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Why can't I be an @$$hole back?

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  • Why can't I be an @$$hole back?

    Why is it some people are allowed to be a complete and total asshole to everyone yet the second someone throws it back at them they're the ones getting roasted by everyone?

  • #2
    I'd have to give this more thought, in order to come up with a more thorough answer. But off the top of my head, I'd say arrogance on the part of the "asshole"

    What especially gets me, are the ones that disparage another person over something they can't control, such as their ethnicity, or gender identity. Yet, if the "asshole" has certain beliefs, which they can control, and someone else makes the slightest disparaging remark to them even if it's nowhere near as strong as an insult that the "asshole" made, the person that made the remark against the other's belief, is sooooo cruel and hurtful.

    If I Were a Master Debater, You'd Likely Catch Me Fratching on a Daily Basis!


    • #3
      You can be an asshole back, but I don't see what it would accomplish.

      If you already know that you're dealing with an asshole, how are they going to react if you respond in kind?

      They're going to be an even bigger asshole.

      Then what do you do? Take it up another notch on the Asshole Meter? To what end? Until you kill each other?

      We have have better things to do than argue with assholes, don't we? Personally, I just walk away.


      • #4
        It's not always so easy to just walk away though. Sometimes these are people we are forced to deal with on an everyday basis.

        What gets me is how one guy can be an asshole, and then responding in a non-asshole like manner that you disagree with them gets you branded as an asshole.


        • #5
          There are people out there who can dish the insults and the witty remarks till the sun goes down, but they cannot take it when others do it to them. I really can't stand people like that.

          I have a coworker right now who is just like that. He lets the jokes and insults fly, but if you make a remark back at him, he gets all quiet and pissy and mopes the rest of the shift, like you ruined his day.


          • #6
            Originally posted by blas87 View Post
            he gets all quiet and pissy and mopes the rest of the shift, like you ruined his day.
            Had an exroommate like that *draws huge arrows to the part of that where it says ex*
            Jack Faire


            • #7
              Ahh, feel for ya. Those people are impossible.

              Happened again last night. DO NOT ever insult me or joke with me if you can't take what I give back to you.


              • #8
                Originally posted by blas87 View Post
                There are people out there who can dish the insults and the witty remarks till the sun goes down, but they cannot take it when others do it to them. I really can't stand people like that.

                I have a coworker right now who is just like that. He lets the jokes and insults fly, but if you make a remark back at him, he gets all quiet and pissy and mopes the rest of the shift, like you ruined his day.
                I got a friend like that. He acts incredibly butthurt if you dare insult him in even a joking fashion. I tend to do alot of funny insults. People laugh. They insult me. I laugh. But we all have our limits. We all know what to not insult. Like redhead. Insult anything you want on him. But do not insult his mom, daughter, or wife. Period. Those are his only offlimits. Mine is my eyes, and lack of female affection.

                However, butthurt friend will give harsh insults. Not even in a joking fashion, but tries to play it off that the best insults are the ones that really hurt the guy if he understood it. (So basically, he loves to give insults that only he gets). But he also tries to act high and fucking mighty. Like he made remarks to theredhead that he never did as many drugs as theredhead has, and thus his body is healthier and live longer. Theredhead countered that he may live longer but at least he had fun in his short life time and had never went off against people for their choice of drug or lack of drug. Butthead really got hurt at that for some reason. He just started screaming how he never does drugs and never drinks, yet he can't get a job or get out of home, yet redhead does drugs and drinks yet has decent job and a family and his own place.

                Meh. To each their own I guess.
                Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
                I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But wife buys the pants so....yeah.


                • #9
                  To the OP: Thank you! Finally, someone else who dares to question this as much as I do!

                  It has always irritated me when people would tell me to just let stuff go all the time. This was especially true at work; like when the manager would say even if the customer is being an asshole, just keep being nice back, and everyone will see that he/she is the problem. Why does it work that way? What is up with a society that doesn't care if someone starts shit with you, but when you give it back, you're "lowering yourself to their level"? How can that be? If I'm minding my own business, or starting off nice with someone, and they give me dick treatment, I don't agree that it puts me on their level at all!

                  Don't get me wrong, I want to get along with people, and I'd rather not have confrontation all the time, but people just won't let up! When somebody starts shit with me, I should be able to finish it! For once, I'd like to hear someone say, "You go, girl!".


                  • #10
                    I remember getting crap for the following incident:

                    I was at the public pool while visiting my grandparents, and several of us decided to have a cannonball contest. I did mine, and upon surfacing, said to a couple of girls watching "How was that one?" Turns out that one of the girls was a right-stuck-up bitch who for whatever reason hated me. With water in my eyes, I hadn't realized it was her.
                    Her response? "I don't talk to ugly people like you!"
                    So I answered "That's okay, I don't talk to bitches like you!" as I climbed out of the pool.
                    This was the same girl who once got in my face for being fat- I laughed at her and said "Well, at least I'm not flat-chested!"

                    I remember posting this story on another forum. Some of the posters felt that the snotty girl got what she deserved in both cases. She was a bully, pure and simple. A bully is not going to understand being nice. Kindness will be taken as weakness and only invite more abuse. The only thing they understand is a good smackdown, verbal or physical.

                    Well, other people felt differently- saying that I was totally wrong for giving it back as good as I got. The site's freaking admin even got on my case, saying that I deserved to have an animated emote made- depicting somebody jumping off a highdive into a pigpen, because that's what I had done.

                    What the FUCK ever, lady. If diving into a pigpen is what it takes to get a malicious mean-girl bully out of my face, I'll do it. Bullies don't get "nice" or "polite".

