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Cat haters

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  • Cat haters

    This isn't a hate per se, more of something I just don't understand. I've known a few people who have (or had) this unexplained hatred of cats. Not just any pets, cats in particular. What I have to ask is why? I could understand if they were allergic but these people are not, they just hate cats.

    I love cats myself. I think I'm more of a cat person than a dog person, but that's just me.

  • #2
    It's just a matter of preference I guess. Although to say one hates cats is like saying they hate people. Cats are different. We have one cat who's just a mean, skittish little thing. She'll come sit on you and purr and love you and then RWLRWLRWLRWL and she's scratching the shit out of you. Or she'll meow all night. For no reason. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow. Meow....

    It can get annoying.

    But then we had another cat who was all calm and mellow and he loved weed. He was awesome. Totally different cat. If an alien saw them both he'd assume they were two completely different creatures.


    • #3
      They're generally annoying , VERY moody, unfriendly creatures. Cat owners let their cats roam wherever they want without consideration of where their cats go and they expect everyone to be perfectly okay with it.

      Meanwhile my dog knows its territory. He doesn't leave our lawn. He's friendly to everyone. You can play tons of games with him. You can cuddle with him without having to go to the hospital with scratch wounds.

      Being a dog owner, I can't understand why people would want cats.
      Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


      • #4
        I like cats, myself. Sometimes throughout my life, I've felt weird for liking them, since it seems that men aren't "supposed" to like cats.

        I think a lot of people don't like them because they tend to be pretty independent animals (though not always), and a lot of people who own pets probably like to control their pets. Generally speaking, cats don't slavishly obey orders like dogs do, and they usually don't "need" you like dogs do. My aunt owned cats for most of her life, and she often said that as long as there is food, water, and litter available to them, cats usually don't care if you're there or not.


        • #5
          I don't *hate* cats, I'd just rather have a dog. The issues I have with cats is that I find it gross that they walk across kitchen countertops after they've been pawing and scratching in their litterbox. After I got rid of my cat, I noticed little brown pawprints on the white surfaces where she would jump up, and gag at the thought of her shitty little paws touching everything.

          I also don't like how they hide wherever they feel like, especially in my closet, getting hair all over my clean clothes.

          And they're so moody. It's sort of pointless for me to have a pet that only wants to play or recieve attention on their schedule. Then she'd want to play when I'm trying to sleep.

          I do miss my cat, though. Had to get rid of her because she was mean to our dog, usually for just no reason. Plus she would piss on the dog bed. Add cat pee stink to the things I don't like about having a cat.


          • #6
            I love cats. I also love dogs. My family and i own both. I can understand why one would hate cats.


            • #7
              I'm a cat person here. I can play with my kitties and not get clawed. Our tomcat will climb right on top of me while I am sleeping, or snuggle right up against me.

              I don't get the hatred for cats- they're graceful, elegant, easily domesticated, mostly well disposed to humans, tend to be good mousers, and I love the sound of purring.

              As others have said, cats don't kiss our asses like dogs do. Dogs are pack animals, used to a pecking order, and following the pack leader. By contrast, cats are solitary and not so used to pack structure and deferance to a leader. With patience, they can be trained, though.


              • #8
                I love cats. I love my current cat alot. She's somewhat trained. She knows she's not allowed outside. She know's she not allowed to eat any plant except her own little plant. She plays tag with us. Like real tag, as in we have to tag her while she runs, if we get her, we have to run and she'll try to tag you, once she slaps ya, she runs and its repeated. She knows not to claw skin. She'll claw the hell out of your clothes, but she retracts her claws if it touchs skin.
                Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
                I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But wife buys the pants so....yeah.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Greenday View Post
                  They're generally annoying , VERY moody, unfriendly creatures. Cat owners let their cats roam wherever they want without consideration of where their cats go and they expect everyone to be perfectly okay with it.
                  Dalmatians generally bite me. Everyone one I have met has left me with scars. I hate all dalmatians.

                  Every cat I've owned is generally very easy going, friendly, loving, affectionate.

                  Your general statements are just based on the cats you've met. You haven't met my cats. I'd rather have 50 of my cats than 2 of my dog.
                  Crooked banks around the world would gladly give a loan today so if you ever miss a payment they can take your home away.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Greenday View Post
                    irresponsible Cat dog owners let their cats dogs roam wherever they want without consideration of where their cats dogs go and they expect everyone to be perfectly okay with it. Including pooping on their lawn, in public parks/greeways and marking their territory thus killing the grass.

                    Meanwhile my dog cat knows its territory. He doesn't leave our lawn. house. He's friendly to everyone. You can play tons of games with him. You can cuddle with him without having to go to the hospital with scratch bite wounds or the morgue because your throat was ripped out.

                    Being a dog cat owner, I can't understand why people would want cats dogs.

