothing happens, it could have just misfired that time and the next time it'll blow your head off.

                          Gun idiots are why we have gun control laws now. I even remember being an idiot once and pointing a gun at a friend and pulling the trigger (hey, I was young and stupid) and he got upset with very good reason. Its stories like that that make the news and get people all fired up about the dangers of guns. When its not the gun that's dangerous, its the idiot! (I've since smartened up) But sadly we are not allowed to ban idiots.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by insertNameHere View Post
                            I was trying to be sarcastic in pointing out the amount of times they told us to check it and when it came down to picking up a gun with the action closed.
                            Ah, sorry. A misunderstanding on my part. In addition, I don't like to joke around in the slightest when a weapon is involved. Too risky.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by DrFaroohk View Post
                              Gun safety = MUST.

                              ..... When its not the gun that's dangerous, its the idiot! (I've since smartened up) But sadly we are not allowed to ban idiots.
                              Couldn't agree more, lol I really need to find the statistics because I'm pretty sure cars are more dangerous that guns, and smoking certainly kills more people every year. Even when you let the gun statistics be inflated by including justified self defense shootings and police shootings.

                              And more idiots are given a license to drive in America than who choose to buy a gun.