                    See how that works-you forgot an important word-irresponsible. a responsible caretaker for any animal will not expose them to danger.
                    List of dangers for outdoor cats from the las vegas humane society

                    A safe cat is a happy cat
                    cat indoor vs outdoor cats-indoor casts live 12-20 years-cats that are allowed to roam-average of 5 years of less.

                    from the site earth caretaker-Cars kill about 5.4 million cats per year--more, by a million-plus, than are killed in U.S. animal shelters!

                    also cats are prone to skin cancer from sun exposure-my cats are in no danger of this, or FIV, or feline leukemia, or FIP, or fleas, ticks, and tapeworms.

                    the bike path on my way to work-lined with dog crap from dog owners that don't pick up after their animals...because it's raining/snowing/too hot/too cold/too inconvenient-my cats have a litter box(2 boxes actually) I scoop every day no matter what it's like outside, it does not end up where someone can step in it. You ever hear a news story about a house cat mauling someone to death? Nope doesn't happen, happens with dogs though. Ever hear of a cat-fighting ring? again nope cats generally won't fight to the death-worst I've ever seen is a cat maybe missing an ear-a dog will kill-I'm missing part of a toe due to a dog.

                    Plus every dog I've ever owned has ripped open the trash, more than once strewn it through the house and rolled in it...never had a cat even so much as glance at the garbage-and I've lost I can't count the number of shoes to dogs, no matter how many toys, rawhide bones, chew toys they had. my cats-well as long as they had a scratching post nothing gets damaged. My co-workers that have dogs all use their lunch hours to go home and let the dogs out to pee/poop...I know my cats are fine at home.
                    Registered rider scenic shore 150 charity ride


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by BlaqueKatt View Post
                      Plus every dog I've ever owned has ripped open the trash, more than once strewn it through the house and rolled in it...never had a cat even so much as glance at the garbage-and I've lost I can't count the number of shoes to dogs, no matter how many toys, rawhide bones, chew toys they had. my cats-well as long as they had a scratching post nothing gets damaged. My co-workers that have dogs all use their lunch hours to go home and let the dogs out to pee/poop...I know my cats are fine at home.
                      Thelma did that once. Though it was my bedside bin, that a bag of jerky got into somehow. It was only time her and Joey, my sister's girlfriends dog teamed up. Rest of the time, Thelma was trying to kill Joey. But we took pictures of that. Thelma and Joey, eating my jerky together. World Peace. See? Jerky can bring world peace!

                      There was a old cat that was a stray in our neighbor hood. His owners just left him there. We fed it sometimes. We thought about taking it in, but that cat would spray everywhere. Everytime we saw him, he got more and more beat up. Lost an ear. A few teeth. Bruised. But it survived for well over six years by itself in our neighbor hood. Ma and I felt horrible when we didn't see him during one winter we had that it snowed. Then after snow melted, he came back. Though he lost an eye and alot of weight. He was nice and loved people. One day I couldn't take it anymore, and it looked like Portland was about to be hit by a harsh winter. We caught him. Thelma tried to kill him, but he ignored her. We took him to a shelter. Donated some money. I know he'll likely die there, as so few want to adopt strays, let alone beaten strays that are old. But at least he be fed and safe, and that winter was very very harsh, with snow three-four feet deep. Adnorml for Portland. Hasn't been like that for nearly 100 years.

                      Hope he got home.
                      Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
                      I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But wife buys the pants so....yeah.


                      • #12
                        They're generally annoying , VERY moody, unfriendly creatures.
                        A very common stereotype, but how it came to be such is beyond me. I've known at least 50 cats very well, and exactly two of them fit that description. Though I will admit many of the others were nervous around strangers. But even at that, you've only given a reason not to like them or want one, and the same is true of those who complain of allergies, hair on their clothes, etc. There are people who really *hate* cats. As in, enjoying kicking a cat if it's anywhere near your foot, intentionally swerving your car to hit one, etc.

                        There was a old cat that was a stray in our neighbor hood. His owners just left him there...
                        There was a very friendly cat in the neighborhood my brother used to live in. Never got beaten up, but people in several apartments in the building would feed it. It also would get in my brother's apartment when it could manage to, though apparently nobody else's: that had been its home before the previous tenants moved out and left it. How can people treat their pets that way? Taking in an animal is a commitment to caring for it its whole life, or finding someone else to do it. You don't just move off and leave it there! But at least they didn't leave it locked *inside* the apartment, as some people do.
                        "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


                        • #13
                          I miss my kitty. I don't think I'll have another cat again for a very long time.

                          I hate my other cat. She's just a bitch. She makes me want to get a dog when I get my own house.


                          • #14
                            Most people who hate cats probably lived near irresponcible pet owners who just let the cat run wild outside. These neglected cats are unfriendly and destructive which leads the hater to think all cats are like that.


                            • #15
                              Blaquekatt made a very valid point that there are tons of irresponsible dog owners who let their dogs do the same business as irresponsible cat owners do. So I think judgement should stay fair with both animals.

                              While two different animals and different in many ways, feral/wild/outdoor dogs and cats do the same things that annoy many people.

